Friday, 9 December 2011

knock knock... toc toc...

que hi algu???
Despres de tant de temps em pregunto si encara deu haver algu que visita aquest blog! Han passat moltes setmanes des de l'ultim post i es que hi ha hagut bastant de moviment per aqui. La tornada a la universitat, la maquina de cosir que va decidir fer vaga i de sobte van venir uns marejos i una son tipus narcoleptica que no em deixava fer res. I aqui esta la rao:

Hello? Anybody there? I wonder if there are still any readers left after all this time of absence...! There has been a few weeks well passed since my last post and it is because many things happened here. Going back to college, my sewing machine going on strike and me starting to feel a bit sick and nauseous and with a deep deep feeling of wanting to sleep everywhere anytime. Yes, this is the reason why...:

Un nen que ve de cami! Fa 4 dies que vam saber que es un nen. No m'esperava pas que m'ensenyessin una ecografia en 3D a les 16 setmanes i va ser una bona sorpresa. Sembla mes un alien que no pas un nen encara! Per sort ja em trobo molt millor, ni vomits ni nausees ni cansanci (pero sense ganes d'estudiar...). Intentare reemprendre la feina que em va quedar per fer amb la maquina de cosir i espero poder actualitzar aquest blog una mica mes sovint.

A baby boy on its way! We found out it's a boy 4 days ago. I didn't even expected them to show it to me on 3D at 16 weeks and it was a nice surprise. It looks more like an alien than a human now... Fortunately I'm feeling much much better, no vomits, no nausea, no tiredness... I just don't feel like studying and writing essays...! I will try finish some of the projects I had to leave and bit by bit I hope to be bale to update this blog more regularly.

De moment vull fardar de mare. Tinc una mare que fa els jerseys mes macos del planeta i sense seguir cap patro! Em sembla que jo vaig comenc,ar a fer dos sense patro i els dos me'ls va haver d'acabar ella... 
Aquest el va fer en un parell de dies estant aqui de visita per a aquesta nova adicio. 
Encara no he pogut trobar botons (va cordat pel darrere) i potser intentare fer una ullada durant la propera visita a Barcelona.

I am going to show off a bit today... My mum knits the cutest jumpers in the planet and she doesn't follow any pattern. I think I tried to start 2 jumpers once without a pattern and she had to finish both of them for me... This one is for the new addition. I still haven't found any buttons for it so I might keep an eye open for them during my next visit to Barcelona.

Ens estem preparant per Nadal ara, sera molt tranquil aquest any... el passarem aqui a Irlanda i nomes serem nosaltres tres quatre... Quins plans teniu per Nadal?

We are getting ready for Christmas now, it's going to be quiet this year... we're staying in Ireland and it's going to be only the three four of us... What are your plans for Christmas?


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