Thursday, 24 May 2012


The first night at home was a bit tough, the afterpains were much much stronger than I could remember...
La primera nit va ser dureta, les contraccions de l'uter eren molt mes fortes del que recordava...

We're establishing breast feeding very well now and he's starting to gain weight.
Ja hem establert be la lactancia i ja comenc,a a guanyar pes.

and what can I tell you about this little big girl? 
She absolutely adores him, I caught her giving him a stream of kisses, 
then she turned and saw I was watching her and she whispered: "I like him..."
I melted!

i que us he de dir d'aquesta neneta nena...
enamorada del seu germa, vaig veure que li donava 
tota una filera de petons i quan va veure que la mirava em va dir fluixet
"es que m'agrada..."
quasi em poso a plorar!

 Els meus pares, 
estan aqui des de principis de maig i l'ajuda que 
ens estan donant no te preu

My parents,
they've been here since early May and I couldn't thank them 
enough for all the help they're giving us

And what about sewing?????
Ah well, that can wait!!! but I'm having fun entering some of the giveaways from Sew Mama Sew when this little man is asleep!

i de cosir???
ah, aixo pot esperar!!! pero m'ho estic passant molt be visitant alguns sortejos de Sew Mama Sew quan aquest botonet dorm!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Hello! My name is Conor - Hola! Em dic Conor

Hello, I'm Conor! I let my mum and dad know I was on my way last Saturday 19 of May at 5.45am, I'm an early riser you see... I knew they were worried I wouldn't give them enough time to get to hospital,(boy these Irish roads are bumpy!)but I made sure I gave them plenty of time to get there. I even let my mum have a laugh in the labour room chatting with her friends on the phone and skypping my sister and grannies at home and my daddy read the newspaper with a coffee...
Then I really wanted to come out and I rushed things, I got really serious at 11.30am and I saw my daddy's face freaking out at 12.22pm. They didn't expect me to pop out in 40 minutes, ha! got them!
Now I'm at home and I love it. I'll talk to you again, going for a nap now...

Hola, soc el Conor! El dissabte dia 19 a les 5.45am vaig avisar als meus pares de que ja volia  veure'ls. Com que se que estaven una mica preocupats per si no els donava prou temps d'arribar a l'hospital vaig esperar per a que arribessin amb temps de sobres, i renoi amb aquestes carreteres irlandeses que em feien botar amunt i avall!
Vaig esperar una mica per sortir i un cop a la sala de parts fins i tot vaig donar temps a la meva mare per a que s'ho passes be rient una mica i xerrant amb les seves amigues per telefon i al meu pare per a que llegis una mica el diari i es prengues un cafe (ah! i van fer skype amb la meva germana i els meus avis!).
Pero a les 11.30am ja tenia ganes de sortir i em vaig posar bastant serios, em vaig concentrar molt i a les 12.22pm vaig veure la cara de sorpres del meu pare! No s'esperaven que sortis en 40 minuts, 
ha! si es que soc un crac!
Ara estic a casa meva i m'encanta. 
Ja tornare per explicar-vos mes coses, ara me'n vaig a fer una bacaineta...

Hana and Conor

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Under 300 follower Blog Hop!- Saltant de blog en blog!

Hello hello! Still here with a big bump!Only 4 days to the due date and it looks like this little button is feeling quite comfortable here... Oh please, I'd love to feel some movement soon!!! 
Hola hola! Encara soc aqui amb una senyora panxota! Nomes faltesn 4 dies per la DPP i sembla que aquest botonet esta molt comode on es... Va si us plau, que comenci a haver moviment!!!

In the meantime... I thought this would be a nice way to know about more blogs and help each other at the same time to make ourselves known to many others! Have a look at all the lovely blogs in this list and link in if you have a blog with less than 300 followers. Have fun and leave them a comment saying hello, it's always nice to have visitors, isn't it? I linked over at Madison Makes...

