Sunday, 31 July 2011

Mini Foto Album and Facebook!

Estic aprenent a fer mes coses amb paper
 i de moment aquest es el primer petit projecte.
Tinc sort de tenir una veina a qui tambe li agraden les manualitats,
la Una Jordan es la que m'esta ensenyant a fer tot aixo.

I'm learning to make more things with paper
and this is my first little project so far.
I'm lucky to live next door to another crafter,
Una Jordan, who is teaching me to make all this.

un petit llibret-acordio que es pot fer servir com a album de fotos
it's a mini acordion book that can be used as a foto album

el pots fer tan llarg com vulguis
you can make it as long as you like

L'he fet amb paper d'origami que m'han enviat de Wholeport per entrar en un concurs. Necessito molta gent a qui li "agradi" aquest llibret. Si us ha agradat, els hi podeu dir? gracies!cliqueu aqui
I used origami paper that Wholeport sent me to enter their competition. I need a lot of people to "like" it on their facebook page. So if you like it... would you go and tell them? thank you!

Saturday, 30 July 2011


Well this is (are...) my entry (ies) for the Foto Finish this week about farm fields.
I took these photos about 2 weeks ago when the sunset was giving this beautiful light. They cut the hay not long ago and now they piled it all up . The fence was open... the field is just across... we couldn't resist to have a run, great fun! The hill at the back is part of The Burren

Aquesta es (o son) la meva foto(s) per al Foto Finish d'aquesta setmana sobre camps. 
Vaig fer aquesta foto fa unes dues setmanes, quan la posta de sol ens regalava aquesta llum. Tenim aquest camp just al davant de casa i la tanca estava oberta... 
La muntanya de pedra que es veu al fons s'anomena The Burren.

hide and seek
fet i amagar

Sooty, patron saint of patience...
Santa Sooty,  la patrona de la paciencia

cliqueu aqui per veure mes camps
click here to see more farm fields

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Fishes and Bubbles - Peixets i Bombolles

Yep! I'm making cards again!

Ja tornen els animalons de paper! estic fent postals...

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Craft Bag - Bossa de manualitats

He descobert una revista de manualitats, MAKING, amb un  munt d'idees molt maques. Quan vaig veure el projecte de la bossa de manualitats vaig reconeixer la tela immediatament, Riley Blake, que havia comprat fa uns mesos. Es facil i rapida de fer, pero l'entretela ha de ser molt mes rigida que la que he fet servir. La tornare a fer, m'ha encantat!

I've discovered a new craft magazine, MAKING, with lots of nice projects to make. When I saw the craft bag project I recognised the fabric immediately, Riley Blake, which I had purchased a few months ago.

He combinat les teles amb lli.
Aquest ha sigut el primer intent,  no ha quedat malament, pero ara tornare a fer-ne una altra 
amb una entretela mes rigida.

I combined the cotton fabric with linen.
This has been the first trial, not bad,
but now I need to make another one with heavier interfacing.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Un altre encarrec - another commissioned quilt

Despres del quilt de les fades que em van encarregar aquest es el segon que faltava. Es per un nado i em van demanar que fos blanc i blau i molt tradicional.
After the fairy quilt that I made recently, this is the second quilt that was commissioned. It' for a baby boy and they wanted it very traditional and using only whites and blues.

51 1/2" x 38

Aquest cop vaig fer l'encoixinat seguint les linees rectes dels quadrats
I quilted straight lines along the squares this time.

Cada un te la seva propia bossa, amb una etiqueta de El Petit Taller sobre un troc, de tela del quilt.
They both come in its own cotton bag, with my label sewn onto a piece of fabric from the quilt.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Things I like - Coses que m'agraden

M'han portat unes quantes cosetes dels EEUU... coses que m'agraden.
Coses que puc beure, coses que puc menjar, coses que puc llegir i coses amb les quals puc cosir i fer manualitats!

