Saturday, 25 December 2010


Haggis waiting for his presents
El Haggis esperant el seu regal

Matilda looking in...
La Matilda xafardejant...

Hana opening her presents!
i la Hana obrint els seus regals!

Espero que hagueu tingut un Bon Nadal!
I hope you had a great Christmas!

Saturday, 18 December 2010


Ahir vaig anar a comprar l'arbre de Nadal. Es el primer cop que compro un de veritat. La carretera estava glac,ada i quan vam arribar a Athenry, el viver estava completament nevat. Un paisatge molt romantic, amb  els raigs del sol i la neu que brillava. Vaig anar amb l'Annie i la Nell, vam escollir el nostre arbre, ens el van tallar, embolicar i corrents cap al cotxe que comenc,ava a nevar!

Yesterday I went to get my Christmas tree. It is the first time I buy a real one. The roads were frozen and when we got to Athenry, to the farm, it was all covered in snow. A very Romantic landscape, the sun shining and the glittering snow. I went with Annie and Nell, we all picked our tree , they cut it for us, wrapped it up and quickly into the car we jumped to get back home as it started snowing again!

 Nell and Annie in front of their tree
L'annie i la Nell davant del seu arbre

my tree
el meu

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

BACK ON TRACK with a new recipe...

TORNO A SER AQUI! amb una nova recepta...
De vegades hi ha un munt de coses que decideixen passar al mateix temps, tot s'acumula i no hi ha temps per manualitats ni blogs... Per fi puc reemprendre la marxa i comenc,o amb una recepta, molt facil, d'un pa de pessic amb poma.

I'm back on track! sometimes things decide to happen at the same time, leaving no time for crafts or blogging. That's what happened to me over the last few weeks, but now that everything is back to normal here I am with a nice Apple Cake recipe.

250 gr flour
10 gr baking powder
150 gr caster sugar
5 gr ground cinnamon
5 gr ground nutmeg
5 gr mixed spice (cinnamon, coriander, cloves, fennel seed, ginger, bay leaves)
50 gr melted buttter
2 eggs, beaten
150 ml milk
one sliced apple
(berries- optional)

1. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. 
2. In a second bowl, mix the eggs, butter and milk and pour it into the first bowl.
3. Pour the mix into a greased tin and place the slices of apple on the top. If you're using berries, but them in the centre.
4. Sprinkle some brown sugar and melted butter on the apple slices and bake for 40 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 200C. 

250 gr farina
150gr sucre
10 gr llevat en pols
5 gr canyella en pols
5 gr nou moscada en pols
5 gr all spice (canyella, coriandre, claus, fonoll, gingebre, llaurer) en pols
50 gr mantega desfeta
2 ous batuts
150 ml llet
una poma tallada a lamines

1. En un bol poseu tots els ingredients secs.
2. En un altre bol bateu els ous, la mantega i la llet i afegiu aquesta bareja al bol dels ingredients secs.
3. Quan estigui tot lligat ho aboqueu en una motlle i aplaneu la superficie. Poseu les lamines de poma en forma d'espiral i si utilitzeu gerds els poseu al centre.
4. Espolvorejeu sucre more a la poma i pinteu-la amb mantega desfeta. Cogueu-lo al forn precalentat a 200C durants uns 40 minuts.

et voila!

Friday, 26 November 2010

Try Your Luck! Proveu Sort!

Visit Stray Stitches for a chance to win a mostly complete quilt kit. Don't forget to have a look at her two new blogs...

Visiteu Stray Stitches per poder tenir l'oportunitat de  guanyar un kit quasi complet per fer un quilt. No oblideu de visitar els seus dos nous blogs...

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


I found the second block of the quilt along quite challenging but I am more pleased with the results this time, especially with the fabric choice for the Awesome line quilt.
I was wondering would it be better to press the seams open when I have to work with so many half square triangles. I found that the corner joints were quite bulky when I finished.
Anyway, that's why I like this kind of projects, I always learn new things through practicing!


Aquest cop m'ha costat una mica mes fer el segon bloc pel quilt along, tot i que estic mes contenta amb el resultat, sobretot amb la roba que he triat amb la linea d'Awesome.
Em pregunto si aniria millor planxar les vores obertes quan he de treballar amb tants triangles. He vist que al final, les cantonades quedaven bastant atapaides.
De totes maneres es per aixo que m'agraden aquests tipus de projectes, sempre vaig aprenent a mida que vaig fent!


