El vestit que avui porta te mes de 30 anys! El va fer la meva mare, per Carnestoltes, a la meva germana i despres me'l van passar a mi.
It's Hana's first Halloween costume, and the dress she's wearing is over 30 years old! My mum made it for my sister, for Carnival (we don't celebrate Halloween in Barcelona), and then I wore it too.
el millor son les sabates, pero llastima que son massa grans per ella. Quan jo vaig portar aquest vestit tenia uns 3 anys, la Hana nomes te 19 mesos...
The best are the shoes, but they're too big for Hana. I was about 3 when I was wearing them, Hana is only 19 months old...
Aquesta es ella...
This is her...
she chose a good sized pumpkin!
La carbassa que va escollir pesa molt!
and this is me!
i aquesta soc jo!
el vestit ha rebut uns quants canvis amb el temps (mireu la nena caminant al fons, vestida d'infermera...)
the dress got some little changes over time (note the girl at the back dressed as a nurse!)
and here with my sister, the princess, and my cousin the Zorro...
i aqui amb ma germana, la princesa, i el meu cosi el Zorro...
So there you go, our Halloween... we'll go off to the local pub for an early music session after carving the pumpkin. Happy Halloween everyone! By the way, for those readers not familiar with Catalan traditions during this time, we normally eat roasted chestnuts, sweet potatoes and panellets.