Sunday, 31 October 2010


Es la primera vegada que celebrem Halloween amb la Hana disfressada.
El vestit que avui porta te mes de 30 anys! El va fer la meva mare, per Carnestoltes, a la meva germana i despres me'l van passar a mi.
It's Hana's first Halloween costume, and the dress she's wearing is over 30 years old! My mum made it for my sister, for Carnival (we don't celebrate Halloween in Barcelona), and then I wore it too.

el millor son les sabates, pero llastima que son massa grans per ella. Quan jo vaig portar aquest vestit tenia uns 3 anys, la Hana nomes te 19 mesos...
The best are the shoes, but they're too big for Hana. I was about 3 when I was wearing them, Hana is only 19 months old...

Aquesta es ella...

This is her...

she chose a good sized pumpkin!
La carbassa que va escollir pesa molt!

and this is me!
i aquesta soc jo!

el vestit ha rebut uns quants canvis amb el temps (mireu la nena caminant al fons, vestida d'infermera...)
the dress got some little changes over time (note the girl at the back dressed as a nurse!)

and here with my sister, the princess, and my cousin the Zorro...
i aqui amb ma germana, la princesa, i el meu cosi el Zorro...

So there you go, our Halloween... we'll go off to the local pub for an early music session after carving the pumpkin. Happy Halloween everyone! By the way, for those readers not familiar with Catalan traditions during this time, we normally eat roasted chestnuts, sweet potatoes and panellets



The 4th Bloggers Quilt Festival is on! Click here to know more about it, hundreds of quilters are sharing a story behind one of their favourite quilts and you have the opportunity to pop from blog to blog to see these beautiful works.

S'esta celebrant el 4rt Festival de Quilts que organitza l'Amy al seu blog. Centenars de cosidores estan parlant del seu quilt preferit i compartint la historia que hi ha al darrere. Es una bona oportunitat per passejar-vos per tots els blogs i veure el treball de totes aquestes dones. Son quilts preciosos.

This is the one I'm going to share. It's my first big quilt and it's quite special for many reasons. I started by collecting old men's shirts. A good friend of ours passed away at the time and his girlfriend gave me one of his shirts to use on my quilt too, so there are only 2 solid blue squares in the quilt from Chris' shirt.

Aquest es el quilt que he escollit. Es el meu primer gran projecte i per a mi es especial per diverses raons. El vaig comenc,ar a fer fa 3 anys. Vaig comenc,ar a agafar camises d'home velles de tons blaus. En aquell moment un bon amic nostre va morir, i la seva companya em va donar una de les seves camises, era completament blava. Nomes hi ha dos quadrats de color blau solid en tot el quilt, son els del Chris.

I had to stop for a while because of lack of space, time and because many things happening in my life. There was a beautiful baby delivered in the meantime too! And finally, when I had the time, the space and the motivation (from discovering the blogworld almost a year ago) I could finally finish it.

Vaig haver de parar  durant un temps per falta d'espai i de temps i perque van passar moltes coses. Entre elles el neixement d'una nena preciosa! i finalment, quan ja vaig tenir temps, espai i motivacio (gracies al mon blocaire que vaig descobrir fa quasi una any) l'he acabat.

What I like about this quilt is that you can see my progress of patchwork making. There were so many things I didn't know when I started, cutting techniques, sewing, pressing... so throughout the quilt you can see little mistakes due to my inexperience but also big improvements as I got better.

El que me m'agrada d'aquest quilt es que es pot veure el progres d'aprenentatge fent patchwork. Hi havia tantes coses que no sabia quan vaig comenc,ar, com tallar la roba, com cosir les vores, com planxar-les... i es poden veure molts errors per la falta de practica, pero tambe es pot veure com he anat millorant a mida que anava fent.

Monday, 25 October 2010


I received on the post the fabric I'm going to use for the Layer Cake Quilt along. It's nicer than it looked on the screen, so I'm really happy. I'm very busy at the moment and I don't have time to blog but I'll be back soon. Here are some pics of the layer cake quilt along stash and some other fabric I got in Limerick.

Ja vaig rebre la roba que vaig comprar per fer el quilt along. Es mes maca del que semblava i crec que quedara molt be. No tinc gaire temps d'escriure al blog, pero aviat ho tornare. Aqui teniu unes quantes fotos del layer cake que vaig comprar i unes quantes robes mes que vaig agafar quan vam anar a Limerick.

Astor Manor by Three Sisters for Moda
Layer Cake, Charm Pack and fabric

Butterfly Garden by Kansas Troubles Quilters for Moda

selection of different jelly roll strips

Go! giveaway - sorteig GO!

