Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Aqui teniu un projecte molt facil per practicar cremalleres (us recordeu de a faldilla Barcelona?)... una bosseta que podeu modificar per fer-la mes gran o mes petita.

Here's another project to have another go with a zipper (remember the Bacelona skirt?). It's a lined pouch which you can modify to the size you want. 


2 rectangles de 18x20cm  de la tela 1 (per fora)  i 2 mes de la tela 2 (per folrar)
1 cremallera de 20cm 

2 rectangles of 7"x8" of fabric one (outside) and 2 more of fabric 2 (lining)
one 8" zipper

1. Col.loquem la tela cap amunt, la cremallera a la vora d'on hi haura l'obertura cap avall i a sobre col.loquem la tela del forro tambe cap avall.
1. Place the outer fabric facing up, the zipper lined up along the edge of the opening facing down and the lining fabric over it facing down.

2. Cosiu al llarg de la cremallera, rematant al principi i al final. 
2. Sew along one side of the zipper backstitching at the beginning and end.

3. Aixi es com us queda quan veieu la cremallera.
3. This is how it looks like when you see the zipper now.

4. Podeu planxar la costura si es que us ha quedat una mica arrugada.
4. You can press the seam if it got a bit wrinkled.

5. Ara feu el mateix amb l'altre costat. Col.loqueu la tela 1 cap amunt, la cremallera cap avall ben aliniada i a sobre hi col.loqueu la tela 2, mirant cap avall tambe (a la foto, aquest ultim pas amb la tela de dins encara no s'ha fet)
5. Now you do the same with the other side of the zipper. Place the outer fabric facing up, the zipper along the edge facing down, and the lining facing down too (in the picture the lining isn't placed yet).

6. Cosiu com ho heu fet abans.
6. Sew along the side like you did before.

7. Es aixi com us ha de quedar. La part de fora amb la cremallera cap amunt.
7. This is how it should look. The outer fabric with the zipper facing up.

8. I la part de dins amb la cremallera mirant avall.
8. And the inner side with the zipper facing down.

9. Cosiu un repunt a 0.5cm de la vora del costat de la cremallera.
9. Topstitch 1/4" from the edge of the fold near the zip.

10. I es aixi com us quedara, mes ben acabat.
10. So this is how it looks like, nicely finished.

11. Obriu la cremallera (i no us oblideu de fer-ho). Ajunteu les dues teles 1, cares del dret tocant-se, i les alinieu be posant-hi agulles. Feu el mateix amb les teles 2. Doblegueu la cremallera de manera que el plec quedi a la banda de la tela 2. Comenceu a cosir per la part de sota del forro,  deixant una obertura (a la foto hi podeu veure el tap blanc per mostrar-la) per la qual hi passareu la bossa per posar-la del dret.
11. Make sure you don't forget to leave the zipper open. Now you must place the outer fabrics right sides together and pin the all around making sure they're well alined. Do the same with the lining fabric. Fold the zipper so the the fold stays on the side of the lining. Start sewing at the bottom of the lining making sure you leave a gap through which you'll turn the pouch out (you can see the white cap to show where the gap is in the photo).

12. I aqui veieu l'obertura que he deixat.
12. And there's your gap.

13. Despres de cosir tot el voltant, talleu les puntes.
13. Trim off the corners after sewing all around

14. Comenceu a passar la bossa de dins cap a fora a traves de l'obertura...
14. Start turning the pouch inside out through the gap...

15. ... i ara ja sabeu per que es important obri la cremallera abans de fer-ho...
15. ... and now you know why it is important not to forget to leave the zipper open before doing it.

16. Cosiu l'obertura a ma.
16. Handstitch the opening.

17. Fiqueu el forro dins la bossa i marqueu be les puntes cap a fora.Planxeu-la si cal, i aqui la teniu!
17. Place the lining inside the pouch and shape the corners out. Press it if necesary and that's it!

1 comment:

  1. Gràcies per aquest magnífic tutorial Irina!!!!!!

    Feia dies que tenia pendent fer aquesta bosseta amb forro i ara l'acabo de fer i m'ha quedat xulíssima!

    Gràcies noia!


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