Monday, 1 February 2010


Cada hivern l'Aoife, la landlady, fa mermelada de taronja i sempre ens porta algun pot a casa. Aquest any li vaig demanar que m'ensenyes a fer-la. Un diumenge a la tarda ens hi vam posar i aquest va ser el resultat.
No soc gaire amant de la mermalada de taronja, prefereixo la de gerds, maduixes o albercocs... Pero com que ara ja se com es fa, intentare fer-la amb altres fruites. Aqui la mermelada sempre es de taronja, tot el que no sigui de taronja l'anomenen "jam" (gerds, maduixes, etc). La mermelada sempre se la menjen per esmorzar, i pobre de tu que els hi posis "jam" per esmorzar! (si treballes en un cafe com vaig fer jo et mirarien com si et faltes un bull...). La "jam" es menja a la tarda... encara no ho entenc, pero a mi com que nomes m'agrada la "jam", me la menjo a l'hora que sigui.


2 kg de taronjes bordes
2 kg de sucre per fer mermelada (ja porta pectina)
un parell de llimones
3 l. d'aigua

1. Exprimiu les taronjes i les llimones i poseu el suc en una cassola amb els 3 l d'aigua.
2. Treieu les pells i les llavors de les meitats i feu-ne un farcell amb tela de lli, lligueu-lo amb un cordill i poseu-lo tambe dins l'olla.
3. Porteu-ho a ebullicio.
4. Talleu la pell de la taronja en trocets petits i l'afegiu a l'olla i deixeu que bulli unes dues hores.
5. Treieu el farcell i deixeu-lo refredar per poder escorre el contingut dins l'olla. Aixo ajudara a que la mermelada espessi.
6. Calenteu una mica el sucre en un bol al forn, mentres hi teniu els pots de vidre a dins, durant uns 5 minuts. Afegiu-lo a l'olla i deixeu que es desfaci a foc lent. 
7. Torneu a fer-lo bullir durant 15 minuts i tanqueu el foc. Deixeu reposar la mermelada, que anira fent una capa espessa a la superficie (NO REMENEU ENCARA!). Al cap d'uns 20 minuts, remeneu i poseu-la als pots de vidre tancant-los tot seguit.

Every winter Aoife, my landlady, makes marmalade and she always brings us some jars. This year I asked her to teach me how to make it. She came on a sunday afternoon and here is our result. I am not a fan of marmalade, I prefer jam. But now that I know how to make it, I'll try to make raspberry, strawberry or apricot jam. In Spanish and Catalan we don't distinguish marmalade from jam, as far as we know it's all marmalade to us. It was when I came to live here in Ireland that I realised how important (to the Irish) is to have "marmalade" in the morning (which is only orange, of course) and jam in the afternoon... I still don't get it anyway... I always have jam in the morning, midmorning, afternoon or night...


2kg of marmalade oranges
2kg of jam sugar
a couple of lemons
3 l of water

1. Put the juice of the oranges and lemons in a saucepan with the water.
2. Take out the pit and the seeds of the halves and wrap them up in a muslin that you'll add to the saucepan.
3. Bring to boil.
4. Add the peel of the oranges cut into small pieces and let boil for 2 hours.

5. Take out the muslin and let it cool before you squeeze it over the saucepan. It's a jelly-like liquid that will help to set the marmalade.

6. Warm the sugar for 5 minutes in the oven while you still have the jars in it and add it to the saucepan at low heat. When it's melted, bring to the boil for 15 minutes.
7. Let it cool a bit until it forms a thick layer on the top. Don't be tempted to stir it! Stir after 20 minutes and pour into the jars while still hot. Put the lids on and label the when they're cold.

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