Thursday, 29 March 2012


Ja he acabat el gorret de punt que vaig començar per al nen que porto (com veieu encara no tenim nom per a ell!). He anat improvisant mentres el feia i tot i que hi ha algun punt despistat, m'agrada molt com ha quedat. Feia tant de temps que no agafava les agulles de fer punt... em falta practica.

I have finally finished the little knitted hat that I started a while ago for my baby boy (as you can see we still haven't decided on a name!). I was improvising while I was making it and although there are a few odd stitches, I'm quite happy with the result. It has been a while since I last took up the knitting needles... I need more practice.

Monday, 26 March 2012

32 weeks - 32 setmanes

8 weeks to go...

Today is a special day. It's Hana's 3rd birthday (and she woke up with a temperature this morning! at least we had her party yesterday...). So it made me think about how her birthing went three years ago. I had her in the hospital.  I remember we went to the cinema that wednesday afternoon, the 25th of March, and I was feeling some light regular contractions. About 8pm they were 15 minutes apart and at 11pm we entered the labour room with painful contractions every 3 minutes. She was then born at 3.18am, on the 26th of March,  I didn't have any pain relief (I didn't rule it out, just decided not to have any unless I found it was unbearable). At the end it was so fast there was no need (or time) for it! It was just amazing. A a 4 hour labour...
So I am hoping for some similar experience this time. I am confident it is going to be as fast or even faster, but who knows... I am reading about hypnobirthing, it is pretty interesting especially the breathing techniques. I like their way of naming things too: instead of "contraction" they use "surge", patients vs parents, birth canal vs birth path... you can see it is less "medicated". And this is how I envision my home birth.
I am glad that I have almost finished my university work, only one exam left now in 3 weeks and it's over! So I can actually relax and focus more on my big bump!
I am also looking forward to my meeting with my midwife this thursday... so more news next monday...



Falten 8 setmanes...

Avui es un dia especial. Es l'aniversari de la Hana (i s'ha llevat amb febre...menys mal que vam fer la festa ahir!). He estat pensant com va ser el seu naixement. Recordo que vam anar al cine a la tarda del 25 de Març i sentia contracions suaus i regulars. Cap a les 8 del vespre ja eren cada 15 minuts i a les 11pm ja entravem a la sala de parts amb contraccions doloroses cada 3 minuts. Va neixer a les 3.18am del dia 26. No vaig voler epidural, tot i que no la vaig descartar, i tampoc va caler perque allo va anar molt de pressa. Un part de 4 hores...
Aixi que espero tenir una experiencia similar aquest cop. Tinc la impressio que anira tan rapid o mes, pero mai se sap.
Estic llegin sobre hypnobirthing (una mena de tecnica d'autorelaxacio per preparar el part), i sembla força interessant, sobretot per les tecniques de respiracio. Tambe m'agrada la nomenclatura que fan servir: anomenen les contraccions "onades", els pacients "pares", canal per cami... Com veieu, molt menys medicalitzat tot plegat. I aixi es com veig aquest proper naixement a casa nostra.
Estic contenta perque ja quasi be he acabat la feina de la universitat. Ja s'han acabat les classes i ara nomes falta un examen dintre de 3 setmanes. Per tant em puc centrar mes en aquesa panxota!
Tambe estic esperant amb ansia la visita de la meva llevadora aquest dijous... mes novetats dilluns que ve...

Podem dir que aqui ja ha arribat l'estiu!
Esta fent uns dies preciosos...

We could say summer is here!
the weather is fantastic...

La Festa de la Hana
Hana's party

the guests ( I love the cows in the background!)
els convidats (amb les vaques al darrere!)

our rainbow paper chains and banner decorations
Les cadenes de paper i les banderoles que vam fer

I made this chocolate cake
Jo vaig fer aquest pastis

but my friend made this roulade... and it was to die for!
pero la meva amiga va fer aquesta roulade que estava per llepars-s'hi els dits!

an unbreakable piñata...
una pinyata que no havia manera de trencar...