Tea, cups, scones... - Te, tasses, scones...

I have a few recipes waiting to be posted and I think I'll better start sharing them. 
I love tea and everything related to it, from cups and saucers to the nice treats you have to accompany a nice cup of tea (in a China cup) properly brewed in a teapot...
As some Irish say here "the only good thing the English brought to Ireland is tea!", I'm not going to get into politics LOL, no time or energy for that now... but I think they're right, there's nothing like a good cup of tea...
Not many people know how to make good tea either, especially in Europe! When I go back to my hometown for holidays I have a hard time to quench my thirst of tea. Fortunately I can drawn my sorrows in a glass of my good old Cacaolat, the Best Chocolate Drink Ever Made in Catalonia! (it is only available in Catalonia, nowhere else)
After all this dissertation I only want to share 2 things, one is my collection of tea cups and saucers and the other is my recipe for scones... I wish there was some kind of devise that lets the smells travel through computers because the smell of these scones is indescribable... so you'll have to make your own to know what I'm talking about.

Tinc un munt de receptes en llista d'espera per penjar-les aqui i ja va sent hora de que comenci a compartir-les. M'encanta el te i tot el que hi esta relacionat: des de tasses i platets fins les coses tan bones que es menjen per acompanyar una bona tassa de te (de porcelana) degudament fet (en una tetera)...
Com alguns irlandesos diuen "l'unica cosa bona que van portar els anglesos a Irlanda va ser el te", no entrare en politica, no tinc temps ni ganes.... pero tenen rao, no hi ha res mes bo que un te...
No tothom sap fer  te, sobretot a Europa! Quan torno a Barcelona de vacances no trobo cap lloc on facin un bon te, pero per sort puc ofegar les meves penes en un bon got de Cacaolat, la millor beguda de xocolata del mon sencer!
Despres d'aquesta parrafada el que vull compartir son dues coses, una es la meva col.leccio de tasses i l'altre es la recepta dels Scones, una mena de panets que es menjen amb mermelada, mantega i nata muntada. Provenen dels paisos anglosaxons i cada area tindra la seva recepta. A Cornwall se'ls menjen amb "clotted cream", ve a ser una nata muntada molt i molt espessa que quasi arriba a la textura de la mantega. Si hi hagues alguna manera de poder enviar les olors a traves dels ordinadors aquest cop ho faria. L'olor d'aquests panets acabats de coure es espectacular. Els haureu de fer per saber de que parlo.

my teacup stash... 
la meva col.le...


300gr self raising flour
30 gr caster sugar
60 gr butter
1 egg beaten
150 ml milk
1 pinch of salt
15 gr baking powder
raisins (optional)

1. Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the butter and with your fingers break it into little crumbs mixing it with the flour mix.
2. Make a well in the centre and add the milk and egg together, with a wooden spoon fold in all the ingredients. Try to have them all mixed with the less work possible, it's important to preserve the air and lightness of the dough. Add the raisins now if you use them.
3. Make a ball slightly with your hands and put it on a floured surface. Flatten it a bit on top to a thickness of 1.5". With a round cutter (or a glass), cut the dough with a quick movement and a quarter twist to prevent it from sticking to the cutter.
4. Place the scones on a baking tray and brush them with milk or beaten egg before baking them in a preheated oven at 180C for around 15-18 min.



300gr de farina
30 gr de sucre
60 gr de mantega
150 ml de llet
1 ou batut
1 pessic de sal
15gr de lleadura en pols Royal
panses (opcional)

