Saturday, 25 December 2010


Haggis waiting for his presents
El Haggis esperant el seu regal

Matilda looking in...
La Matilda xafardejant...

Hana opening her presents!
i la Hana obrint els seus regals!

Espero que hagueu tingut un Bon Nadal!
I hope you had a great Christmas!

Saturday, 18 December 2010


Ahir vaig anar a comprar l'arbre de Nadal. Es el primer cop que compro un de veritat. La carretera estava glac,ada i quan vam arribar a Athenry, el viver estava completament nevat. Un paisatge molt romantic, amb  els raigs del sol i la neu que brillava. Vaig anar amb l'Annie i la Nell, vam escollir el nostre arbre, ens el van tallar, embolicar i corrents cap al cotxe que comenc,ava a nevar!

Yesterday I went to get my Christmas tree. It is the first time I buy a real one. The roads were frozen and when we got to Athenry, to the farm, it was all covered in snow. A very Romantic landscape, the sun shining and the glittering snow. I went with Annie and Nell, we all picked our tree , they cut it for us, wrapped it up and quickly into the car we jumped to get back home as it started snowing again!

 Nell and Annie in front of their tree
L'annie i la Nell davant del seu arbre

my tree
el meu

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

BACK ON TRACK with a new recipe...

TORNO A SER AQUI! amb una nova recepta...
De vegades hi ha un munt de coses que decideixen passar al mateix temps, tot s'acumula i no hi ha temps per manualitats ni blogs... Per fi puc reemprendre la marxa i comenc,o amb una recepta, molt facil, d'un pa de pessic amb poma.

I'm back on track! sometimes things decide to happen at the same time, leaving no time for crafts or blogging. That's what happened to me over the last few weeks, but now that everything is back to normal here I am with a nice Apple Cake recipe.

250 gr flour
10 gr baking powder
150 gr caster sugar
5 gr ground cinnamon
5 gr ground nutmeg
5 gr mixed spice (cinnamon, coriander, cloves, fennel seed, ginger, bay leaves)
50 gr melted buttter
2 eggs, beaten
150 ml milk
one sliced apple
(berries- optional)

1. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. 
2. In a second bowl, mix the eggs, butter and milk and pour it into the first bowl.
3. Pour the mix into a greased tin and place the slices of apple on the top. If you're using berries, but them in the centre.
4. Sprinkle some brown sugar and melted butter on the apple slices and bake for 40 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 200C. 

250 gr farina
150gr sucre
10 gr llevat en pols
5 gr canyella en pols
5 gr nou moscada en pols
5 gr all spice (canyella, coriandre, claus, fonoll, gingebre, llaurer) en pols
50 gr mantega desfeta
2 ous batuts
150 ml llet
una poma tallada a lamines

1. En un bol poseu tots els ingredients secs.
2. En un altre bol bateu els ous, la mantega i la llet i afegiu aquesta bareja al bol dels ingredients secs.
3. Quan estigui tot lligat ho aboqueu en una motlle i aplaneu la superficie. Poseu les lamines de poma en forma d'espiral i si utilitzeu gerds els poseu al centre.
4. Espolvorejeu sucre more a la poma i pinteu-la amb mantega desfeta. Cogueu-lo al forn precalentat a 200C durants uns 40 minuts.

et voila!


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