Vaig fer aquest cardigan seguint el patro de l'Erika Knight a Knitting For Two. Pero, com sempre, vaig anar canviant a mida que anava fent perque aixo de cosir cremalleres a peces fetes de punt...encara no...
El coll tambe el vaig canviar i vaig fer tota una vora de ganxet.
La idea dels brodats ja la tenia en ment abans de fer-lo, volia que tot el cardigan sembles un jardi i d'aqui li ve el nom: cardigan + jardi = Jardigan!
Un altre llibre que m'agrada molt de l'Erika Knight es Simple Knits for Easy Living, hi ha coses molt maques i molt bones idees.
I knitted this cardigan following the pattern by Erika Knight in Knitting For Two. But, as always, I was making my own variations along the way. There is a zip on the original pattern, but I am not good with zips on knitted items, so I'll leave this for a later occasion...
I also changed the collar and used a crochet to go all around the edges.
The embroidered flowers were in my mind well before I started knitting, I wanted a cardigan that looked like a garden, so hence the name: cardigan + garden = Gardigan!
Another book I like by Erika Knight is Simple Knits for Easy Living, it has very nice things and really good ideas.