Thursday, 22 March 2012

party banner and birthday crown - guirnalda de festa i corona d'aniversari

This is the banner I managed to sew while I was sick 
(sewing helped me with the boredom that comes when one is ill)

Aquesta es la guirnalda que vaig fer mentres estava malalta a casa
(cosir es una bona terapia per combatre l'avorriment que hi ha
quan un esta malalt!)

and here's my first birthday crown! I used the scraps from the banner
and I quilted it so it stands upright.

i aqui la meva primera corona de tela! he fet servir alguns dels retalls de la guirnalda
i l'he eincoixinat per a que agafes mes consistencia.

fabric: Happy Daisy, Moda
tela: Happy Daisy, Moda

and here's the misses this morning, with her cake to bring to play school

i aqui la senyoreta aqeust mati, amb el pastis que ha portat a l'escola

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

un altre premi! another award!

La Petita Marieta m'ha donat aquest premi i li estic molt agraida!
Es un premi que es dona als blocaires que tenen menys de 200 seguidors per donar-los a coneixer mes. Ara he d'escollir a 5 dels meus blocaires preferits que reuneixin aquestes condicions i donar-los el premi. Un cop el rebin, ells hauran d'escriure un post sobre aquest premi, enllaçar-lo amb el blog que te l'ha donat i donar el premi a 5 dels seus blocaires preferits que tinguin menys de 200 seguidors.

La Petita Marieta awarded me with the Liebster Blog Award, thank you very much!

The Liebster Rules are:
1. Post about your win on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
3. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that have less than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

aixi que aqui teniu els 5 blogs escollits (gens facil!!!)
so here's the 5 blogs I've chosen (not easy!!!)


Many people ask me where do I get my supplies... I have several online shops I go to and I tend to keep going to the same ones basically because of their service and variety of supplies.
I don't normally publish reviews, but I must write and tell you about Gone Sewing, click on the logo below to visit their site:

Hi ha molta gent que em pregunta a on compro material que no sigui tela. Hi ha una botiga que vaig descobrir fa un parell d'anys i m'agradaria recomenar-vos-la. Normalment no faig publicitat de cap botiga al blog, pero aquesta s'ho val, Gone Sewing, cliqueu al logo per visitar la web:

I found parts for my friend's Kenmore sewing machine (extra feet, bobbins, brush, etc...) and also for my Brother too. I have purchased rulers, scissors, needle cases, needles, bobbin cases... at great prices.
They have a flat rate shipping to anywhere intermationally, $3.33! Their packaging is very good and their costumer service is great. I haven't got paid to write this post! :-) but I recently made a mistake placing an order and they have been extremely helpful to me, so much so, that this is my way to thank them.

He trobat parts per a la meva maquina i per la Kenmore d'una amiga, peus, bobines, agulles... i tambe he trobat regles, tisores, estoigs per les agulles i les bobines, boligrafs, llapissos marcadors... a molt bon preu. El millor es que nomes cobren $3.33 per l'enviament a qualsevol lloc del mon. L'embalatge es molt bo i sobretot, l'atencio al client fantastica. Val la pena que hi feu una ullada. No m'han pagat pas per excriure aquest post! :-) pero fa poc que em vaig equivocar fent una comanda i m'han ajudat moltissim. Aquesta es la meva manera d'agrair-los-hi.

Monday, 19 March 2012

31: preparant una festa! / getting ready for a party!

31 setmanes... falten 9.
He fet la foto de la meva panxa pero encara no l'he baixat a l'ordinador!!! es va fent gran...
No hi ha gaires novetats pero, nomes unes quantes contraccions de Braxton-Hick de tant en tant i molt de moviment. Aixo si, sempre para quiet quan algu posa la ma per notar com es mou! Si no fos perque tinc la panxa com un globus igual no es creurien que porto un nen a dintre...

Aquestes dues setmanes que hem passat no he estat gaire be, m'estic recuperant, ara si que ja del tot, d'una infeccio de pit bastant forta. Ara nomes segueixo amb la tos emprenyadora. Amb dues setmanes de baixa,  una nena voltant al teu costat constantment i quan el cap i l'energia m'ho ha permes, he pogut fer unes quantes coses per preparar la festa d'aniversari de la Hana, que fara 3 anys el dia 26! 3 anys... 
Vam tallar cintes de colors d'uns 2.5cm i vam anar fent cadenes seguint els colors de l'Arc de Sant Marti. 
Tambe he pogut cosir unes quantes cosetes que ensenyare aquesta setmana.
De moment, puc dir que tot va be, em sento millor i aquesta setmana ja torno a treballar, tot i que tinc ganes de comenc,ar la baixa per maternitat!

