Sunday, 31 January 2010


Aquests son els primers mitjons que vaig fer sense tenir ningu al costat que m'ajudes... Be, tenia l'ordinador al davant i la tutorial de la Silver amb fotografies de cada pas... Els meus primers mitjons els vaig fer en un cottage irlandes de mes de 100 anys, a Menlough, als afores de Galway, al costat de la llar de foc amb l'ajuda de la Maire Creaven, una artista... el lloc perfecte per aprendre a fer mitjons!
Fa 6 mesos que la Maire ja no hi es amb nosaltres, pero de tant en tant penso en ella, en el seu cottage, el jardi, el seu Border Collie Laika i les seves pintures...


These are the first pair of socks I made unaided. Well, I did have my laptop in front of me with Silver's sock tutorial, with photos of every step... My real first pair of socks were made in a cottage, more than a hundred years old, in Menlough, outside Galway, by the fire with artist Maire Creaven's help... the perfect setting for kintting your first pair of socks!
It's been 6 months now since Maire passed away, but I often think of her, her cottage ( "The Thatch"), her garden, Laika her Border Collie and her lovely paintings...

Friday, 22 January 2010


Aquest gorro el vaig fer amb 5 agulles i va ser la primera vegada que vaig intentar fer la cueta de dalt de tot. Es molt mes facil del que em pensava, nomes cal deixar dos punts a cada agulla i treballar fins que tingui la llargada que es vulgui.

This hat a made with 5 DPN. It was the first time trying to make the little tail on top and it was much easier than I though. You only leave 2 stitches on each needle and work until the desired length.


Aquest esta fet amb el cos de punt. Com que de ganxet nomes se fer els punts mes basics, m'agrada mes fer-los de punt perque puc fer mes variants. Aquest tambe l'ha fet la meva mare. Els que vaig fer jo els he regalat tots!

This one has a knitted top. I prefer knitting because I can make more variations since my crocheting is very limited. This dress was also made by my mum. All the ones I knitted I gave away!

tastant la jespa (copia el que fan els gats!)
trying out the grass (she copies the cats!)


La meva mare ha fet la majoria d'aquests vestits. Em va ensenyar com fer la tira de ganxet per fer el cos i els tirants i aixi en vaig fer un. Els que tenen la tela blanca els pintare algun detall, encara m'estic pensant quin.

My mum made most of these dresses. She showed me how to crochet the body and the straps and I made one too. I'm thinking of painting some little thing on the ones with white fabric, but I'm still thinking what...

Friday, 15 January 2010


Aquest es el primer gorro que he fet amb agulles rodones. El que mes m'agrada de fer mitja amb agulles rodones es que t'estalvies de cosir les peces, i es que aixo no se'm dona gens be! el mateix passa amb les agulles de doble punta. Sembla complicat, pero no ho es gens! Aviat mostrare com  fer-ho!

Les instruccions les vaig trobar aqui, i teniu tambe l'opcio de fer el mateix gorro amb menys trenes.

This is my first hat made with round needles. What I like about round needles and double pointed ones is that you don't have to sew seems (because I am not good at that at all!)
It might seems difficult to use them, but it is not! I will soon try to show you how!

I found the pattern for this hat here, and you also have the option of making it with fewer cables.


No tinc gens d'experiencia amb la maquina de cosir i vaig pensar que per agafar practica estaria be comenc,ar a fer coses facils. Aquesta faldilla tan maca,  La Faldilla de Mercat, creada per la Dana, em va cridar l'atencio. Les instruccions de la tutorial son tan clares, amb fotos tan ben fetes, que vaig pensar que estaria be provar de fer-la.
Al voler fer-la mes petita, les mides son diferents i crec que no ho he acabat d'encertar del tot! tot i aixi he apres molt i crec que en fare una altra, aquest cop seguint les seves mides i potser les butxaques que no m'he atrevit a fer.
Un cop acabada, sense butxaques, veia que li faltava alguna cosa i vaig pensar en aquestes floretes...

I don't have any experience with my sewing machine at all, so I decided to start making easy things to get practice. I found this tutorial for this skirt, The Market Skirt, by Dana. I think it's so beautiful! Her instructions are so clear and with very detailed photos that I decided to give it a go.
I wanted to make it smaller, so I had to figure out the size myself. I don't think I succeeded! but I did learnt a lot and I would like to make a new one following the original pattern size. I'll even try to do the pockets this time!
Once made, I thought is was a bit bare (and I didn't dare trying tiny pockets) so I came up with these felt flowers...

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Volia fer-li una pilota d'aquelles tobes a la Hana i, un cop mes, vaig trobar una tutorial en aquest blog. Es molt facil de fer i tandebo hagues tret la maquina de cosir abans, perque de ben segur que en tindria mes d'una ara.

