Here's the mini quilt I received as part of the swap between the
Modern Quilt Guild of Ireland and the
Atlanta Modern Quilt Guild. Andi from
our-epoch is the artist who made this amazing mini quilt. She found out I'm very fond of tea and made this tea set for me.
Aquest es el mini quilt que he rebut com a part de l'intercanvi de l'agrupacio de patchwork modern d'Irlanda i el d'Atlanta. L'Andi de our-epoch es l'artistassa que m'ha fet aquest quilt sobre te. Va investigar una mica el meu blog i va veure que soc fan del te.
I didn't know we would receive a quilt from the same person you made a quilt for... Had I known this I would have waited to post about my quilt for her until Andi received it. I'm not sure if she has yet, as it was sent early last week. My quilt is so simple compared to those of the rest of the participants, I'm really embarrassed...
sorry Andi... :-( If you'd like to see the rest of the quilts you can click
No sabia que ens havien posat per parelles i que rebria un quilt de la mateixa persona a qui jo feia un. No estic segura de si l'Andi ha rebut el meu ja, el vaig enviar la setmana passada. espero que li agradi, tot i que es molt mes senzill que el seu i que de tota la resta de participants. em fa una mica de vergonya i tot... Si voleu veure'ls tots, cliqueu aqui.
The fabric es great, I really like the printed letters of the cup.
La tela es molt maca, sobretot la de la tasa amb les lletres impreses.
The embroidery bit is very cleverly used, coming out of the spout...
El brodat esta fet molt astutament, com si fos fum que surt de la tetera i es llegeix "te"
The piecing is amazing, how many pieces has this little quilt!
La quantitat de trocets cosits per a cada detall es impressionant.
And on the label at the back, she even printed a lovely poem about tea...
I al darrera, a l'etiqueta, hi ha impres un poema sobre te... tot un detall...
Andi, this is so nice. Thank you thank you very much.
All the details on it are so well taken care of.
Go raibh maith agat!!!