Visiteu el blog de la Micki (una altra blocaire per terres irlandeses) per poder participar en el sorteig d'una talladora de roba GO!
Go and check Micki's blog(another blogger in Irish land) and enter her giveaway fo a chance to win a Go!

Friday, 15 October 2010


Last Monday I finished binding my scrap quilt. I used up many of leftover fabrics that I have, although I still have some of them left. I started hand quilting the central panel, but I loved quilting with the machine so much (first time, very exciting...) that I then finished the quilting with it by sewing straight lines along the sides.
So one more quilt on the list of finished projects!

El dilluns passat vaig acabar el quilt fet amb "sobres". Tenia troc,os de teles (que encara queden) per fer-lo i vaig comenc,ar a fer l'encoixinat a ma. Pero amb l'experiencia d'haver encoixinat a maquina, vaig decidir acabar-lo cosint linees rectes als 4 costats.
Aixi que ja tenim un altre quilt a la llista de projectes acabats!

I'm editing so I can show this photo of how the process went while making the Scrap Quilt.
The top centre block (9 patch) is the only one sewn and cut in a cross. I sew and cut the rest of the blocks (6 in total) and then turned the squares to get the final pattern. 
You can play with so many different arrangements that way.
The Disappearing 9 patch Block is usually done with 9 plain squares, but I used half square triangles too. I think it gives more ways to obtain optical illusions, which I really love in quilts.

Edito el post per mostrar aquesta foto de qun estava fent aquest quilt. En total hi ha 6 blocs de 9 quadrats. A la foto podeu veure el quadrat de dalt, al mig, que esta cosit i tallat en creu verticalment i horitzontal. Vaig cosir els altres 5 bloc restants i tambe els vaig tallar de la mateixa manera, i despres vaig estar girant els quadrats fins arribar al diseny final.
Aquest bloc es diu "Disapearing 9 Patch" i normalment es fa amb 9 quadrats solids, pero jo vaig alternar quadrats solids amb quadrats fets amb dos triangles (en angles se'ls diu half square triangles). M'agrada mes aixi perque dona mes per jugar ilusions optiques, que es el que mes m'agrada veure en patchwork.

I also started the central panel of a baby quilt. Here's a glance of it, but this is all I'll show until it's finished and given as a present. It was done with my super new machine!!!

Tambe he comenc,at el centre d'un quilt per un nen que ha de neixer. Aixo es tot el que ensenyare fins que l'acabi i l'hagi regalat. Es el primer projecte quel comenc,o amb la meva super maquina de cosir!

Ta daaaa...!!! My new friend.
Tatxan! La meva nova amiga.

Monday, 11 October 2010


Per fi ja l'he acabat!
I finally finished!

alla on intentava fer una foto sempre venien els tafaners
wherever I tried to take a photo the nosy ones were around

L'encoixinat es molt senzill, nomes he seguit linees rectes en diagonal. Si tingues mes experiencia crec que hagues  fet l'encoixinat lliure fent algun diseny al centre de cada bloc blanc, pero amb un quilt tan gran encara no volia experimentar l'encoixinat lliure. A la propera ja ho fare millor.

It's a very simple quilting, I only followed diagonal lines. If I was more experienced I would usefree motion and even make a pattern at the centre of each snow block, but with such a big quilt I didn't want to chance it yet. I will get better with my next one.

un petit detall
here's a little detail

M'agrada acabar la beta a cosint-la a ma
I like hand binding at the back

La mida es de 2.26m x 1.82m
the finished size is 89"x72"

el vist i plau de la Hana...

Hana's aproval...

Saturday, 9 October 2010


Tinc moooooltes ganes de que sigui dimarts! perque en algun moment del dia, trucaran a la porta i em trobare una caixa...
I can't wait for tuesday to arrive! because at some point during the day they'll ring the doorbell and when I open the door I'll find a box...

i dins la caixa hi haura...
and inside the box there'll be...


la meva nova maquina de cosir!!!
my new sewing machine!!!

M'ha costat molt decidir-me. Tenint en compte el meu pressupost, primer mires la marca, despres el model i comences a trobar que per 50 euros mes tens aquella mes bona i per 50 mes tens l'altra encara mes bona... Al final has de parar el carro! Espero haver pres una bona decisio. Tambe he comprat la taula extendible, uns quants peus i un paquet de bobines... L'estrenare amb el meu proper projecte!

