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do you remember this project?
Aqui teniu la resta!
Here's the rest!
Per fi! Ja he acabat el miniquilt per al Ken, que va neixer una mica abans del que esperavem, i ja el puc ensenyar. Dema anire a correus a enviar-lo cap a Barcelona.
He usat un charm pack de batiks i un panel amb animals de la jungla per fer els aplicats. La beta la vaig comprar feta, per falta de temps i no m'ha anat gens malament.
La Hana s'ha enamorat d'aquest quilt, li encanta assenyalar els animals i ha portat totes les nines per fer una festa i ballar a sobre... Espero que el Ken s'ho passi tan be com la Hana quan el rebi.
Finally! I finished the quilt for baby Ken, who arrived a bit earlier than expected, and now I can show it to all of you. I'll post it tomorrow to Barcelona.
I used a charm pack of batiks and a panel with jungle animals to make the appliqué squares. I bought the binding tape, as I was running out of time, and it turned out quite well.
Hana has fallen in love with this quilt, she loves pointing at the animals and she took all her dolls with her and had a party and a dance on it... I hope Ken has as much fun as she does!
Per primer cop he provat de fer l'encoixinat lliure, es tota una experiencia! M'ha agradat molt fer-lo. Primer he assajat amb un troc, de tela i de guata i despres ja m'hi he llenc,at amb el quilt. Se m'ha liat el fil mes d'una vegada perque no posava be la bobina (o aixo crec, vaja) , pero es questio de practica.
It was my first time trying free motion quilting. I rehearsed first with some scraps and then I tried on the quilt. I love free motion! The thread tangled a bit because I didn't place the bobbin right (I think that was the problem anyway...), but I'll get better.
He pensat que estaria be ensenyar una mica el proces
It thought it would be good to show a bit of the process
no son corves perfectes...
they're not perfect bends...
aixo em va passar unes 3 vegades...
that happened 3 times...
.... i a poc a poc ja notes que vas millorant
...and bit by bit I was feeling I was getting better