Tuesday, 28 February 2012


*****this giveaway is now closed*****
******sorteig tancat*****

I'm joining the Leap Day Giveaway, it will run until Leap Day 11:59pm (Irish time). Just leave a comment in this post. Only comments within the time frame set above will be counted eligible for the giveaway. Please make sure I can contact you!

I'm giving away a Dumpling Pouch that I made a few days ago and I am willing to post it internationally.
Hope on to Such a Sew and Sew to participate in other giveaways. Good luck!

He decidit participar al sorteig de Leap Day que comença ara fins dema 29 a les 11.59pm (hora irlandesa). Per participar cal que escriviu un copmentari en aquest post. Nomes  els comentaris que quedin dins del marge de temps especificat entraran en el sorteig. Assegureu-vos de que puc contactar-vos en cas que hagiu guanyat!

Podeu guanyar un Dumpling Pouch que vaig fer fa uns dies.
Visiteu Such a Sew and Sew per a poder participar en altres sortejos. 
Bona sort!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

TUTORIAL: fabric baskets - cistells de roba

Well I was going to leave this post for next week, but I am going to be very busy both at work and college and probably away from blogland for a while too!
 so I thought I'd be good and give you a surprise...

Anava a deixar aquet post per a la setmana que ve, pero estare molt ocupada a la feina i a la universitat i segurament tampoc parare per terres virtuals!
aixi sue us deixo una sorpresa...

Many people asked me for this tutorial (as I promised) when they saw this
I finally could put a tutorial together for these little baskets. The one on the left I started a while ago (when I started the tutorial), then life got in the way and I had to put it on the back burner... 
but hey, I got two of them!
So let's get started

Per fi he pogut enllestir aquesta tutorial que tanta gent m'ha demanat quan van veure aquest cistell (ja ho se, encara em falta el Mic!). El cistellet de l'esquerra el vaig comenc,ar fa temps (quan vaig comenc,ar a preparar la tutorial), 
pero hi ha coses que passen a la vida i has de deixar-ne altres de banda... 
al menys ara en tinc dos de fets...
Anem per feina

fabric for the lining
fusible medium weight interfacing
fabric scraps

tela per al forro
entretela (de la que s'enganxa quan la planxes) de pes mig
trocets de teles variades

1. Cut 1 rectangle 7 1/2"x 16 1/2" from linen, lining fabric and interfacing.
Cut a circle of 5 1/2" diametre from linen, lining fabric and interfacing.
Iron the interfacing on the wrong side of the linen.

1. Talleu 1 rectangle de 7 1/2"x16 1/2" de cada tela, lli, forro i entretela.
Talleu un cercle de 5 1/2" de diametre tambe de cada tela.
Planxeu l'entretela a la part del reves del lli.

2. Decide on a design for your basket. I cut flowers from scraps and ironed interfacing on their wrong side. You can see here two examples: flowers, 
or tiny clothes and two poles for hanging sewing them up on the line... 
Use your imagination, I'm sure you'll make something beautiful!

2. Decidiu quin diseny voleu i retalleu figures amb les teles variades. Aqui teniu un exemple amb flors i un altre amb roba i dos pals per estendre-la cosir-la...
Feu servir la imaginacio, segur que us surt alguna cosa molt maca!

3. Arrange the shapes on the right side of the linen and sew them using a straight stitch, blanket stitch or any that you feel comfortable with. Here I used a straight stitch for the flowers, a zig-zag for the stems, and using my darning presser foot I sew the leaves.

3. Col.loqueu els retalls a sobre del lli amb l'ajuda d'agulles. Feu servir un punt recte, zig-zag, d'aplic... el que us sembli mes be per al que feu. Aqui he fet servir un punt recta per cosir les flors, un de zig-zag per als talls i he utilitzat la pota d'encoixinat lliure per cosir els fulles.

You may add little details like buttons or beads.
Tambe podeu afegir detalls com botons, etc.

