Thursday, 12 August 2010


Ahir vaig comenc,ar a fer aquest vestit despres de veure el blog de la Heidi on vaig trobar aquesta tutorial. No he seguit el passos al peu de la lletra (perque m'he equivocat varies vegades i he hagut d'anar improvisant). Ara nomes em falta comprar els botons i cosir els tirants. De moment tinc agulles posades per aguantar-los per poder fer la foto, es que no podia esperar per ensenyar-vos-el!
Per cert, podeu participar en un sorteig per guanyar un vestit com el de la tutorial (fet a mida). Cliqueu aqui i el que heu de fer es seguir el blog de la Heidi, o/i el blog de Sew Saucy , i si anuncieu el sorteig en el vostre blog obtindreu una altra oportunitat. Bona sort!

I started making this dress yesterday morning after seeing the tutorial in Heidi's blog. I haven't really followed every step as it is shown (I made some mistakes so I had to improvise a bit along the way).
I only need to buy buttons now and sew the straps. At the moment I have pins to hold them in place for the photo... couldn't wait to show it!

By the way, you can have the chance to win a custom made dress like the one in the tutorial, just click here to enter. Good luck!


  1. com fas anar la màquina de cosir!!!
    T'ha quedat genial!

  2. Hello Irina! I'm Sarah from Sew Saucy. I'm so glad to see you've tried the tutorial. I've wondered if anyone had tried making my little sundress. I was hoping the tutorial was easy enough to follow, and it looks like it is. Yours looks super cute! Fun to see!

  3. Gracies Anna! m'he hagut de barallar una mica amb aquest vestit...

    Thank you Sarah for stopping by!
    I think the tutorial was easy enough, although I got a bit mixed up when joining the two ends of the chest strap at the back... My little experience shows up on wee details like this! but it's a matter of practicing and learning... I saw the nice shirt refashion on your last post, will have to give it a go!

  4. Irina, que bé tenir una princeseta tan guapa com la teva nena per anar-li fent vestidets! Aquest t'ha quedat xulíssim!

  5. moltes gracies Bet, aviat podras fer roba pel teu@ pequ@!!! quina sort que tindra amb una mare tan manetes!

  6. Molt maco Irina el vestit, segur que la teva filla estarà preciosa!!!

  7. This is so pretty! I think you did a great job. I'm going to have to go have a look at that tutorial. Thanks!

  8. Te ha quedado genial el vestido. Te he puesto un link desde nuestro blog. Me ha encantado el tuyo!


  9. és moníssim!!
    A veure si el que ve de camí és una nena i puc copiar-vos totes aquestes idees tan xules!!! diràs que per nens costa més trobar idees originals per fer...

  10. Eiii!!!
    Ja sóc seguidora teva oficialment.(mamiscrap)
    No en tenia ni idea de que feies tantes coses i tant boniques!!!nena ets una artistassa, a partir d'ara t'aniré seguint.
    Ens llegim al SP i als nostres blogs ;))


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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