Thursday, 27 September 2012

baby gifts

I came up with this little gift for the new baby of a fellow blogger 
whom I had the pleasure to meet last week. A train set appliqué, which gave me a good chance to keep practicing the blanket stitch on my sewing machine.
Her little bundle is so beautiful and her little girl and mine had lots of fun together.
Now that she has received her gift, I can show it to you.

Vaig fer un petit detall per al nen acabat de neixer d'una companya blocaire a qui vaig tenir el plaer de coneixer personalment la setmana passada. Un trenet aplicat (que m'ha anat be per practicar el punt de festo amb la maquina!). El seu nen es precios i la seva nena i la meva s'ho van passar molt be jugant juntes. Ara que ja el te a les mans, us el puc ensenyar aqui.

Monday, 24 September 2012

resting on a couch...

Resting on a couch... 
this is what I'm doing lately... but not as often as I'd like to!
We've been in Barcelona for almost 2 weeks and we won't head back home until mid October. The heat is nice, a real treat, and it's making the Little Button to sleep longer naps! yeepee!

De relax al sofa es on estic ultimament, pero no tant com m'agradaria..!
Ja fa quasi dues setmanes que estem a Barcelona i no tornarem a casa fins a mitjans d'octubre. La caloreta es molt bona, que be! i fa que el Botonet allargui una mcia mes les seves migdiades, iuhu!

There is a place near where I'm staying where I found some nice fabric:

Hi ha una botiga a prop d'on estic on he trobat tela molt maca:

a cute forest
 un bosc molt maco

Lovely Japanese dolls
unes nines japoneses

and more chairs, couches and benches...
i mes cadires, sofas i bancs...

In the meantime, when Little Button is asleep and Thimbelina is busy 
with her grannies I can work on some patterns.
There are great shops for material in Barcelona. You just need a full wallet though...

De mentres, quan el Botonet dorm i la Didaleta esta entretinguda amb els avis
jo barrino idees amb alguns patrons.
Hi ha botigues molt interessants per material a Barcelona,
pero nomes necesites una bossa que soni be...

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

facebook... etsy...

Well, finally... El Petit Taller is on Facebook.
The idea is to see how many people would be interested in having a closer look to the little things I make and maybe purchase some. I'm thinking of opening an Etsy shop in the near future. I think I would like to give it a go, even though there are lots of shops selling similar things... 
what do you think? should I give it a go? 

Doncs be, El Petit Taller ja te una pagina a Facebook.
La idea es saber quanta gent estaria interessada en les petites coses que faig i si els agradaria comprar-ne alguna. estic pensant d'obrir una botigueta a d'aqui a molt poquet. Crec que m'agradaria intentar a veure quina sortida te, encara que hi ha un munt de botiguetes que venen moltes coses similars. Que penseu? creieu que es una bona idea?

Thursday, 6 September 2012

241 TOTE

Hello all! Yes, it's been a while, again... 
Time is flying and I don't realize it's been that long since my last post, life is pretty busy here with the little button and thimbelina but I still managed to keep on stitching!

Hola a totes! Si... ja fa temps que no escrivia...
els dies em passen volant i es que no paro, amb el botonet i la didaleta
ja tinc les mans ben ocupades pero encara expremo el temps per fer puntades!

This is an order from a friend: the 241 tote designed by Anna over at Noodlehead.
You can buy her pattern at her site. 

Aquest es un encarre d'una amiga: una altra bossa "241" disenyada per Anna de Noodlehead.
Si us interessa el patro el te a la venda a la seva pagina web.

I used Swoon by Melissa Averinos for Andover Fabrics 
and a mix of linen and cotton for the exterior. 
The lining is Timber by Jessica Levitt for Windham Fabrics.

L'exterior es fet amb Swoon de Melissa Averinos per teles Andover 
i una barreja de lli i coto cru.
 L'interior es una tela ratllada Timber de Jessica Levitt
per teles Windham.

I have made a second tote similar to this one for sale which I'll soon show,
so if anybody is interested just contact me for details.

He fet una segona bossa similar amb les mateixes teles per tenir a la venda,
la mostrare aviat, aixi que si algu hi esta interessat contacteu-me per 
saber mes detalls.


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