Thursday, 16 February 2012

Sugar and Spice and something nice...

I bought some Sugar and Spice by Riley Blake in the summer to make another quilt for my daughter. I had been thinking what design to use and I had a couple in my mind (which I intend to do soon) and finally 2 weeks ago I saw something I really really liked. I have enough fabric to make to baby quilts and I'm almost finished with the first one. Here's a sneak pic before I reveal the first final product...

L'estiu passat vaig comprar tela de Sugar and Spice per fer-li un altre quilt a la meva filla. Havia estat pensant en el diseny i tenia dues idees (que les portare a cap), pero fa un parell de setmanes vaig trobar una que em va agradar moltissim. Tinc prou roba per fer dos quilts petits i un ja esta quasi acabat. Us deixo fer una ullada abans de revelar el producte final del primer...

Those words... sugar and spice... make me think of apple tart and I also discovered a new recipe that caught my eye. I have made this tart twice now and it is soooooo nice... you can translate using GoogleTranslate, plus the blog's author is fluent in English and wouldn't have a problem in helping you out. 
Do you have a recipe that you keep making over and over again? Would you share it?

Quan sento aquestes dues paraules juntes, sugar and spice (sucre i especies), em fa pensar en pastis de poma amb canyella. Fa poc que vaig descobrir aquesta recepta de la Merce de Cuina Per a Llaminers i ja es la segona vegada que la faig. Esta bonissima!

Teniu alguna receta d'aquelles que sempre feu? La voleu compartir?


  1. M'encanten aquestes robes!!!! Tinc ganes de veure el resultat final...

  2. Hola de nou Irina! Si tens un moment passa pel blog i t'enduràs una sorpresa...o potser no et fa gens de gràcia! Una abraçada, fins aviat!


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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