They brought me a few things from the USA. Things that I like.
Things that I can drink, things that I can eat, things that I can read and things with which I can sew, knit and make crafts!

Aqui van les primeres, ja anire mostrant-ne mes:
Here are some of them, I'll show the rest another time:

Boles chineses de te premsades (jessami, lotus...)
Chinese pressed tea balls (jasmine, lottus...)

I aixo es una de les millors. M'ENCANTEN aquestes galetes. Sempre demano als amics que hi van que me'n portin un paquet. Aqui nomes puc trobar les cookies amb trocets de chocolata (pero no pas aquestes)
And this is something I LOVE! Pepperidge Farm double chocolate Milano. I always ask people to bring me some (I can only fins Pepperidge Farm double chip chocolate cookies here... but not these ones)

this was actually the very last one, and guess who stole it?
aquesta galeta era literalment la ultima que quedava, i qui me la va prendre?

aquesta neneta
this little one
who didn't have enough with her "lollop"
que no tenia prou amb el seu "lollop"

Saturday, 9 July 2011

FOTO FINISH - summer fun - diversio estiuenca

There are a lot of festivals going on in the summer here. This is a really nice one in the village next to where we live, it's called the Cruinniu na mBad, the Meeting of the Boats. It's on every August, depending on the tide it will fall on the second or third weekend. People wait at the pier for the Curraghs to come from Connemara, on the other side of Galway Bay, to deliver the turf.
There are plenty of stalls with food, crafts and live music on the pier. This is last year, Hana had great fun with the bouncing balls that a man had for sale. She got her own one at the end, of course!

Hi ha molts festivals aqui a l'estiu. Aquest es diu Cruinniu na mBad, la trobada dels vaixells. Es fa cada Agost, depenent de la marea cau en el segon o tercer cap de setmana. La gent s'espera al moll per l'arribada dels Curraghs, els vaixells tipics de Galway, que venen des de Connemara, a l'altra banda de la badia de Galway, llestos per descarregar la torba. Hi ha moltes paradetes al moll, de menjar, artesania i musica en viu. La Hana s'ho va passar molt be amb aquestes pilotes. Al final va aconseguir la seva!

click here to see more summer fun
cliqueu aqui per veure mes diversio estiuenca

Sunday, 3 July 2011

My first commissioned quilt - el meu primer encarrec


A few weeks ago they commissioned me two quilts. They asked me to make one for a girl, a very traditional pinky-fairy-princessy-flowery-girly one... and a very traditional baby boy blue (which I still have to make).
I found nice cute girly fabric and I thought it was perfect for the little girl's quilt. 

Fa unes setmanes em van encarregar dos quilts, per a una nena i un nen. Els volen molt tradicionals, per a la nena de color rosa amb princeses o fades... i vaig trobar aquesta tela que em va sembla prou maca i divertida. Per al nen, el volen en tons blaus i blancs, i encara l'he de fer.

I've been trying to make my own labels for my quilts, using printable cotton fabric, but my printer doesn't seem to  like this and it keeps getting a bit stuck...  so far I could only get a decent print in only black ink but I'll keep trying though.  
Estic intentant fer etiquetes per posar als quilts que faig i estic provant la tela imprimible de coto. La meva impresora sembla que es resisteix en "empassar-se" aquesta mena de paper-tela i s'ha encallat un parell de vegades. De moment nomes he pogut fer un parell d'etiquetes en tinta negra.

I've ordered some twill tape to make small labels that I can sew onto all my other projects. I've been using one of those stamps with padded ink and some twill tape I had, but I have seen this tutorial and I'm going to give it a try.  
Tambe estic provant de fer etiquetes mes petites en beta per cosir-les als altres projectes que faig. De moment he fet servir un segell i un troc, de beta que tenia, pero he vist aquesta tutorial i provare de fer-les aixi.

El nom de la nena esta aplicat al darrere.
The little girl's name with appliquee on the back.


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