Tuesday, 12 June 2012

International Quilt Festival of Ireland

Last saturday I decided I venture to town... I just got my Manduca and knowing that Conor feels so cozy in it, I thought I would have a chance to see the quilts at the International Quilt Festival of Ireland.
He slept all the way to town, complaint a bit when I put him into the carrier as he doesn't like being disturbed, and then fell asleep again while I was making my way to the University grounds.

There were a lot of people! I couldn't really take many photos of the quilts I liked, but I managed to take a few. Some of the work was absolutely amazing and my photos don't pay credit to the actual master pieces... but still, you can get an idea.

Conor was quite a hit among the crowds. I suppose carrying a baby attracts more people than if you had him in a buggy... Some women were surprised he was only 3 weeks old and I got the impression they thought I was a bit mad to have him out and about... Don't worry ladies! He was happy as Larry, warm and cozy and dreaming away...!

El dissabte passat vaig decidir aventurar-me cap a la ciutat... Ja vaig rebre la Manduca que vaig comprar i com que sabia que al Conor li agrada quedar-s'hi ben adormidet, vam anar a veure els quilts al Festival Internacional de Quilts de Irlanda. Es va passar tot el trajecte dormint, es va queixar quan me'l vaig posar a sobre perque no li agrada que el molestin, i va tornar a endormiscar-se quan anava caminant cap a la Universitat.

Hi havia bastanta gent! No vaig poder fer gaires fotos dels quilts que m'agradaven, pero tot i aixi vaig poder fer-ne algunes, encara que no donen credit a les obres d'art que hi havia. Alguns eren impressionants.

En Conor va tenir bastant d'exit tambe... Suposo que quan portes un nado a la motxil.leta atrau mes que quan el portes al cotxet. Algunes dones es van quedar ben sorpreses quan al preguntar-me els deia que tenia 3 setmanes. Vaig tenir la impressio que els semblava una bojeria tenir-lo fora de casa tan aviat... pero  cap problema senyores meves! que anava ben a gust, calentet, adormidet i probablement somniant amb colorins, teles, fils i agulles...

There was a hall with various stalls from quilt shops, magazine editors, the Western Branch of the Irish Patchwork Society, there were even two fellows in giving massage... I thought it was a bit cheeky to charge 15 euros to go into a "market" but well... I did spend some extra money to buy a few notions...

Hi havia un mercat en una sala gran on podies trobar llibres, teles, etc, representants de la branca oest del club de Patchwork d'Irlanda, fins i tot dos nois fent massatges, etc... Penso que es van passar una mica cobrant 15 euros per fer-te entrar en un "mercat" quan saben que compraras alguna cosa. I si... vaig tornar a obrir la butxaca per comprar un parell de cosetes...

There were different themes for the quilts that had been submitted. Chocolate was a good idea...

Hi havia diferents temes per fer els quilts que s'havien d'exibir. La xocolata va ser una bona idea!


  1. Todo precioso, y el marco mnaravilloso. Lastima que no me pudiera quedar mas dias en Irlanda, mi hija vive alli, y estuve 10 dias en Mayo, hasta final de mes. Espero que disfrutaras. No entiendo mucho lo que pones, porque no se ni ingles, ni catalan (lo siento) y como no tienes en el blog un traductor, me quedo un poco en ascuas, voy copiando frases y me las paso al traduka para enterarme, pero bueno asi voy funcionando. Un beso. Prady

  2. Acabo de encontrar en tu blog, el traductor, que despiste. Un beso

  3. Oh, I did not know you were there too :( Hope you enjoyed it and the beautiful weather. It was amazing day.

  4. Glad you could get out and enjoy the quilt show!


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