Wednesday, 31 October 2012

What's cooking? - Que es cou?

Pumpkin, coconut and ginger soup!
Sopa de carbassa, coco i gingebre!

This is our pumpkin
Aquesta es la nostra carbassa

being carved and ready for scaring children out tonight!
preparant-la per Halloween i per espantar els nens aquesta nit!

In the meantime, the soup will be cooking...mmmm...
I de mentres, s'estara fent la sopa... mmm

This is what I'm working on at the moment (plus several other small projects which you can see listed in my Etsy shop)
Aqui podeu fer una ullada al que estic fent ara (a part de tots els mini projectes que estic posant a la venda a la botiga)

and "where do you find the time to do all this?!!!!"
people ask...
"i es pot saber d'on treus el temps per fer tot aixo?!"
sovint em pregunten...

Well... when this little Button does this
Doncs quan el Botonet fa aixo

When he's not asleep, he looks like this.
Smiling and laughing (and puking) most of the time.
He was 5 months on the 19th!
I quan no dorm, fa aixo.
No para de riure i somriure.
El passat dia 19 fa fer 5 mesos!

And here's a peek of the nice crispy cold weather we had a few days ago
(before the rain started to have its say)
I aqui una ullada al temps que hem tingut fa uns dies, 
dies de fred i solet abans de que vingues la pluja

A visit to our friend's cottage, picking herbs, apples and feeding the neighbour's horses...
Una visita al cotagge d'un amic, on vam collir julivert, herbes i pomes...

How is it like where you are?
Quin temps fa alla on sou?

Saturday, 27 October 2012


Hello! I am entering one of my quilts to the Blogger's Quilt Festival 
Click on the image to know more about it, maybe you'd like to enter one of your quilts
or see other quilter's beautiful work!

Hola! participo al Blogger's Quilt Festival amb un dels meus quilts!
cliqueu a la imatge per saber-ne una mica mes.

This is a baby quilt I made for a friend's nephew.
I call it Wonky Squares, but maybe I should call it "First Timer", 
as it was the first time I used solids and the first time I used my new triangular ruler...

I had this charm pack of solids stashed and waiting to be used for some special occasion.
I wasn't sure how to use it and when I got that ruler, I simply followed one of the 
suggestions they give you in the packaging...wonky squares...

Once the top was pieced, I didn't want to mess it up with the quilting.
I thought the best thing would be to enhance the whole composition,
quilting all around the squares in a zig-zag way. 

So here is my

Wonky Squares Baby Quilt

entering three categories:




pieced and quilted by 

Irina De Juan

measurements: 43" x 37"

the finished product

a closer look

detail of the zig-zag quilting

Top finished. Ready to be quilted.

In the process of adding the binding...

Now wish me good luck,
vote for your favorite ones between the 5th and 8th of November
 click on the image above to see other quilter's work.
A treat for your eyes!


Aquest quilt el vaig fer per al nebot d'una amiga.
L'he titolat Wonky Squares (quadres torc,ats), pero potser l'hauria
d'haver anomenat "Primerenc". 
Era la primera vegada que utilitzava teles llises i la primera
vegada que utilitzava un regle triangular.

Tenia la tela guardada, esperant a ser protagonista i al final 
vaig seguir un dels suggeriments que et donaven 
les instrucciones del regle.

Un cop el top estava acabat, no volia pifiar-la amb l'encoixinat.
Vaig optar per anar reseguint els quadres a la part exterior, fent ziga-zaga
i fent resaltar tota la composicio.

L'entro en tres categories:

Quilts per Bebes

Quilts encoixinats a maquina a casa

Quilt de Falda

medeix 43"x 37"

desitjeu-me sort i voteu els vostres quilts preferits del 5 al 8 de Novembre,
 cliqueu a la imatge de dalt i veure les altres entrades!

Barcelona peeks...

We spent 4 weeks in my hometown, Barcelona. Hot. It's two weeks now since we arrived home and it's soooo cold... but nice (I'll show you more in my next post).

Vam passar 4 setmanes a Barcelona. Caloreta. Ja en fa dues que vam arribar a casa i quin freeeeed que fa! (ja us ensenyare mes en la propera entrada)

Here's some things I'd like to show. 
Hi ha unes quantes cosetes que us vull ensenyar.