1. Poseu la farina, la llevadura, el sucre i la sal en un bol.
2. Afegiu la mantega i amb els dits l'esmicoleu barrejant-la amb la farina. Ha de quedar tota la mantega tan esmicolada que sembla que tinguem el bol ple de molletes petites. Es molt important airejar els ingredients, deixeu caure la farina entre els dits.
3. Feu un forat al mig i a poc a poc hi afegiu la llet i l'ou batut barrejats, i a poc a poc pero amb contundencia ho barrejeu be amb una cullera de fusta. Es tracta de lligar-ho tot be amb el menor treball de massa possible per poder mantenir l'aire i la lleugeresa. Afegiu-hi les panses ara si en voleu.
4. Amb les mans, formeu una bola i col.loqueu-la sobre una superficie enfarinada. Aplaneu-la una mica fins que quedi un gruix d'uns 3-4 cm. Amb un got d'uns 5 cm de diametre o un talla-pastes rodo, talleu d'un cop sec al mateix temps que gireu un quart (perque no se us enganxin al talla pastes).
5. Aneu-los col.locant en una safata de forn i pinteu-los amb ou batut o amb llet (o els dos junts).
6. Cogueu-los al forn a 180C precalentat, durant uns 15-18 minuts.


My next recipe will have apples in it... what do you think it is?
La proxima recepta te pomes... sabeu que pot ser?

For those readers who are interested in Catalan gastronomy I couldn't recommend enough this blog where you can find the most amazing recipes. Although written in Catalan, there are translation facilities  plus its author is a fluent English speaker. Just look at the photographs...

Us recomano aquest blog per trobar les millors receptes que us pogueu imaginar... mireu les fotos que te!

Monday, 22 November 2010

lucky star... l'estel de la bona sort...

Sembla que l'estel de la bona sort corre per sobre de casa meva! De vegades participo en sortejos, per provar sort no perdo res, pero sempre surto guanyant perque m'agrada mirar els projectes dels blogs que vaig descobrint i la meva llista de projectes preferits va augmentant. La majoria de vegades no guanyo el que se sorteja, pero ultimament estic tenint un cop de sort!

It looks like the Lucky Star is shining on me! I sometimes enter giveaways but not always... I don't lose anything when trying but I win a lot instead! I win a new blog on my list of favourite blogs and get to look at the beautiful projects they have. 
... and... if I get to win the giveaway, it is a plus! 
I've been lucky a few times lately...

L'ultim sorteig que he guanyat ha sigut a Lilys Quilts, un blog amb una quantitat de quilts impressionants. El meu preferit es aquest. Doneu-hi una ullada, es per fer-te una bona tassa de te i seure davant de la pantalla una bona estona!

I que es el que he guanyat? us debeu preguntar...

The last giveaway I entered was at Lilys Quilts, a blog full of amazing quilts. Please go and have a look yourselves, my favourite is this one. Grab a good cup of tea and sit for a while scrolling down the posts... you'll have a great time!
And what have I won you may ask?

Una bossa de retalls de la linea Awesome de Moda
A Scrap Bag of Awesome line from Moda

Simply Solids, es la botiga que generosament ha donat el premi. Ara ja tinc una altra botiga a la llista! el ventall que te de Kona Solids es enorme i val la pena tenir-la en compte.

Simply Solids is the shop that kindly hosted the giveaway. Now I have it on my list of shops for future supply needs... Have a look at the Kona Solids range they have, it is worth to have them bookmarked!

Gracies Lynne i gracies Simply Solids!

Thank you Lynne and thank you Simply Solids!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

When you come to Ireland you should... - Quan vingueu a Irlanda haureu de...

...visit this shop!!! 
...visitar aquesta botiga!!!

Es una de les meves botigues preferides de Galway. Aqui he trobat les teles per fer la bossa, les faldilles,  patrons i altres cosetes que he comprat per decorar l'habitacio de la Hana. 
Venen llanes, teles, agulles, cintes ric-rac, betes, botons, llibres, patrons, joguines de fusta per als menuts, enganxines per decorar les parets i mil cosetes mes, d'aquelles que no pots parar de mirar i remirar. Recolzen els artesans locals i tot allo fet a ma. Si algun dia visiteu Irlanda, no oblideu fer parada a Galway i visitar aquesta petita botiga. Es unica i no trobareu res semblant en tota la ciutat (i m'atreviria a dir en tota la costa oest!)
Podeu visitar (i seguir?) el seu blog per saber les ultimes novetats. De tant en tant organitzen tallers, potser podeu afegir una experiencia mes a la vostra estada?
I ja que estic tan posada, potser que demani feina a l'oficina de turisme...juas!