5. Once you are happy with it, press it.
5 Un cop ho teniu llest, planxeu-ho.

6. If you are using labels, you could sew one on the centre top of the lining fabric, 
about 1 1/2" form the top raw edge.

6. Si feu servir etiquetes,  podeu cosir-ne una al centre del forro, a 1 1/2" per sota de la vora superior.

7. Sew the sides together leaving a 1/2" seam and press it open, making a tube. 
Do the same with the linen panel.

7. Cosiu els costats dels rectangles deixant una vora de 1/2", formant un tub, i planxeu la vora oberta.
Feu el mateix amb el rectangle de lli decorat.

8. Attach the circular bottom to the bottom of the tube (right sides together) 
using as many pins as you need.

8. Amb l'ajuda de tantes agulles com necessiteu, col.loqueu la base circular 
a la part inferior del tub (amb les parts dels dret tocant-se).

9. With the bottom of the basket facing down, 
sew around the circular edge leaving a 1/4" seam (roughly).

9. Amb la base circular cap avall, cosiu el voltant deixant una vora de mes o menys 1/4".

10. Cut around the seam with pinking shears scissors 
or just cut tiny snips every 1/2" being careful not to cut through the stitches.
Repeat steps 8-10 with the lining fabric.

10. Talleu al voltant de la vora amb unes tisores de zig-zag, i si no en teniu, nomes cal que feu petits talls a cada 1/2" mirant de no tallar cap punt.

The following step is optional:
El seguent pas es opcional:

Place a bit of velcro on the ouside of the linen basket, 
just over the seam and above 1 1/2" below the top edge.

Col.loqueu un troc, de velcro a la part exterior del cistell de lli, sobre la costura lateral i a 1 1/2" per sota de la vora superior.

Cut a (roughly) 5" square of lining fabric 
(or linen if you prefer).
 Press the edges on both sides about 1/2" inwards, 
and one of the narrow sides 1/4" inwards (sorry, forgot to take that shot!)

Talleu un quadrat de mes o menys 5" de tela de forro 
(o lli si voleu).
Doblegueu els costats 1/2" cap endins i planxeu. Feu el mateix amb un dels costats estrets que us queda, pero aquest cop 1/4" (aqui m'he deixat de fer la foto)

Fold it in half, lengthwise, and sew along the edge 
about 1/8" of the edges.
Sew the other bit of velcro on one end.

Doblegueu per la meitat, al llarg, i cosiu al voltant 
deixant 1/8" de marge.
Cosiu l'altra part del velcro a una punta. 

11. Now place the lining inside the linen basket, wrong sides together, 
and make sure both seams are aligned.

11. Col.loqueu el forro dins del cistell de lli, amb les parts del reves tocant-se, 
i assegureu-vos de que les costures quedin aliniades.

12. Fold the top edges 1/2" onto their wrong side and pin together.

12. Doblegueu la vora de dalt, dels dos cistells, 1/2" cap a les respectives parts del reves
i col.loqueu agulles a tot al voltant.

13. Place the velcro strap between the two fabrics and pin it to place.
Topstitch all around about 1/4" from the edge.

13. Col.loqueu a lloc la tira amb velcro entre les dues teles.
Cosiu un repunt a tot el voltant deixant 1/4" de marge. 

Alternatively, if you're not using any straps, 
a quicker way to stitch the top is by placing the lining inside the linen basket 
(You could add your straps by placing them in between the two right sides)

Una altra alternativa mes facil, i sense tires per penjar, es col.locant el forro dins del cistell de lli pero aquest cop amb les PARTS DEL DRET TOCANT-SE. 
(Podrieu afegir tires si les col.loqueu entre les teles)

Stitch along the top leaving 1/2" seam and 
making sure you LEAVE A GAP of about 4".

Cosiu tot el voltant deixant una vora de 1/2" i DEIXANT UN ESPAI SENSE COSIR d'unes 4".

Turn the basket inside out through the gap you left so now both right sides are facing out.

Gireu la tela passant-la per l'espai sense cosir de manera que les cares del dret quedin a fora.

Place the lining inside the linen basket and topstitch at 1/4" form the edge.