It was hard to decide on one, keeping in mind my budget. You look at brands and models and then the fun part starts: for €50 extra you could have that one, for €50 more you could have the other one much better and so on... until you realise it's way out of your budget! I hope I made a good choice. I also bought the extension table, several foots, a pack of bobbins... I'll be using it with my next project!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


I have joined my first quilt along. I think I will learn a lot from it and it will be like a parallel commitment to the BA in Social Care that I've just started at university... (yep, I don't have enough with 4 years of study ahead of me...) 
It seems doable, a block every week together with a bit of study every night... the sewing will help me to keep me sane!
If you'd like to join the quilt along go over to visit its host at moosequilts for a list of all what you need.

And if you need some fabric... why not enter a giveaway for a chance to win some? Go and check this one out at Spun Sugar Quilts!

I hope you are lucky!

No sabia ben be com traduir aquest terme de "quilt along" sense utilitzar una descripcio. Patchwork simultani es el que mes s'apropa. Es tracta de fer un quilt al mateix temps que altres cosidores. Sera el mateix diseny, pero cada persona haura triat la roba que mes els agrada, de manera que el resultat sera molt variat.

Hi ha molts blogs de cosidores professionals (o quasi professionals) que conviden a unir-te a un "quilt along" d'un projecte que elles mateixes han disenyat. Es una manera d'aprendre tecniques i he decidit afegir-me a un d'aquests grups. Es com un curs a distancia, (com que no tinc prou amb els 4 anys de carrera que tot just he comenc,at...)

Cada dues setmanes es publiquen les instruccions per fer un bloc i la teva feina sera fer-lo i esperar a la propera publicacio per fer el seguent bloc. El grup que seguire en aquest cas fara un quilt amb 12 blocs diferents i les dimensions seran de 64"x80".

Al post de la blocaire que organitza aquest esdeveniment s'ha publicat un llistat del material que es necessitara. El primer bloc que s'haura de fer es publicara el 2 de Novembre i aixi cada dos dimarts se'n publicara un de nou, a apart de les instruccions per acabar de fer el quilt.
Aixo comenc,ara d'aqui a poc! el 2 de Novembre de 2010, i durara fins el 3 de Maig de 2011.
Algu s'hi anima?
Cliqueu a la imatge per saber mes informacio.

Ah! Necessiteu roba per fer aquest projecte? per que no probeu sort i participeu al sorteig de Spun Sugar Quilts?

Bona sort!

Sunday, 3 October 2010


I DID IT!!!  hey, would you like to grab my button? here on the right...
HO HE ACONSEGUIT!!! voleu enganxar el meu boto al vostre blog? aqui a la dreta el teniu...

It's been a while now since I've been trying to make a button to link into my blog, but despite all the tutorials I've found (and they look so easy and simple! like this one) I can't manage!
Would any of my followers or readers help me with this, please??? Could you tell me all the steps to make one, or could you make one for me? I have the photo for it, it's the same as my header photo and it's in my photobucket account. Nothing comes out when I am pasting the 2 URL addresses on the Java gadget I opened... BUAAAAAAAH!!!
does anybody out there want to help me?

Fa temps que intento fer un boto (icone) per enllac,ar el blog i no me'n surto! He trobat unes tutorials que semblem molt facils, com aquesta, i tot i aixi no hi ha manera!
Si algun dels meus seguidors o llegidors sap com es fa, em podrieu donar tots els passos que he de seguir per fer-lo? o si em podeu fer un???
La foto ja la tinc al compte de photobucket i es la mateixa que faig servir per al titol del blog. Quan intento enganxar les dues adresses de URL a la casella de Java, no surt res... BUAAAAAAH!!!
algu m'ajuda si us plau?


Ja hem tornat de vacances i ens hem topat amb el fred i els dies assoleiats de tardor, un paisatge precios... i un encostipat! que hi farem...
Per entrar una mica en calor, us deixo el link d'un gran esdeveniment que va comenc,ar ahir: dues setmanes de sortejos a mes de 150 blogs de tot el mon per aquells interessats en patchwork. No nomes teniu la oportunitat de participar en els sortejos, que esta prou be, sino que podeu afegir moltissims blogs a la vostra llista (es el que m'agrada mes, ja que la sort no sempre acompanya i en canvi la llista l'augmentare segur!)

Cliqueu a l'espantaocells i  veureu a la pagina on trobareu el llistat (a la dreta) de tots els blogs que hi participen. Molta sort!

Well, we're back from our holiday and we suddenly found the autumn cold and sunny days, a beautiful landscape and... a headcold...!
So to warm you up I'd like to tell you about a great event that started yesterday, the Fall into Fall giveaway, where more than 150 bloggers are holding giveaways. Click on the icon to find a list of all the participant. You'll have the chance to enter the giveaways but best of all, you'll find lots of really nice blogs to add to your list (to me that's the best thing, since it is the only thing you know you'll have for sure!)
good luck!


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