Friday, 30 November 2012

Moving to Wordpress - Canvi cap a Wordpress

Hello all!
Well, I'm moving to Wordpress so I can continue to upload my photos. This will imply a few changes, like I won't be able to have the Google Friend Connect gadget on my sidebar for new readers to click on if they want to follow and at the moment I can't paste html codes to have buttons or featuring links on my side bar (like my Etsy Shop window or other buttons you can see here on my sidebar). I'm trying to work on this, so ANY ADVISE OUT THERE IS REALLY WELCOME!

Instead, you can still follow my blog if you subscribe via email. I'd like to ask you to do this if you are still interested in following.
Reaching big numbers of followers is not my priority, but I know there are many of you who like reading me and I don't want you to get lost between the change from Blogger to Wordpress.
I will leave this blog open for everybody to have the chance to read this notice and decide if they want to move with me.
And if you are still even more interested in helping me, you could spread the word so nobody misses anything...
Thank you!

so here is the new place (still taking shape)

El Petit Taller moves to Wordpress

Hola a totes!
El Petit Taller deixa Blogger is se'n va cap a Wordpress, d'aquesta manera puc seguir penjant les meves fotos. Aixo implicara uns quants canvis com el no poder tenir la casella de seguidors a la barra lateral. De moment tampoc puc pastar codis html per tenir enllac,os exteriors a la barra lateral, com el de la meva botiueta etsy o altres botons qe veieu.

No es la meva prioritat aconseguir un gran nombre de seguidors, pero se que tinc molts seguidors fidels i no m'agradaria que us perdessiu amb aquest canvi. Al nou blog de Wordpress podreu continuar sent seguidores si us suscriviu per email. Aixi que us demano si us plau, que si encara esteu interessades a seguir llegint les meves divagacions, i sobretot veure fotos!!! us suscriviu per email al nou blog.
Deixare aquest blog obert per a que tothom tingui la oportunitat de veure aquest post.
I si encara em voleu ajudar una micona mes, podrieu fer correr la veu i dir-ho als vostres lectors...
aqui el teniu (encara en construccio)

El Petit Taller a Wordpress

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Limited quota for uploading images?

Have you been having this problem lately when using Blogger?
I was preparing a few posts last week and to my surprise I could not upload any more photos unless I upgrade Picasa to a monthly fee to get more storage space...
this is what I get when I try to upload:

Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Upgrade storage.
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage that you purchase is shared between several Google products and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more
Does anyone have a solution for to this? I don't really want to pay anything. I think it should be free. Also, I didn't have any idea I was using Picasa... I'm so bad when it comes to computers, I know it doesn't look like it, but I am.

I found this today so maybe we can sort it soon. Bummer!

So, what's going on in my little workshop... I'm just sewing like mad to sell items in my shop and keeping up with orders. I'm also making a baby quilt to donate to Hana's community play school. They will raffle it at the Christmas party to collect funds to buy new material for the school. Anyone interested in buying a line??? ;-P

Well, sorry I can't show you anything today! I hope to sort this problem soon, otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do!

Algu de vosaltres te problemes per penjar fotos al vostre blog de Blogger?
Estava preparant unes quantes entrades la setmana passada i per sorpresa meva no em va deixar carregar mes fotos. Es veu que ja he gastat tot l'espai que tenia i ara si no pago cada mes una quota a Picasa no puc fer res... Cada cop que intento carregar-ne em surt aquesta nota:

Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Upgrade storage
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage that you purchase is shared between several Google products and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more

Nomes he trobat aixo avui on parlaven del tema. 
Sabeu com es pot sol.lucionar? Quina rabia!

Doncs be, aqui al meu petit taller estic cosint com una boja per omplir la botigueta i acabant comandes. Tambe estic fent un quilt com a donacio a l'escola de la Hana. El rifaran a la festa de Nadal per recaudar diners i comprar material nou per l'escola.

I be, sento no poder ensenyar res avui, espero sol.lucionar aquest petit problema aviat. Si no, no se que fare!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Why are quilts so special? Per que els quilts son tan especials?

Any handmade item is special, isn't it? 
Because of the work that's been put into it, from start to end. 
It is even more special when you know who is the recipient, 
because you think of this person while you are making it (or at least that's what I do...).
Of all the things I make, I think quilts are the best. 
They make a great gift. A gift for life that can pass through generations and it becomes even more special when it carries with it all the stories it's been involved in along the way.

Sometimes I come across people who seem not to think about how interesting,
important, special, etc... a quilt is. They think they are very expensive (well, yes... they are more expensive than a regular factory made blanket/quilt, and so they should!)

un quilt acabat de fer i que ja te nou propietari
a recently made quilt which is flying soon to its new owner

Qualsevol cosa feta a mà és especial, oi? per tota la feina que comporta des del principi fins al final.
Si és per algú que coneixes, encara la fa més especial perquè mentres la vas fent, vas pensant en aquella persona (o al menys és el que jo faig...)
De totes les coses que faig a mà, per a mi els quilts són el més especial. És el que 
em porta més feina però gratifica molt més. Sempre hi ha una història al voltant d'un quilt,
ja pot ser des del moment en que és disenya o des del moment en que cau a les mans del seu
nou propietari. És una peça que passarà de generació a generació
 i que és testimoni de moments especials.

