Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Goodie Swap 2011

I finally finished the goodies for both my partners in the Goodie Swap 2011 that Cindy organized. Each participant will get 1 mug rug and 1 goodie from each of her 2 partners. I just finished the goodie for my second partner and now they'll have to wait for their post to arrive.

Ja he acabat els regals per l'intercanvi que la Cindy va organitzar, Goodie Swap 2011. Cada participant ha de fer un mini-individual i un altra coseta a dues altre participants. Ja he acabat la "coseta" per la segona companya i ara les dues hauran d'esperar a rebre'ls.

individual per la companya 1
mug rug for partner 1

moneder per la companya 1, seguint el tutorial de Noodlehead
Gathered clutch from Noodlehead tutorial

individual per la companya 2
mug rug for partner 2

cistelleta per la companya 2
basket for partner 2

Espero que tot els agradi...
I hope they like them...

Monday, 12 September 2011


Fa poc que he tornat d'unes mini-vacances al sud d'Anglaterra: Salisbury, Torquay, Falmouth i Truro, si mai no hi heu estat us ho recomano!
A Falmouth vaig trobar una botigueta plena de tresors, i vaig trobar aquests botons fets amb closca de coco.

I'm not long back from a short break in the south of England, we visited Salisbury, Torquay, Falmouth and Truro, so so beautiful!
I found a shop full of treasures in Falmouth where I found these cute buttons made of coconut shell.

M'agraden els botons artesanals i de moment a la meva (petita) col.leccio ja en tenia dos fets amb fang.
I like handmade buttons and I already had 2 clay ones in my rather small collection.

I aixo no te res a veure amb botons, pero avui m'he topat amb un llibre molt intressant (una altra de les meves passions son els contes infantils...). Un llibre que es diu The Rabbit Problem escrit per l'Emily Gravett. Ja tenia aquest d'aquesta autora i em va agradar molt.

And this has nothing to do with buttons, but I wanted to share it with you anyway, it's a book I found today (here's another of my passions: children's books): The Rabbit Problem by Emily Gravett. Check this one too by the same author.


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