No vaig pensar en fer fotos quan l'estava fent per mostrar els passos, pero crec que amb les fotos de la tutorial ja s'enten que s'ha de fer.
Just quan l'estava farcint, vaig trobar la boleta amb cascabell a dins que vaig comprar per la nostra gata i com que segueix ignorant-la, cap a dintre va anar tambe...

I wanted to make one of those soft balls for Hana and, once again, I found a tutorial in this blog. It is a very easy project and I wish I had my sewing machine out of the cupboard at that time because I'm sure now we would have more than one made.
When I was stuffing it, I found a little ball with a bell inside that I bought for our cat. As she keeps ignoring it, in it went with the stuffing makes a nice rattle that Hana loves shaking!

L'HORA DEL TE - TEA TIME mmmmmmm...

Havia aprofitat l'hora del te per fer una foto de l'individual de patchwork i se m'ha acudit que ja que hi som, en puc fer mes i de pas us poso la recepta d'aquest pa de pessic...
No es que ens mengem un pa de pessic cada cop que prenem te, eh... Pero aquesta era una ocasio especial. El meu amic Paul feia anys aquest diumenge i vam decidir sorprendre'l amb un pa de pessic casola i una bona tassa de te, com a bons amfitrions irlandesos!
No te res d'especial i crec que aquesta recepta ja es molt popular a Catalunya. Aqui us poso la meva:


  • un iogurt de maduixa (i utilitzarem el recipient per mesurar la resta d'ingredients)
  • 2 mesures de sucre
  • 1/2 mesura d'oli d'oliva (no extra-verge)
  • 3 ous mitjans
  • 3 mesures de farina de forc,a
  • 15 gr de llevadura Royal
  • confitura de maduixa
  • nata (opcional)
  1. Batiu en un bol el iogurt, el sucre, els ous i l'oli fins que quedi tot homogeni.
  2.  Barrejeu be la farina i la llevadura i la tamiseu a poc a poc sobre la barreja anterior i seguiu batent.
  3. Abocar-ho en un motlle folrat amb paper i umtat amb mantega.
  4. Coure-ho al forn previament calentat a 180C fins durant uns 45 minuts aporximadament. Sempre faig la prova d'introduir un ganivet just al centre i si surt net vol dir que ja esta cuit.
  5. Deixar-lo refredar i servir-lo farcit amb la confitura.

It was tea time when I was taking photos of the patchwork placemat and I thought it would make a nice composition to use the sponge cake I had made. Then I thought it would even be a better idea to take some more photos and give you the recipe. We don't eat cake every time we have tea, no way! But it was a special occasion. It was my friend Paul's birthday last Sunday and we decided to surprise him with a sweet treat a and nice cup of tea. Just like good old Irish hosts!


  • one strawberry yoghurt (and we'll use the tub to measure the res of the ingredients)
  • 2 measures of caster sugar
  • 1/2 measure of olive oila (not extra-virgin)
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 3 measures of self-raising flour
  • 15 gr of Royal baking powder
  • strawberry jam
  • whipped cream
  1. Beat the yoghurt, sugar, eggs and olive oil util smooth. 
  2. Mix the flour and baking powder and sift over the previous mixture.
  3. Pour it into a tin lined with greaseproof paper.
  4. Bake in the oven at 180C for about 45 minutes. I always insert a metal skewer right in the centre, if it comes up clean, it done.
  5. Let it cool in the tin before serving it with jam and whipped cream. 


Aquest es un altre individual que en principi havia de ser una coixinera pero es va quedar a mig cami...
Tambe esta fet a ma i recordo que unir les puntes de l'estel em va costar molt. Amb aquest projecte vaig aprendre a fer el "quilting" a ma (posar la goata entre les dues teles) amb l'ajuda d'unes classes de patchwork que vaig fer a Barcelona.
La vora, tambe feta a ma, ja esta molt mes millorada que la del primer individual que he mostrat.

This placemat was originally supposed to be a cushion cover but I changed my mind half way through...
It is also handsewn and I remember I struggled a lot when trying to join the points at the centre of the star. I was with this project that I learnt how to quilt by hand after a couple of patchwork lessons I took when I was living in Barcelona.

Monday, 11 January 2010


Aquest es el primer parell de mitjons que vaig fer per la Hana. Remenant per internet, vaig topar amb una mina d'informacio sobre punt:Knitting Pattern Central. Es un directori de punts, tecniques, instruccions, hi ha de tot! Val la pena guardar-se l'adrec,a.

These are the first baby socks I made for Hana. Surfing on the net I found this really good knitting website with patterns, techniques, stitches, everything you need about knitting! The Knitting Pattern Central. it's worth to have it as a bookmark!


Aquesta es una tecnica d'enrotllar tires de paper de colors i moldejar-les per crear formes de flors, animals, etc.
Podeu decorar tarjetes, felicitacions, punts de llibres o fer petits quadrets i enmarcar-los amb un passepartout.

