Now that elder trees are blooming it's time for making elderflower cordial. I always buy it made, but this time my neighbour brought a recipe and lots of elderflowers and taught me how to make it. I'm addicted to it!!!
There are lots of elder trees around where I live and they'll be blooming from now until about mid july. I feel like I want to keep making cordial as much as I can! here's the recipe I followed if you want to try it. People normally use lemons, but we used oranges as well.
Ara els saücs estan florint i es el temps de fer xarop de flor de saüc. Normalment sempre l'he comprat ja fet, pero la meva veina m'ha portat una recepta i moltes flors per fer-ne i ara en soc totalment adicte!
Hi ha molts saücs per als voltants on vivim i floreixen a partir d'ara fins mes o menys mitjans de juliol. Em sembla un desperdici quan veig tots aquests arbres florits sense poder fer el xarop cada dos per tres. Aprofito ara que puc! aqui teniu la recepta que he seguit per si en voleu fer. Normalment la gent nomes fa servir llimones, pero nosaltres hem fet servir tambe taronges.
25 heads of elderflower
1.5 kg of sugar
1.2 l water
40gr citric acid (you can buy it in pharmacies)
2 lemons
2 oranges
25 caps de flors de sauc
1.5 kg de sucre
1.2 l aigua
40 gr d'acid citric
2 llimones
2 taronges
1. Choose elderflowers that are fresh and white avoiding older creamy yellow ones.
Shake them to remove any unwanted creatures.
1. Escolliu flors fresques i blanques evitant les velles i de color groc cremos.
Agiteu-les be per treure els animalets que no volem.
2. Place the sugar and the water in a stainless steel pot and warm them slowly,
stirring to dissolve the sugar completely. then bring to the boil.
2. Abocqueu el sucre i l'aigua en una olla d'acer inoxidable i calenteu-ho per a que el sucre es disolgui. Remeneu be i porteu-ho a punt d'ebullicio.
3. Add the flowers, bring again to the boil and remove from heat.
3. Afegiu-hi les flors, porteu a punt d'ebullicio un altre cop i apagueu el foc.
4. Add the rest of the ingredients, stir well and cover it. Leave it in a cool place for 24 h.
4. Afegiu la resta d'ingredients, remeneu be i tapeu-ho, deixant-ho reposar 24 h.
5. Drain the liquid and store in sterilized glass bottles.
5. Col.leu el liquid i aboqueu-lo en ampolles de vidre esterilitzades.
6. Dissolve the cordial in cold water at 1:10 and enjoy.
Keep it in the fridge for up to 2 months (if it lasts that long)
6. Per prendre'l cal diluir el xarop en aigua freda 1:10 i disfruteu-lo.
Guardeu-lo a la nevera fins a dos mesos (si es que us dura tant).
Hi ha alguna beguda casolana que us agrada fer?
voleu compartir la recepta?
Is there any homemade drink that you like making?
would you share the recipe?
An elder tree down the road
Un saüc pel camí de casa
And if you're wondering how the little button is doing...
Well... it's been tougher than though for the last 10 days. It seemed he had
a lot of wind and the poor fellow couldn't settle at all. It got worse and finally
we know now that it is reflux, for which he's taking an antiacid and it's
already working very well, what a difference! I hope from now
on he can rest more easily (and so can we)
I per si us pregunteu que fa el botonet... doncs hem passat
uns 10 dies bastant durs. Va comenc,ar amb molts gasos que el
feien estar molt inquiet i ara fa poc hem descobert que el que te
es reflux. Per sort esta prenent un antiacid que ja ha comenc,at
a fer efecte, i quina diferencia! Esperem que a partir d'ara
pugui descansar millor (i nosaltres tambe)