Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Ja he acabat el quilt de paret i a hores d'ara deu estar volant cap a Catalunya. He fet un encoixinat lliure amb corves, com l'ultim que vaig fer. Encara estic practicant i ja ho tinc mes o menys dominat.

I have finished the wall hanging and right now it must be flying to Catalonia. I used free motion again, as I am still practicing and getting much better at it.

He afegit una pec,a al darrere per poder posar un canya i penjar-lo
I added a hanging sleeve at the back

Projectes acabats vol dir donar-ne pas a nous i avui m'ha arribat la primera comanda que vaig fer a Sew Mama Sew:

Finished projects means starting new ones and the first batch of fabric that I've ordered has arrived from Sew Mama Sew, just ready to be used:

Pop Garden - Zag Stripe Gold
Bijoux - Tiled Primerose Cinnamon 
Sanctuary - Orchid Feng Shui Sherbet 
Goo Goo Gear - Alenxander Henry
Happier - Bugs White - Deena Rutter
Happier - Bugs Blue
Happier - Garden White
Happier - Birds White
Happier - Stripes Pink
City Weekend - Treetop Yellow Gold
City Weekend - Treetop Candy Store Pink
City Weekend - Treetop Morning Yellow

City Weekend

Goo Goo Gear 
(aquesta M'ENCANTA!)

Tambe he comprat lli, entretela i un parell de charm packs de colors llisos.
I also bought some natural linen, a couple of charm packs Kona Bright Palette solids 
and some interfacing

I que hi ha a la nova llista de projectes???
He trobat un altra blog molt xulo, JCasa, i m'agradaria fer aixo

And what 's in my list of new projects to do???
I found another cool blog, JCasa,  and I am going to make this

Sunday, 29 May 2011

back to business - anem per feina

Ai ai ai... sembla que he espantat a dues seguidores despres del post d'ahir...! m'han "deseguit", ha ha! que hi farem...
Despres de la setmana de sortejos de Sew Mama Sew torna la calma, i la feina al taller continua. Estic contenta perque la llista inacabable de "coses per acabar" s'esta escurc,ant i aixo em fa sentir be perque vol dir que puc comenc,ar nous projectes!

Abans de tot vull compartir una mica el que he guanyat...

Oh dear! Two followers decided to "defollow" me today, was it because of my post from yesterday??? LOL! oh well...
After the busy week of Sew Mama Sew, everything is calm here and we can go back to work. I am finishing a lot of projects from my "things to finish"  list and that makes me feel soooo good! because that means I can start new ones.
But first I'd like to show you my winnings...

1. un munt de blogs nous que he descobert, aqui us en poso uns quants:
1. Lots of new blogs I am following, here are just a few:





2. He descobert un parell de blocaires irlandeses (be, una d'elles es espanyola) i espero poder trobar-ne mes amb el nou grup de flickr (boto a la dreta).
2. I've met a couple of Irish based bloggers (one of them is Spanish) and I hope to find some more in the new flickr group (button on the right hand side).

3. I... he guanyat 4 sortejos, si si, 4!:
3. And... I won 4 giveaways, 4!:

3 capdells de llana / 3 skeins of yarn

8 fat quarters de coto organic, una revista i un mini quilt
8 FQ of organic cotton, a magazine and a mug rug

3 yardes de beta / 3 yards of quilting tape

un parell de draps de cuina i un grapat de botons 
2 tea towels and a bunch of vintage buttons

quina alegria quan vaig rebre el primer email dient-me que habia guanyat, pero despres hi van seguir 3 mes! al menys aquest cop jo tambe vaig poder donar dos premis, un se'n anira cap a Anglaterra i l'altre cap a Qatar.

I was so happy when I received the first email telling my I was a winner, and then 3 more came in...! It was great to be able to participate this time and to give away some of my crafts too, one is going to England and the other to Qatar.