De vegades em trobo amb gent que no sembla apreciar allò tan especial i interessant que
aporten els quilts, o l'esforç que hi ha en la seva el.laboració.

una idea, una proposta i un acord convertit en quilt i llest per ser un regal de Reis
an idea made into a quilt and ready to be a Christmas present

So let's think about it.
Whether it's your design or not, you will have to:

- prewash the fabric (not everybody does though)
- press it
- cut it
- sew the pieces
- press the seams
- keep sewing pieces and keep pressing seams...
- cut the backing, press it
- cut the batting
-bast the three layers together
- quilt it (more work if it is hand quilted)
-cut the binding, sew it and press it
- sew on the binding on one side
- sew the binding on the backside (and more work again if it's hand sewn)
- now it's done, you admire it and try to be ready to let it go if it's a gift or for sale...

So yes, it is a lot of work, but it's so enjoyable when you make it
that time seems to vanish.
I sew in the morning during an hour or so, when Hana is at play school and Conor is napping.
Then at night, if I can and I'm not too tired, I'll sew for a couple of hours when they're gone to bed.

I never thought of selling quilts, until a work colleague asked me to make one,
and then two more!
The most difficult thing was to put a price, they're priceless to me! and I like them so much
that sometimes it is so hard to let them go... but at least I know where they go to and
who is going to take care of them...
So thank you mum, Lorena, Maria, Julie J., Marta C. and Roser M.
for helping me to continue making quilts and ordering them
(some of them are being made at the moment!), I hope you like them
and enjoy them everywhere you are.

Per tant, anem a veure en què consisteix la feina d'un quilt:
- pensar un diseny (aqui es necesita geometria i una mica de càlculs)
- comprar les teles, rentar-les i planxar-les
- tallar la tela
- cosir les peces
- planxar les vores de cada peça
- anar cosint, planxant, cosint, planxant...fins tenir-lo tot cosit
- tallar la tela del darrere i planxar-la
- tallar la guata
- embastar les tres peces, (el que menys m'agrada)
- encoixinar-lo (a màquina o a mà)
- tallar la beta, planxar-la i cosir-la al voltant (jo l'acabo cosint a mà)
- ara ja està acabat. L'admiro, me'l remiro i, quan estic preparada per deixar-lo anar, el deixo...
encara que siguin a la venda, em costa de deixar-los anar! ha ha... per això
m'agrada saber ben bé on van a parar i que seran ben cuidats...

Doncs ja veieu, hi ha molta feina, però ho faig tan a gust que el temps em passa volant.
Cuso al matí, quan la Hana és a l'escola i el Conor està fent una migdiada. Després, si puc
i no estic cançada, a la nit quan els dos dormen també cuso un parell d'hores.

Mai no havia pensat de vendre res, pero una companya de feina va veure'n un
i em va demanar que li en fes un. Després me'n va demanar dos més...
El mes difícil ès posar-hi un preu. Entre el cost de les teles (que les compro a preu de botiga) i
el temps que comporta, etc... doncs penso que encara estan força bé de preu!
Però el que més m'importa és que la gent que me'ls compra i me'ls encarrega
aprecien de debò la feina que hi ha i estan preparats i il.lusionats
 per començar la seva història amb el seu nou quilt.

Gràcies mama, Lorena, Maria, Julie J., Marta C. i Roser M. per fer les vostres comandes
(algunes, mama i Lorena... - la familia que pacient espera, com no? -  encara no acabades!!!), 
espero que us agradin i els feu servir sempre, en qualsevol ocasió.

This is Hana's quilt. I made it when she was about 1 and a half. 

We've had picnics on this quilt, laid on it by the cozy fire reading stories, covered ourselves with it pretending we were camping, wrapped ourselves in it while watching TV...
and now she loves to have it on her bed and sleep under it every night.
I like that she sees me making quilts and every time I come into the sitting room showing a finished top
she goes "wow, that's beautiful... is it for me?" or when she saw mine over my bed and she said "oh, this is a lovely quilt". I like that she knows about quilts and knows how they're made.
I know she will keep it for ever, because it's hers, made for her.

Aquest és el quilt de la Hana. El vaig acabar quan ella tenia un any i mig. 
Sobre aquest quilt hem fet picnics, ens hi em assegut fent trencaclosques, ens hem tapat
mentres llegiem històries i miràvem la tele al costat de la llar de foc...
Ara li encanta tenir-lo sobre el seu llit i tocar-lo cada nit mentres llegim contes.
M'agrada que em vegi fent-los i que em digui com li agraden quan m'assec al sofà
per acabar de cosir-hi una vora o les etiquetes. 
Sempre em pregunta "es per a mi, aquest?".
M'agrada que vegi com es fan.
Sé que el guardarà per sempre, perquè és el seu quilt,
fet per a ella i que va creixent amb ella.

This one I made for my bed. 
I used old shirts that I had been gathering from charity shops
and one very special shirt, the only with solid blue,
 that belonged to a good friend of us who passed away. 
He was a singer with an amazing voice.

Aquest és el quilt que tinc sobre el meu llit. El vaig fer arreplegant camises d'home
que anava trobant a les botigues de segona mà.
Hi ha una camisa especial, d'un amic nostre que va morir.
L'única peça blava que no és estampada ve de la camisa del Chris.

So there you go. 
This is why I find a quilt such a special gift.

Doncs ara ja sabeu perque penso que els 
quilts fan un regal tan especials.


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