It is one of my favourite shops in Galway. Here I found the fabric to make my bags, my skirts, patterns and other things to decorate Hana's room.
They sell wool, fabric, needles, ric-rac, ribbons, books, patterns, buttons, wooden toys, stickers to decorate walls...  a thousand little things more that you can't stop looking at. They support local artist and sell a lot of handmade crafts.
If you ever come to Ireland, don't forget to come to Galway city and visit this beautiful little shop. It's unique and you won't find anything else like it in town (not even in the west coast I'd say!)
You can also visit their blog (and follow maybe?) to know more about what they do. They also organize workshops... maybe you could add another experience in your staying?
And since I'm at it, I might ask for a job at the tourist board... LOL

Friday, 19 November 2010

psssst! giveaway...sorteig...

fat quarters, sweet sweet fat quarters from Retro Mummy, hurry up, ends this sunday!

Fat quarts maquissims de Retro Mummy, afanyeu-vos que acaba aquest diumenge!

Thursday, 18 November 2010


Ja puc ensenyar la tarjeta que vaig fer per l'Intercanvi de Tarjetes organitzat per la Beth. La meva "victima", dels EEUU,  ja l'ha rebut i l'ha publicat al grup de flickr, i li ha agradat :o)

Vaig fer servir paper per imprimir la dita irlandesa. Despres vaig fer flors de quilling i, amb la maquina de cosir, vaig fer una cenefa senzilla al voltant. Els talls de les flors els he cosit tambe a maquina, escollint un dels molts punts que te la maquina (per fi els puc fer servir!).

I can show the rest of the card I made for the Big Swap Card that Beth organized. My victim, in the USA, has received it and already published it on the flickr stream and she liked it! :o)

Sooty is a great model, isn't she?

I used paper strips to print the Irish saying, I made the quilling flowers and stitched all around the card as a border. The stems and leaves are also machine stitched, choosing from the many different patterns my machine has (at last I could try them!)

La Beth va sortejar 10 sets de 3 postals fetes per ella i vaig ser una de les afortunades. Oi que son maques?

I was one of the ten lucky winners in the draw from all participating cards and I received this set of 3 handmade cards by Beth. 

Aren't they lovely?

Wednesday, 17 November 2010



Fa temps que vaig veure aquesta idea d'omplir un pot de vidre amb els ingredients per a fer un pastis o alguna cosa i sempre he volgut intentar fer-ne un, pero mai no trobava el temps. Ara que tenia un d'aquests pots buits, he volgut omplir-lo amb alguna recepta que tenia i al final he triat la del pa integral. Es pot fer amb qualsevol recepta, posant-hi els ingredients secs i despres, a la tarjeta, escriviu quin son els ingredients que s'hi han d'afegir juntament amb les instruccions per l'elaboracio.
El pot que he triat es d' 1 l.  i he hagut de doblar les mesures per omplir-lo del tot. Aixo si, ha d'estar ben ple perque no es barregin les diferents capes d'ingredients, aixi que haureu de jugar una mica amb les mesures i els pots abans de trobar la combinacio perfecta!
Una altra idea es fer galetes nadalenques i ficar-les al pot.

A while ago I saw this idea for a gift. It's a glass jar filled up with the dry ingredients of a recipe placed in layers. Make sure you choose a recipe where the ingredients have different colours and textures. Then you add a nice card on which you write what other ingredients need to be added along with the instructions to make the recipe.
I chose and Irish brown loaf and I doubled the amount to fill up a 1l. jar from Ikea.
Another idea: you could make nice cookies and put them in the jar...

ingredients que es posen al pot (per capes):

-1a capa: 225 gr farina integral + 1 pessic de sal
-2a capa: 40 gr de salvat de blat
-3a capa: 55 gr farina blanca de forc,a + 1 culleradeta de bicarbonat de sosa
-4a capa: 60 gr de civada esmicolada
-5a capa: 55 gr farina blanca de forc,a + 1 cullerada de bicarbonat de sosa
-6a capa: 2 cullerades de sucre more
-7a capa: 225 gr de farina integral + 1 pessic de sal

aneu posant tots els ingredients per capes (podeu variar l'ordre) i just quan el pot esta ple (es millor deixar l'ultima capa per la farina o el salvat) aixafeu be amb una cullera per pressionar i que quedi ben tancat.

