Sunday, 2 December 2012

Ready for a giveaway? preparats per un sorteig?

I hope you won't miss this, especially with all the changes from Blogger to Wordpress lately.
I'll be having a giveaway in my new looking blog tomorrow, so hop over there and remember to follow by email so you don't miss anything else.
I'll be soon closing this blog down and I wouldn't like to loose you readers!

Espero sue amb tot aqeust lio de canvi de blog aixo no se us passi per alt. Dema al meu nou blog de Wordpress fare un sorteig, aixi que doneu-hi un cop d'ull i no oblideu fer-vos seguidors via email per no perdre-us cap notificacio. Aviat tancare aquest blog i no us vul perdre!


  1. Hi Irina
    I just signed up to follow your new blog!

  2. Que blog y trabajos mas bonitos,son maravillosos.
    Te invito a visitar y seguir el mio.


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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