Doncs be, aqui teniu el que estic acabant ara mateix, un quilt per penjar a la pared. Es un regal d'aniversari (com sempre vaig tard) per una moooolt bona amiga. Esta fet amb retalls, m'agrada molt aquesta tecnica, i com que se que a la meva amiga li va agradar molt el quilt de retalls, vaig pensar fer-li un amb els mateixos retalls (encara em que daven un munt). Aquesta nit mentres la petita dorm, m'apalancare al sofa a cosir-hi la beta. Mes fotos del producte acabat dema!

So here is what I'm finishing, a wall hanging. It's made out of scraps. It's a belated birthday present for a good friend of mine who liked my scrappy quilt. I thought she would like something made with them same scraps. It's already quilted and tonight, while the little one sleeps, I'll be curled up in the sofa binding it. More photos f the finished product tomorrow!

I hate basting! 
no m'agrada gens embastar!

I have sewn a band at the back so she can put a stick to hang it up
He cosit un troc, de tela al darrera per posar-hi un pal i poder penjar-lo.

i aquest es el meu nou coixi per les agulles que tant necessitava...
and this is my new badly needed pin cushion...

by the way, I broke 4 needles today...
per cert, avui he trencat 4 agulles...

Saturday, 28 May 2011

democracy? democracia?

It is not my intention to post about anything other than crafts and hobbies in my blog and it will remain like this after this post. I just could not let this go by.

Hundreds of people in Barcelona, my hometown, as well as in other cities in Spain have been peacefully demonstrating against the government's political action which is very very far from what it claims to be a democracy.

I want to show you how the police forces tried to evict the protesters yesterday, who emphasised their non violent way of demonstrating by just sitting down and be out in the streets to ask for what it should be real democracy.

What I found most horrifying is this. What excuse is there to have a go at a disabled person???

I cannot do anything from here, I'm really annoyed about it, but the only thing I can do is to show what is happening so there is more people aware of it.  

thank you for reading this

Thursday, 26 May 2011

LAYER CAKE QUILT ALONG - I need advise please - consell?

Ja he acabat tots els blocs del Layer Cake Quilt Along (com sempre, tard...). Ara falta fer el "sashing", la tela que va entre els blocs, despres afegire els marges i a poc a poc l'acabare. Aqui hi ha la resta de blocs que em faltaven. Pero tinc un dubte:

Quin color farieu servir pel "sashing", primer havia pensat en cru per l'Aster Manor, pero ara penso que es massa soso. M'agradaria algun color que contrastes. I per l'Awesome? taronja es massa fort, potser verd?
Podeu veure fotos dels dos mes avall, al final.
Algun consell? gracies!

I have already made all the blocks for the Layer Cake Quilt Along (late, as always...). Now I'll start making the sashing and then the outer frame. I'll finish it slowly, but steady! Here are the rest of the blocks. But I need some advise: 

what colour would you use for the sashing in the Aster Manor quilt?I thought of creamy first, but now I'm not convinced by it, it's too dull, I'd like something that stands out...
and for the Awesome? I don't want orange, maybe green?

you can see a photo of both if you scroll down.
all suggestions welcome! thank you

Aster Manor number 5
Awesome number 5

Awesome 6

Aster Manor 6

 Aster Manor number 7

Awesome number 7

Aster Manor number 8

Awesome number 8

Awesome number 9

Aster Manor number 9

Awesome 10

Aster Manor 10

Aster Manor number 11

Awesome 11
Awesome number 12
Aster Manor number 12

This is not the final layout, but I wanted to see all the blocks together.
I'm not quite sure of the clear background of the star in the middle row, I might change it.
Aqui hi ha tots els blocs junts, no sera el diseny final, pero els volia veure tots junts.
No estic molt convenc,uda amb el fons clar de l'estel del mig, potser el canviare.

It definitely doesn't work for the "Awesome" quilt as you can see here. I don't know what I was thinking of! So I changed it, and the only colour I had left from the layer cake was orange, so orange it is...
Aqui canta com una almeja i l'he canviat. N ose en que estava pensant!
Com que nomes em quedaven quadres taronges, s'ha quedat amb el taronja.


