Ai ai ai... sembla que he espantat a dues seguidores despres del post d'ahir...! m'han "deseguit", ha ha! que hi farem...
Despres de la setmana de sortejos de Sew Mama Sew torna la calma, i la feina al taller continua. Estic contenta perque la llista inacabable de "coses per acabar" s'esta escurc,ant i aixo em fa sentir be perque vol dir que puc comenc,ar nous projectes!
Abans de tot vull compartir una mica el que he guanyat...
Oh dear! Two followers decided to "defollow" me today, was it because of my post from yesterday??? LOL! oh well...
After the busy week of Sew Mama Sew, everything is calm here and we can go back to work. I am finishing a lot of projects from my "things to finish" list and that makes me feel soooo good! because that means I can start new ones.
But first I'd like to show you my winnings...
1. un munt de blogs nous que he descobert, aqui us en poso uns quants:
1. Lots of new blogs I am following, here are just a few:
2. He descobert un parell de blocaires irlandeses (be, una d'elles es espanyola) i espero poder trobar-ne mes amb el nou grup de flickr (boto a la dreta).
2. I've met a couple of Irish based bloggers (one of them is Spanish) and I hope to find some more in the new flickr group (button on the right hand side).
3. I... he guanyat 4 sortejos, si si, 4!:
3. And... I won 4 giveaways, 4!:
3 capdells de llana / 3 skeins of yarn
8 fat quarters de coto organic, una revista i un mini quilt
8 FQ of organic cotton, a magazine and a mug rug
3 yardes de beta / 3 yards of quilting tape
un parell de draps de cuina i un grapat de botons
2 tea towels and a bunch of vintage buttons
quina alegria quan vaig rebre el primer email dient-me que habia guanyat, pero despres hi van seguir 3 mes! al menys aquest cop jo tambe vaig poder donar dos premis, un se'n anira cap a Anglaterra i l'altre cap a Qatar.
I was so happy when I received the first email telling my I was a winner, and then 3 more came in...! It was great to be able to participate this time and to give away some of my crafts too, one is going to England and the other to Qatar.
Doncs be, aqui teniu el que estic acabant ara mateix, un quilt per penjar a la pared. Es un regal d'aniversari (com sempre vaig tard) per una moooolt bona amiga. Esta fet amb retalls, m'agrada molt aquesta tecnica, i com que se que a la meva amiga li va agradar molt el quilt de retalls, vaig pensar fer-li un amb els mateixos retalls (encara em que daven un munt). Aquesta nit mentres la petita dorm, m'apalancare al sofa a cosir-hi la beta. Mes fotos del producte acabat dema!
So here is what I'm finishing, a wall hanging. It's made out of scraps. It's a belated birthday present for a good friend of mine who liked my scrappy quilt. I thought she would like something made with them same scraps. It's already quilted and tonight, while the little one sleeps, I'll be curled up in the sofa binding it. More photos f the finished product tomorrow!
I hate basting!
no m'agrada gens embastar!
I have sewn a band at the back so she can put a stick to hang it up
He cosit un troc, de tela al darrera per posar-hi un pal i poder penjar-lo.
i aquest es el meu nou coixi per les agulles que tant necessitava...
and this is my new badly needed pin cushion...
by the way, I broke 4 needles today...
per cert, avui he trencat 4 agulles...