Sunday, 30 January 2011


There are two recipes that I know by heart (and for which I don't need scales anymore...) and are very easy and quick to do. You already know my scones... now it's the turn for pancakes.


150gr self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
 25 gr caster sugar
a pinch of salt
250 ml milk
1 egg beaten

Hi hi ha dues receptes que les se de memoria (per les quals ja no necessito ni balances...) i que son molt facils i rapides de fer. Ja teniu la del meus scones... ara toca la dels pancakes.


150 gr de farina 
1 culleradeta de llevadura Royal
25gr sucre
un polsim de sal
250 ml de llet
1 ou batut

1. En un bol, tamiseu la farina, la llevadura, el sucre i la sal. Feu un clot al mig i afegiu la llet i l'ou barrejats, rememant a poc a poc per formar una massa homogenia.

1. In a bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Make a well in the centre and add the milk and egg together, mixing slowly until you have a smooth batter.

2. Calenteu una paella petita (si es prou bona no us caldra posar mantega perque no s'enganxin, si no, feu servir la que necessiteu) i aboqueu una mica de massa per fer els pancakes.

2. Heat a non-stick pan  and pour some of the batter to make pancakes. If the pan is good enough, you should not need butter, but you may use it if you feel you need to.

3. Quan comencin a apareixer bombolletes, els doneu la volta i els deixeu coure durant un o dos minuts mes.

3. When bubbles start coming up, flip the over and leave them for one or two more minutes.

4. Serviu-los calents, amb xarop d'auro, sucre i llimona o el que volgueu. (Jo faig servir el xarop)

4. Serve them hot with maple syrup, sugar and lemon or anything you like. I like maple syrup (too much).

Podeu doblar les mesures i guardar la massa a la nevera pel dia seguent. S'espessira i potser haureu d'afergir una mica de llet.

You may double the amount and keep the mix in the fridge. It will probably thicken, but you can add a tiny bit of milk.

Sunday, 23 January 2011


I'm catching up with my projects. Here's block number 4 from the LAyer Cake Quilt Along. Number 3, 5 and 6 are on the way. That's what happens when you're well behind with a quilt along, you're collecting instructions and then you can alter the order of making the blocks...

Estic avanc,ant feina. Ja tinc el bloc numero 4 fet del Layer Cake Quilt Along. El 3, 5 i 6 estan en progres. Aixo es el que passa quan vas endarrerida amb un quilt along, comences a col.leccionar instruccions i aixi pots alterar l'ordre en que pots fer els blocs...


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