Thank you all for stopping by, for participating and for becoming a follower. I hope you come back to be nosy and see what I'm up to! 
Moltes gracies a totes per visitar el meu blog, per participar en el sorteig i per decidir seguir-me. Espero que torneu sovint per xafardejar el que faig!

It's been great fun to read all your 153 comments and find out about more blogs, I follow some of them already but I still need to go through most of them. I've also found new ones that took part in the giveaway.
Ha sigut molt divertit llegir els 153 comentaris i trobar blogs nous. Alguns ja els conec i els segueixo pero encara he d'acabar de visitar-los tots. Tambe n'he trobat de nous entre les llistes dels que hi participaven.

As I don't know how to publish the random.org little thingy on my posts, I'll tell you that the first number Mr Random gave me was number 2.
Com que no se com posar la finstreta que mostra el numero sel.leccionat de random.org, us dic que el primer numero que m'ha donat es el 2.

gill said... 2

My favourite blog is Vanessa Caban's doyoumindifiknit.typepad.com

Congratulations Gill! you'll receive the 2 batik charm rolls and the grocery bag.
Felicitats Gill! Rebras els dos charm rolls i la bossa de la compra.

And because I decided to have a second winner... Mr Random said it was number 25.
I com que vaig decidir tenir un segon guanyador... el senyor random m'ha donat el numero 25.

jaya pratheesh said... 25

lovely bag. and fabric_bonus! my favourite blog right now is MADE. a close second will be design*sponge.

thanks for the chance to win!

Congratulations Jaya!
I went through my stash to dig up two fat quarters of Happy Daisy (by Chloe's Closet for Moda) for Jaya, I hope you likes them.
Felicitats Jaya!
D'entre la pila de robes que tinc, enviare 2 fat quarters de Happy Daisy, de Chloe's Closet per Moda) a la Jaya, espero que li agradin!

Sunday, 22 May 2011


***this giveaway is now closed***

***aquest sorteig esta tancat****

Welcome to May Giveaway! Sew Mama Sew is organising this yearly event again and I'm so happy to be a participant now! Lots of bloggers from around the world are also taking part, so make sure you visit their blogs for a chance to win great stuff. You can see the list of all participant blogs on Sew Mama Sew's blog to find the three from the 23rd of May.

Ja ha arribat el moment de May Giveaway! Sew Mama Sew organitza aquest esdeveniment anual i aquest cop hi participo! Molts blocaires de tot el mon tambe hi participen aixi que intenteu visitar els seus blogs per poder entrar a mes sortejos. Teniu la llista amb tots els blogs participants al blog de Sew Mama Sew a partir del 23 de Maig. 

what can you win???que podeu guanyar???

2 batik charm rolls
a reversible eco-grocery bag made by myself
una bossa de la compra reversible feta per mi
you can click the images for zooming in
podeu clicar a les imatges fer veure-ho en zoom


1. Leave one comment telling me which is your favourite blog.
2. For an additional chance, follow my blog and write a second comment telling me you did so,(if you are already a follower write the second comment telling me so). That is 2 comments in total.
Make sure you LEAVE YOUR EMAIL.
This giveaway will be open until the 25th of May at 10pm (Irish time).
I will draw one winner using random.org on the following day.  
I will post internationally by the 30th of May.
-To be fair to all participants, I will delete those comments that do not comply with these rules. THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY, GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL AND DON'T FORGET ABOUT ALL THE OTHER GIVEAWAYS!

** WOW! more than 100 followers and more than 100 comments! ok, this deserves a second winner with a surprise prize: something you'll like...!!!**

**Ostres! mes de 100 seguidors i mes de 100 missatges! aixo es mereix una segona guanyadora (ja compto que no hi ha cap home per aqui) amb un premi sorpresa que no decepcionara...!!!**

1. Escriviu un comentari dient-me quin es el vostre blog preferit.
2. Per tenir una altra oportunitat, feu-vos seguidors del meu blog i deixeu un segon comentari dient-m'ho (si ja sou seguidors, escriviu un segon comentari dient-me que ja en sou). Seran 2 comentaris en total.