ingredients que s'han d'afegir al moment de fer el pa:
-1 grapat de llavors variades (girasol, carbassa, lli, sesam...) que podrien anar dins del pot si encara teniu espai, jo no n'he tingut i se m'han quedat a fora!
-1 ou batut
-260 ml serum de mantega (llet tallada)

Layered ingredients to be placed in the jar:
-1st layer: 225 gr wholemeal flour + 1 pinch of salt
-2nd layer: 40 gr bran
-3rd layer: 55 gr white strong flour + 1 tbsp bread soda
-4th layer: 60 gr de pinhead oats
-5th layer: 55 gr white strong flour + 1 tbsp bread soda 
-6th layer: 2 tbsp soft brown sugar
-7th layer:  225 gr wholemeal flour + 1 pinch of salt

Be careful not to move the jar too much so the layers don't mix. At the end, press hard with a spoon and closed the jar tight.

ingredients to be added to make the bread

-1 fistful of mixed seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, linseed...) which could be placed in the jar too if you've got space...

-1 beaten egg
-260 ml buttermilk


Poseu el contingut d'aquest pot en un bol i afegiu un bon grapat de les llavors que mes us agradin. Feu un forat al mig i aboqueu a poc a poc un ou batut barrejat amb 260 ml de serum de mantega. Remenu be amb una cullera de fusta i aboqueu la massa en dos motlles de plum cake.
Deixar coure-ho al forn precalentat a 220C durant 10 minuts i despres baixeula temperatura a 180C durant uns 25-30 minuts mes.
Deixar que es refredi abans de treure'l del motlle.


Pour the contents of this jar in a bowl and add a handfull of mixed seeds. Make a well in the centre and add a beaten egg and 260ml of buttermilk gradually. Mix with a wooden spoon and pour the dough into 2 loaf tins. Bake in the oven for 10 min at 220C, lower the heat at 180C and bake for 25-30 more minutes. Let them cool before taking them out of the tin.


Visiteu els seguents blogs per poder guanyar un quilt i un patro a

Leona's Quilting Adventure

o un bon farcell de fat quarters a

the Green Fairy

Visit the following blogs for a chance to win a quilt and a pattern at

Leona's Quilting Adventure

or a fat quarter bundle at

The Green Fairy

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


He participat en l'intercanvi de postals fetes a mà i ahir vaig acabar la meva postal. És el segon intercanvi que es fa (el primer me'l vaig perdre perquè no sabia que es feia!) i aquest cop el tema era "la llar".  Un dels requisits és que ha d'haver algun punt cosit i jo he fet una barreja: he cosit a màquina i he afegit paper... Us ensenyo un detall de la postal, pero la podreu veure sencera quan la persona que la rebi faci una foto i la penji al grup de flickr (on ja podeu veure algunes de les que ja s'han rebut).
M'he inspirat en una dita irlandesa que diu així:

Níl aon tinteán  mar do thinteán féin

que traduït  vol dir:

No hi ha cap llar com la teva llar

Avui la meva postal viatjara cap a una altra llar... i espero que agradi!

Pero hi ha mes! Entre totes les participant s'ha fet un sorteig i jo he sigut una de les 10 guanyadores!!! Aviat rebré 3 postals fetes a ma per la Beth, la organitzadora d'aquest intercanvi. Gràcies Beth!

I joined the Big Stitched Postacard Swap and yesterday I finished making mine. It's the second swap that has been organised (I missed the first one) and the theme was "home". One of the rules was to add some stitching, so I made a mixture. I used some machine stitching, and added some paper crafting... You can see a little detail now, but I'm not going to show it until the person who it is for receives it. You'll probably see it in the flickr group, so in the meantime go and have a look at all the ones that have reached their destination!

I got inspired by an old Irish saying:

Níl aon tinteán  mar do thinteán féin

which translates :

There is no home like your own home

Today my postcard is traveling to another home. I hope they like it!

But hang on... there's more! There was a giveaway for all the participants and I'm one of the ten lucky winners! I'll receive 3 handmade postcards by Beth, who organized the Card Swap. Thank you Beth!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Layer Cake Quilt Along - Block 1

Dimarts ja van publicar les instruccions per fer el pimer bloc del "quilt along" i tenia tantes ganes de comenc,ar que al dia seguent ja m'hi vaig posar. He decidit que fare dos quilts, un fent servir roba de Aster Manor de Moda i l'altre amb la col.leccio Awesome, tambe de Moda.