La maquina de cosir de la meva mare (WERTHEIM)
Amb taula inclosa (sota la qual m'agradava amagar-me
i ficar la ma en aquest forat tan atractiu)

My mum's sewing machine (WERTHEIM).
It has it's own table (under which I loved to hide 
and put my hand into this
inviting "black hole")

The sound of this machine was part of my childhood's soundtrack.
My sister and I have been wearing dresses, skirts, trousers, blouses....
that my mum made on this restless lady.

 El so d'aquesta maquina forma part de la banda sonora de la meva infantesa.
La meva germana i jo hem portat vestits, faldilles, pantalons, bruses... que la meva mare ha fet amb aquesta inesgotable senyora.

nice, isn't it?
maca, oi?

We went out for strolls around the city and I couldn't help buying a few
bits and pieces (that I most certainly do not need at all because I have more than plenty).
Here's Olga's shop in Sant Antoni Market:
anything from fabric, flannel, wadding, terrycloth, felt to ribbons, binding tape, thread and a warm welcome!

Vaig sortir a passejar i no vaig poder resistir fer algunes compres
(que no necesitava gens ja que tinc de tot i mes).
La parada de l'Olga al Mercat de Sant Antoni, on pots trobar des de tela de coto, franela, boata, tovallola, feltre fins a betes, fils i un bon somriure de benvinguda.

Another time I escaped to the city centre, the Gothic Quarter. I must say I'm a bit disappointed on how changed it is. I was so surprised that I had to resource to English to speak to a bartender, since she had very little Sapnish (and let alone Catalan, of course...). Well lucky her I could speak English, but I didn't stay there at all. Tourism is important, but not to the extent when you forget the locals... ANYWAY...
Vaig escapar-me al centre unes quantes vegades, al Barri Gotic. Quina decepcio, com ha canviat! i la meva sorpresa (per no dir ja el colmo!) quan vaig haver de recorrer a l'angles per parlar amb la cambrera d'un local al carrer Hospital, ja que el seu castella era pobrissim i ja no diguem del catala! Sort per ella que parlo angles, pero no m'hi vaig quedar. El turisme es important, pero fins a cert punt i no pas quan s'obliden de la gent local. Pero be, deixem'ho...

And here's another shop I'd like you to know about. They're the distributors of Kokka in Spain.
You'll find Nunoya in a little street called Carrer de la Palla, well in the centre, near the cathedral.

 I aqui hi ha una altra botiga que vaig visitar. Nunoya, els distribuidors de Kokka 
a Espanya, al carrer de la Palla.

and that's it!
I'll show you what I'm working on lately and how things look like here,

i aixo es tot!
Ja us ensnare el sue estic fent i com es veuen les coses per aqui,
en plan Halloween...

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Extra Extra! El Petit Taller on Etsy!

Well finally I could put together a few things and open the Etsy shop!
I'm very excited about it and to be honest I'm still learning how to run the whole thing, but I know I'll be learning on the way. There are many more items that I'm going to add, but I'll take it easy and go step by step. There will be more sections with baby items, notebook covers, pouches and more bags, quilts, etc...
At the moment I want to see how I get on with all this! Any constructive criticism is welcome!

And to celebrate the new opening, there will be a 10% discount on any purchase until the end of October, you just have to enter the code WELCOME10 at checkout. 

Per fi he pogut organitzar-me una mica i obrir la botigueta a Etsy! Quina emocio! encara he d'aprendre com funciona del tot, pero ja anire agafant el truc a mida que vagi afegint-hi coses. De moment anire de mica en mica i aviat afegire noves seccions amb cosetes per a nens, mes bosses, quilts, fundes de llibretes, etc.
Ara de moment vull veure quina resposta te. S'accepten critiques constructives!

Ah! i per celebrar-ho, teniu 10% de descompte sobre qualsevol compra. Nomes cal que entreu el codi WELCOME10 quan feu el pagament a checkout.
NOTA: com veieu esta escrit tot en angles, pero ja sabeu que no hi ha cap problema per ajudar-vos si no enteneu alguna cosa, m'envieu un correu electronic i llestos :-)


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