Deixeu la vostra adrec,a al mateix comentari o a la informacio del vostre perfil per poder contactar-vos si guanyeu.
Aquest sorteig es tancara el dia 25 de Maig a les 10pm (hora irlandesa). 

Al dia seguent fare servir random.org per escollir un nom i publicare la guanyadora (o guanyador) tant aviat com pugui. Enviare el premi alla on sigui el dia 30 de Maig.
- per ser justa amb tots els participants, eliminare tots aquells missatges que no compleixin  amb les normes.

Saturday, 21 May 2011


The entry for this week's foto finish is "drama in the sky". Every evening starlings and rooks gather up on the telephone lines and are the noisiest on the island. They do create a big drama! I thought these 3 first rooks that arrived looked funny, as if those 2 were chatting about the other one...

Aquesta es la entrada per al Foto Finish d'aquesta setmana. El tema es "drama al cel". Cada tarda els estornells i els corbs es concentren als cables de telefon i aleshores si que munten un gran drama! Em va fer gracia els 3 priemrs en arrivar, com si aquest parell parlessin sobre l'altre...

Would you like to see more beautiful pictures? 
go and visit Cat Patches!

Voleu veure mes fotos? visiteu Cat Patches!

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Tenia aquestes bosses de coto que vaig comprar al supermercat ALDI. Aqui els botiguers cobren les bosses i aixi intenten que la gent sigui mes respectuosa amb el medi ambient. Tens l'opcio de comprar les de plastic o les de roba. Quan vaig veure les de roba, vaig pensar que podria fer-les una mica mes maques i personalitzades i de moment aquestes son les dues primeres que he transformat.

I had these cotton grocery bags that I bought in an ALDI store. Here they charge you for carrier bags to promote respect for the environment. You can choose to buy either plastic or fabric ones, so when I saw those cheap cotton ones I thought I could make them into something nicer and more personalised. Here's my two first ones.

Volia que fos reversible. Primer vaig descosir les nances, vaig tallar unes de noves amb la tela de topos i les vaig cosir juntes perque es vegin les dues teles a cada costat. Amb la tela de topos tambe vaig fer una butxaca per cosir-la a un dels costats de la bossa llisa. I finalment nomes calia fer una altra bossa del mateix tamany. Es col.loca la bossa llisa a l'inreves, de manera que quan la fiquis dins de la bossa de topos, la part del reves queda tocant amb el reves de la bossa de topos.

I wanted to make a reversible bag. I used fabric I had to make another bag that measures exactly the same. I made a pocket and sew it onto the cream cotton bag. I took out the handles of the cotton bag and I sew them onto new ones that I cut out from the new fabric. 

tallant i planxant les nances
cutting and ironing the handles
nances cosides/sewn handles
butxaca / pocket

one bag into the other, wrong sides facing
una bossa dins de l'altra, cares del reves tocant-se

Vaig doblegar la vora de les dues bosses cap endins sense oblidar-me de ficar les nances alla on volia.  Vaig cosir tot el voltant i llestos. En un tres i no res, tinc una bossa per anar al mercat reutilitzable i personalitzada.
I folded the two top seams inwards and placed the handles where it suited me. I topstitched all along and that's it, my own personlised eco-grocery bag!

folding in the seams with handles in place
doblegant les vores cap endins amb les nances col.locades a lloc

topstitching / cosint el voltant

Amb la segona bossa, vaig decidir fer la bossa de l'Aldi mes petita, fent servir una bossa que ja tenia com a model. L'unic que canvio es la mida de la bossa amb la tela de ratlles, fent-la mes llarga per poder doblegar-la cap endins. Amb les nances i la butxaca faig el mateix que abans.

For the second bag I decided to make a smaller one. I also changed the measurements of the stripy bag, making it longer so I can fold it on the top. The pocket and the handles are made the same way a



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