We already got the instructions for making the first block of the quilt along. I was so excited that I jumped onto making it on the following day. I've decided to make two quilts, one using Aster Manor from Moda,  and another using Awesome, from Moda as well.

Aqui teniu el resultat. Em va costar una mica de quadrar be els triangles, ja que quan son tallats amb biaix tendeixen a obrir-se i aixo altera la mida final...sera questio de mes practica, com sempre...

Here's the two blocks. I found it a bit difficult with the triangles, when they're cut on the bias, they tend to expand and you have to be careful not to stretch them so the measures don't change...I suppose it's a matter of practice, like always...

cliqueu aqui per veure els blocs de les demes participants
click here to see the rest of the blocks from other participants


Aster Manor from Moda

Awesome from Moda

De mentres... he comenc,at un altre quilt!!! Mai no en tinc prou... si no tinc mes de 10 coses per fer no soc felic,...! L'estel d'en Gene m'ha inspirat i penso fer un quilt ple d'estels. Aquest es el primer:

In the meantime... I 've started another quilt!!! I never have enough...!LOL! if I don't have more than 10 things to do I'm not happy! Gene's star inspired me and I'm going to make a quilt full of stars. This is the first one:

Butterfly Garden from Moda

Sunday, 31 October 2010


Es la primera vegada que celebrem Halloween amb la Hana disfressada.
El vestit que avui porta te mes de 30 anys! El va fer la meva mare, per Carnestoltes, a la meva germana i despres me'l van passar a mi.
It's Hana's first Halloween costume, and the dress she's wearing is over 30 years old! My mum made it for my sister, for Carnival (we don't celebrate Halloween in Barcelona), and then I wore it too.

el millor son les sabates, pero llastima que son massa grans per ella. Quan jo vaig portar aquest vestit tenia uns 3 anys, la Hana nomes te 19 mesos...
The best are the shoes, but they're too big for Hana. I was about 3 when I was wearing them, Hana is only 19 months old...

Aquesta es ella...

This is her...

she chose a good sized pumpkin!
La carbassa que va escollir pesa molt!

and this is me!
i aquesta soc jo!

el vestit ha rebut uns quants canvis amb el temps (mireu la nena caminant al fons, vestida d'infermera...)
the dress got some little changes over time (note the girl at the back dressed as a nurse!)

and here with my sister, the princess, and my cousin the Zorro...
i aqui amb ma germana, la princesa, i el meu cosi el Zorro...

So there you go, our Halloween... we'll go off to the local pub for an early music session after carving the pumpkin. Happy Halloween everyone! By the way, for those readers not familiar with Catalan traditions during this time, we normally eat roasted chestnuts, sweet potatoes and panellets



The 4th Bloggers Quilt Festival is on! Click here to know more about it, hundreds of quilters are sharing a story behind one of their favourite quilts and you have the opportunity to pop from blog to blog to see these beautiful works.

S'esta celebrant el 4rt Festival de Quilts que organitza l'Amy al seu blog. Centenars de cosidores estan parlant del seu quilt preferit i compartint la historia que hi ha al darrere. Es una bona oportunitat per passejar-vos per tots els blogs i veure el treball de totes aquestes dones. Son quilts preciosos.

This is the one I'm going to share. It's my first big quilt and it's quite special for many reasons. I started by collecting old men's shirts. A good friend of ours passed away at the time and his girlfriend gave me one of his shirts to use on my quilt too, so there are only 2 solid blue squares in the quilt from Chris' shirt.

Aquest es el quilt que he escollit. Es el meu primer gran projecte i per a mi es especial per diverses raons. El vaig comenc,ar a fer fa 3 anys. Vaig comenc,ar a agafar camises d'home velles de tons blaus. En aquell moment un bon amic nostre va morir, i la seva companya em va donar una de les seves camises, era completament blava. Nomes hi ha dos quadrats de color blau solid en tot el quilt, son els del Chris.

I had to stop for a while because of lack of space, time and because many things happening in my life. There was a beautiful baby delivered in the meantime too! And finally, when I had the time, the space and the motivation (from discovering the blogworld almost a year ago) I could finally finish it.