De mentres... he pensat que aquesta es una bona manera de coneixer blogs nous, i tambe d'ajudar-nos mutuament a donar-nos a coneixer. He enllaçat el meu blog des de Madison Makes... Aqui teniu una llista de blogs que tenen menys de 300 seguidors i si vosaltres en teniu un, podeu enllaçar-lo tambe! Passeu a veure'ls i deixeu-hi un comentari per dir hola, sempre es maco tenir visites..., no? 

Monday, 14 May 2012

39 weeks, some work done and a special announcement!

Well, well... only one week left and happy that my hubby is back from tour!
We're getting things ready here, still lots of tiny clothes to sort out and I feel like painting two of the walls in the nursery... I'm feeling great, lots of movement but nothing happening yet. I just hope he comes this week as I can't wait to hold him...

Doncs ja falta una setmaneta i per fi tinc el daddy a casa despres de dues setmanes de gira!
Estem acabant de preparar-ho tot, encara hi ha molta roba petitona per classificar i desar i tambe m'agradaria pintar dues de les parets de l'habitacio d'un altre color... Em sento molt be, hi ha molt de moviment a la panxa pero de moment res de res. Espero que vulgui sortir aquesta setmana que ja tinc ganes de veure'l!

In the meantime I'll show you what I've been making, just little things to pass the time...
De mentres us ensenyo el que he anat fent aquests darrers dies per passar una mica el temps...

un coixinet per a les agulles seguint aquest tutorial
a cathedral window pincushion 
following this tutorial from Kim's blog

a small tea wallet (I'm a tea fanatic!)

una funda per guardar bossetes de te
(soc una fanatica del te...)
I will post the tutorial soon
Aviat publicare el tutorial

Now, there is a special announcement I'd like to make. My neighbour and fellow blogger Cindy from Fluffy Sheep Quilting has officially opened her online shop!!! What do you think of that? A great modern fabric shop just around the corner at great prices! She also stocks Aurifill thread, precuts and Kona solids and to celebrate this she's giving you a deal, so go and visit her blog to check it out! and you'll find some more surprises...

Tambe vull dir-vos que la meva veina i companya blocaire Cindy, de Fluffly Sheep Quilting, avui obra ofcialment la seva botiga de teles online! Que en penseu, per fi una botiga amb teles modernes a Europa amb preus molt assequibles. No nomes te teles modernes, tambe te pre-tallats, Kona llisos i fils d'Aurifill.
A mes, per celebrar-ho ens dona una oferta especial, aixi que aneu a donar una ullada al seu blog per a saber de que es tracta i tambe us trobareu amb unes quantes sorpreses!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Guanyadora! Winner!

Primer de tot, moltsissimes gracies per participar i a les noves seguidores per decidir quedar-vos en aquest raconet! M'ha agradat molt coneixer nous blogs... n'hi ha milers!
La guanyadora del sorteig de St. Jordi es el comentari 34 que correspon al de l'Anna del blog Tot un Món! Moltes felicitats Anna!
L'Anna es aficionada al patchwork i val la pena que doneu una ullada al seu blog per veure tot el que fa, sobretot l'ultim quilt d'estels que es maquissim.

First of all, thank you to everyone who took part in the giveaway, thanks for reading me and also to the new additional followers who decided to stay! Once again I've discovered new blogs and I love it, there are thousands of them out there!
The winner of this giveaway was comment 34 which came from Anna from Tot un Món
Anna likes patchwork and you should check out her blog to see all the nice work she does, especially her last starry quilt.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

15 days- 15 dies

this is a little print I bought from Tree Hollow Designs
at Etsy for the little Button's nursery
Una copia d'una que he comprat a Hollow Tree Designs
per a l'habitacio del botonet

I'm counting down the days now...! it is getting closer and still so many things have happened and are still happening! Just to give an overview and (no need to get into detail as this is not the right place anyway): my midwife decided not to go ahead with providing her services at home. It is not quite clear to me the reasons why yet, but we'll just leave it at that. I was quite disappointed and felt pretty let down, especially because she just told me 4 weeks before the due date and I was really counting on the postnatal care, but I couldn't let this affect me as I need to be well prepared for whatever it comes. 
I had a check up last friday and his head is engaged already, so it could happen any time. I just hope he waits for his dad to be back next Sunday! he's on tour in Austria at the moment, but I'm confident the little button will wait. 
I am not going to be able to be updating this blog now but I will definitely try to keep you updated with the birth, as this is getting very exciting now! I am moving my sewing workshop into another room so I'll take a wee break from crafting these days...