This is a technique of rolling thin straps of coloured paper and shaping them to create flowers, animals, etc.
You can decorate labels, cards, bookmarks or even make little framed compositions.



un peix / a fish

un cargol  / a snail

un anec / a duck

marietes i abelles / ladybirds and bees

Sunday, 10 January 2010


M'encanta el patchwork, quin vici! Un cop comences no pots parar...pero jo si que ho vaig fer i encara tinc "aquell projecte interminable"! Algun dia l'acabare i tindra un apartat molt especial en aquest blog...
Mentrestant, vaig ensenyant els petits projectes (tots fets a ma) que he anat fent.
Comenc,o per aquest petit individual que vaig regalar a la meva mare. En aquell moment, encara no sabia ben be com cosir la vora amb una pec,a diferent. Ja veieu que vaig sortir-ne com vaig poder! Pero gracies a aquest llibre he pogut millorar molt mes la tecnica i he apres molts trucs. Us el recomano.

I love patchwork, what a hobby! Once you start you can't stop... but I did stop and still have "that neverending project"! One day I will finish it and it will have a special place in this blog...
Meanwhile, I'll show you all the little things (hand sewn) that I've made up until now.
I'm starting with this little place mat that I gave to my ma as a present. At that time I didn't know how to add a border and you can see I could hardly managed. Now I know how to, and it was thanks to this book, from where I've learnt a lot of tricks and have improved the technique. I recommend it!


Aquests ninotets son molt facils de fer i no es necessita gaire experiencia. Nomes cal dibuixar formes molt simples per fer les plantilles i talleu dues peces. Cosiu el voltant amb punt de festo i deixeu un espai per farcir amb goata (o cotofluix). Podeu fer servir un fil de color diferent per contrastar.

Els brodats es fan un cop el ninot ja esta farcit. Per fer l'efecte enfonsat s'ha de passar l'agulla a traves del farcit fins a l'altra banda on tambe hi haura els mateixos punts. D'aquesta manera, tindran ulls, boca i nas a cada cara. EL nas de l'estel es fa tallant un cercle de feltre vermell, de la mida d'una moneda d'un centim. Es passen punts correders al voltant i s'estira el fil per tancar-lo despres d'haver ficat una mica de cotofluix.

These litttle fellas are really easy to make and you don't need a lot of experience. You only need to draw very simple shapes for the patterns and cut two pieces of each. Then you sew all around in blanket stitch leaving a little gap to stuff it. You can use different colour threads to make a nice contrast.

The embroidery bits were made once they were all sewn up. To make the tufted effect the needle must go all the way through and out to the other side where the same stitches will be made, so there will be eyes, a nose and mouth on either side. To make the nose of the star, you need to cut a circle the size of a 1 cent coin and make a running stitch all around. Pull the threat to close it after you stuff a bit of filling.


Durant esl ultims dies del meu embaras, estava tan avorrida que ja no sabia que fer. Ho tenia tot preparat, tot net, tot endrec,at! Nomes faltava que la Hana arrives. Vaig anar a la biblioteca local i vaig trobar aquest llibre. D'aqui van sortir aquest lloro i aquesta zebra, que fan companyia a la meva nina preferida que vaig fer quan tenia 10 anys. Un dia d'aquests intentare treure'n els patrons i li fare un germana.
Despres, com sempre, la meva imaginacio es va disparar i van sortir altres petits projectes que ja ensenyare mes endavant...

During the last days of my pregnancy I was so bored that I didn't know what else to do! I had everything ready, everything tidy, everything clean...Only Hana needed to be there! So I went to the local library and I found this book, from which the parrot and the zebra came out. Now they're good company for my favorite doll that I made when I was 10. One of these days I'll try to figure out the pattern and make her a little sister!

After that, as always, my imagination started to blossom and more little projects came to my mind which I'll show next time...

Saturday, 9 January 2010


Aquestes sabatilles les vaig fer seguint les instruccions d'aquest blog.
Volia practicar cosint amb la maquina de cosir i crec que per ser les primeres estan forc,a be. Les segones, les de l'aplicat, van quedar una miqueta millor, despres d'haver trobat altres variacions que em van inspirar a decorar-les amb els detalls que veieu. Us poso els enllac,os perque hi doneu un cop d'ull a aquest blogs tan bonics. I si us animeu a fer-les, ja m'enviareu les fotos perque les vegi!
Les properes que fare seran amb una sola mes solida feta amb una tela antirrelliscant que vaig comprar aqui.

I made these sleepers following the instructions from this blog. I wanted to practice with my sewing machine and for being the first pair they're not bad. The second pair, with the apliquee, came out a bit better after having found more variations which inspired me for making different decorations. I will type the links below so you can have a look at those lovely blogs, and if you decide to make them, don't forget to send me a picture!
My next pair of sleepers will have a stronger sole made from a non-slippery fabric that I bought here.


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