Vaig haver de parar  durant un temps per falta d'espai i de temps i perque van passar moltes coses. Entre elles el neixement d'una nena preciosa! i finalment, quan ja vaig tenir temps, espai i motivacio (gracies al mon blocaire que vaig descobrir fa quasi una any) l'he acabat.

What I like about this quilt is that you can see my progress of patchwork making. There were so many things I didn't know when I started, cutting techniques, sewing, pressing... so throughout the quilt you can see little mistakes due to my inexperience but also big improvements as I got better.

El que me m'agrada d'aquest quilt es que es pot veure el progres d'aprenentatge fent patchwork. Hi havia tantes coses que no sabia quan vaig comenc,ar, com tallar la roba, com cosir les vores, com planxar-les... i es poden veure molts errors per la falta de practica, pero tambe es pot veure com he anat millorant a mida que anava fent.

Monday, 25 October 2010


I received on the post the fabric I'm going to use for the Layer Cake Quilt along. It's nicer than it looked on the screen, so I'm really happy. I'm very busy at the moment and I don't have time to blog but I'll be back soon. Here are some pics of the layer cake quilt along stash and some other fabric I got in Limerick.

Ja vaig rebre la roba que vaig comprar per fer el quilt along. Es mes maca del que semblava i crec que quedara molt be. No tinc gaire temps d'escriure al blog, pero aviat ho tornare. Aqui teniu unes quantes fotos del layer cake que vaig comprar i unes quantes robes mes que vaig agafar quan vam anar a Limerick.

Astor Manor by Three Sisters for Moda
Layer Cake, Charm Pack and fabric

Butterfly Garden by Kansas Troubles Quilters for Moda

selection of different jelly roll strips

Go! giveaway - sorteig GO!

Visiteu el blog de la Micki (una altra blocaire per terres irlandeses) per poder participar en el sorteig d'una talladora de roba GO!
Go and check Micki's blog(another blogger in Irish land) and enter her giveaway fo a chance to win a Go!

Friday, 15 October 2010


Last Monday I finished binding my scrap quilt. I used up many of leftover fabrics that I have, although I still have some of them left. I started hand quilting the central panel, but I loved quilting with the machine so much (first time, very exciting...) that I then finished the quilting with it by sewing straight lines along the sides.
So one more quilt on the list of finished projects!

El dilluns passat vaig acabar el quilt fet amb "sobres". Tenia troc,os de teles (que encara queden) per fer-lo i vaig comenc,ar a fer l'encoixinat a ma. Pero amb l'experiencia d'haver encoixinat a maquina, vaig decidir acabar-lo cosint linees rectes als 4 costats.
Aixi que ja tenim un altre quilt a la llista de projectes acabats!

I'm editing so I can show this photo of how the process went while making the Scrap Quilt.
The top centre block (9 patch) is the only one sewn and cut in a cross. I sew and cut the rest of the blocks (6 in total) and then turned the squares to get the final pattern. 
You can play with so many different arrangements that way.
The Disappearing 9 patch Block is usually done with 9 plain squares, but I used half square triangles too. I think it gives more ways to obtain optical illusions, which I really love in quilts.

Edito el post per mostrar aquesta foto de qun estava fent aquest quilt. En total hi ha 6 blocs de 9 quadrats. A la foto podeu veure el quadrat de dalt, al mig, que esta cosit i tallat en creu verticalment i horitzontal. Vaig cosir els altres 5 bloc restants i tambe els vaig tallar de la mateixa manera, i despres vaig estar girant els quadrats fins arribar al diseny final.
Aquest bloc es diu "Disapearing 9 Patch" i normalment es fa amb 9 quadrats solids, pero jo vaig alternar quadrats solids amb quadrats fets amb dos triangles (en angles se'ls diu half square triangles). M'agrada mes aixi perque dona mes per jugar ilusions optiques, que es el que mes m'agrada veure en patchwork.

I also started the central panel of a baby quilt. Here's a glance of it, but this is all I'll show until it's finished and given as a present. It was done with my super new machine!!!

Tambe he comenc,at el centre d'un quilt per un nen que ha de neixer. Aixo es tot el que ensenyare fins que l'acabi i l'hagi regalat. Es el primer projecte quel comenc,o amb la meva super maquina de cosir!

Ta daaaa...!!! My new friend.
Tatxan! La meva nova amiga.


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