 and this one is another original water colour for his room
i aquesta es una original tambe per a la seva habitacio

Estic fent el compte enrere ja...!
S'esta acostant el dia i han passat i estant passant tantes coses! Aixi per sobre i sense entrar en detalls perque aquest no es el lloc adient: la meva llevadora va decidir no venir mes a donar-nos els seus serveis. Encara no acabo d'entendre be les raons que em va donar pero mes val deixar-ho estar. Em va decepcionar bastant, sobretot per esperar a dir-mo just quan faltaven 4 setmanes per la DPP... pero be, no puc deixar que aixo m'afecti i vull estar ben preparada pel que vingui!
Divendres vaig tenir visita i el cap ja esta encaixat, aixi que aixi que ja pot venir en qualsevol moment! espero que no ho faci fins que torni el seu pare diumenge que ve, que ara esta treballant a Austria... Tinc la impressio que aquest botonet s'esperara a que torni...
No podre anar actualitzant el blog tan sovint ara, pero prometo fer-vos saber com va tot relacionat amb el part, que ara es el mes emocionant, oi?

However, I managed to finish one last thing though (and started a new one, I know... couldn't resist), it was meant to be a birthday present for Hana but she doesn't mind it to be a bit late, she's as happy as Larry! So here's her new the Cat in the Hat quilt! She loves it.

it measures 43"x53" 

Tot i aixi, aquests darreres dies he pogut acabar un ultim projecte (i he comenc,at un altre!!! soc la repera.... no me'n podia estar!), havia de ser un regal d'aniversari per la Hana pero a ella no li fa res que hagi arribat una mica mes tard. Aquest es el seu nou quilt de the Cat in the Hat! i li ha encantat!


Last Wednesday I also received a nice surprise in the post from my swap partner Cacie. She made this beautiful lunch bag following the tutorial of Ayumils from Pink Pinguin and she added some extra goodies which I am so grateful for and surprised as I was not expecting them at all! She's more than generous! She made a little extra purse, also by Ayumils, and she added a box of pins, a beautiful hairband for Hana with some sweeties too. Hana was so happy she got a present too. Thanks you so much Cacie, this was not expected at all!
(Just to say that Cacie told me she just started sewing and I'm amazed at how well made these projects were!)

El dimecres passat vaig rebre un regal per correus, era de l'intercanvi que vaig fer i la Cacie em va fer tot aixo! Una bossa per posar el dinar seguint el tutorial d'Ayumils de Pink Pinguin i a mes va afegir un petit moneder amb una capseta d'agulles, una diadema molt maca per a la Hana i caramels. La Hana va estar molt contenta de rebre uns quants regals tambe. Moltissimes gracies Cacie!
Nomes afegir que la Cacie em va dir que tot just a comenc,at a cosir i aquests projectes estan superben fets!

Since we're talking about presents, I would like to show you what one of my blogger readers sent me a few weeks ago... a beautiful knitted jumper for Hana as a birthday present and a blankie for the little Button! She takes orders and is a super fast knitter! you can see more of her projects in her blog Elfs i Nans, or you can visit her Facebook page too. Look at what she does

Ja que parlem de regals, us volia ensenyar el que una altra llegidora blocaire em va enviar... l'Olga d'Elfs i Nans li va fer un regal d'aniversari a la Hana i de pas va afegir un detallet per al botonet!
No us perdeu el que fa l'Olga i doneu un cop d'ull al seu bloc, es una maquina fent punt... a mes te una pagina de Facebook on tambe podeu posar-vos al dia amb els seus projectes. Mireu les coses que fa:

You still have time to enter my giveaway, it ends tonight and the winner will be announced tomorrow!
Encara teniu temps d'entrar al sorteig fins aquesta nit, dema sabreu qui ha guanyat!


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