Feu un repunt al voltant deixant un marge de 1/4".

It looks cute if you fold the top towards the outside.

Queda maco si gireu la part de dalt cap enfora.

And here's a cloth peg holder on the left, and a put-anything-in basket on the right...

I aqui a l'esquerra teniu el meu cistellet per guardar les agulles d'estendre, i a la dreta
un cistell de ficar-el que-sigui...

You may sell these, as long as you give me credit and link to my blog!
Thanks a million

Teniu el meu permis per vendre aquests cistells 
pero us agrairia que m'acreditessiu com a disenyadora i enllac,ar-me al vostre blog!
Moltes gracies

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Freshly Made - Recent Fet

2 posts en un dia!!!
2 posts on the same day!!!

Doncs aqui esta, el primer quilt per al meu stock... La inspiracio em va venir d'aqui, i quines ganes que tinc de quedar-me'l! son els meus colors preferits, pero no... nomes espero que vagi a parar en bones mans. Avui el sol ha decidit sortir una mica (entre plujes i rafegues de vent gelat) i asseguda al sofa l'he pogut gaudir mentres acabava de cosir-hi la vora. Tambe he pogut sortir a fora i fer unes quantes fotos amb la llum de la tarda.

Here's my first quilt to add to my stock (I'm trying to build up stock for a craft fair). The inspiration came from here. I'd love to keep it, these are my favorite colours, but no... I just hope it will end in good hands. The sun was shining today, between showers and strong cold winds, and it was lovely to sit by the window feeling its heat while I was finishing the binding. I could also take a few shots with the nice evening light.

Potser reconeixereu la tela del darrere... mmm... IKEA???
You may recognize the back fabric... mmm... IKEA???

He cosit ric-rac vermell a les costures entre la tela blanca i l'estampada.
I sewed red ric-rac on the seams between the white fabric and the patterned one.

Per l'encoixinat, nomes vaig fer linees mig corves horitzontals.
The quilting is ver simple, just wonky horizontal lines.

Els dies ja comencen a allargar-se i m'encanta!
The days are getting longer and I love it!

Les tulipes son la meva flor preferida, i la teva?
Tulips are my favorite flowers, what are yours?

Layer Cake Quilt Along... finished! acabat!

Per fi ja l'he acabat!
Finally finished!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Sugar and Spice and something nice...

I bought some Sugar and Spice by Riley Blake in the summer to make another quilt for my daughter. I had been thinking what design to use and I had a couple in my mind (which I intend to do soon) and finally 2 weeks ago I saw something I really really liked. I have enough fabric to make to baby quilts and I'm almost finished with the first one. Here's a sneak pic before I reveal the first final product...

L'estiu passat vaig comprar tela de Sugar and Spice per fer-li un altre quilt a la meva filla. Havia estat pensant en el diseny i tenia dues idees (que les portare a cap), pero fa un parell de setmanes vaig trobar una que em va agradar moltissim. Tinc prou roba per fer dos quilts petits i un ja esta quasi acabat. Us deixo fer una ullada abans de revelar el producte final del primer...

Those words... sugar and spice... make me think of apple tart and I also discovered a new recipe that caught my eye. I have made this tart twice now and it is soooooo nice... you can translate using GoogleTranslate, plus the blog's author is fluent in English and wouldn't have a problem in helping you out. 
Do you have a recipe that you keep making over and over again? Would you share it?

Quan sento aquestes dues paraules juntes, sugar and spice (sucre i especies), em fa pensar en pastis de poma amb canyella. Fa poc que vaig descobrir aquesta recepta de la Merce de Cuina Per a Llaminers i ja es la segona vegada que la faig. Esta bonissima!

Teniu alguna receta d'aquelles que sempre feu? La voleu compartir?

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Tutorial a/at Fairy Face Designs

Click here to see the tutorial I'm sharing at Fairy Face Designs, something easy for beginners!

Cliqueu aqui per veure el turorial que he fet per Fairy Face Designs, facil per principiants!


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