we also made muffins
tambe vam poder fer magdalenes

31 weeks... 9 to go...
I did take a pic of my belly but I haven't downloaded them yet! Believe me, it's getting big...
There isn't much to say this week though, only feeling some Braxton-Hick contractions and a lot of movement. Mind you, he always stops moving and kicking as soon as someone wants to feel it and put their hand on my tummy. If it wasn't because I have a belly as big as a balloon people wouldn't believe I'm carrying a baby in here... I have not been well the last 2 weeks, but now I am finally recovering from a nasty chest infection. I still have this very annoying cough that seems not to go away at all. 
So with 2 weeks off work, a little girl wondering around me all the time and when my head and energy let me, we could make some decorations for her birthday party. Hana is going to be 3 next monday 26th! 3 already!
We cut coloured card strips, about 1" thick and made a chain following the rainbow colours. She loved it and is really excited about it. I also managed to sew a few little things that I will show you during the week.
So I can say that so far, everything is going well, I'll be back to work this week, although I'm really looking forward to go on maternity leave!

Monday, 12 March 2012

30 weeks pregnant... 30 setmanes d'embaras...

30 weeks today!
10 to go...

I wanted to write this before the end of the day... as I intend to have a little space in here to reflect and record the last stage of my pregnancy... I know it's a crafty blog, mainly... yes... but the way things go, pretty fast, I don't have time to look for another place to put my thought in.
I am going to have a home birth and I'm so looking forward to it! My mind is still busy with other things that I want (and need!) to get out of the way soon: university stuff, nearly done! 2 assignment due in 2 weeks and one last exam on mid April, and work...I'll be finishing on the 30th of April if I can, but my sciatica is knocking on the door already...

Every monday from today, I'll write a little post about how things are going. People who are not interested can skip this (I won't take offense! no worries...). I think I will like to be able to read back all these posts in a year time... just the same way I like reading the small diary I kept with my first pregnancy.

My midwife came 2 weeks ago to visit me and explained how everything is going to be. We did a bit of paperwork and then she felt my tummy, measured it and we listened to the strong heartbeat of this baby boy. It was so wonderful to have Hana there to listen to it, she was thrilled to see it and she also had her tummy checked up, as she says she has a baby girl... The midwife was so sweet, she put her Doppler on Hana's tummy to listen to this girl's heart beat too...
It feels so nice to have all this done in your own home...
My next visit is in 3 weeks time. In the meantime, I'm working hard to finishing boring stuff and exciting stuff (Hana's birthday party will be in 2 weeks!)

So... I'll be back next monday, probably with a picture of my bump!

30 setmanes avui!
falten 10!

Volia escriure aquest post abans de que acabi el dia... A partir d'avui, cada dilluns, escriure un petit post sobre com van les meves ultimes setmanes d'embaras. Un espai per reflexionar una mica i posar els meus pensaments per escrit. Ja se que es un blog de manualitats, si... pero no tinc temps per fer-ho en un altre lloc, aixi que si hi ha algu no interessat, passeu-lo de llarg! (no m'ofendre pas!)

Tindre el part a casa i estic molt contenta de que sigui aixi.
La meva llevadora va visitar-me fa dues setmanes. Em va explicar com aniria tot i vam comenc,ar a omplir el paperam que s'ha de fer... Despres em va mirar la panxa, la va mesurar i vam sentir els batecs forts d'aquest nen. Va ser fantastic que la Hana estigues al davant i ho pogues sentir. Ella diu que porta una nena aixi que la llevadora tambe li va tocar la panxulina i fins i tot li va posar el Doppler per "sentir-li" el cor!
El fet que tot aixo ho pugui fer a casa meva em fa sentir molt be. La propera visita sera d'aqui a 3 setmanes. De moment estic treballant de valent per treure'm de sobre dues coses: els treballs que he d'escriure per la universitat, que he d'entregar d'aqui dues setmanes, un examen a mitjans d'abril i la feina que, si l'aciatica em deixa, ja acabare a finals d'abril per estar de baixa per maternitat...
Tambe estic preparant la festa d'aniversari de la Hana, dintres de dues setmanes, i aixo ja es mes divertit de preparar...

Aixi doncs, mes noticies el proper dilluns, segurament acompanyades d'una foto del protagonista!

Friday, 9 March 2012


This is a tutorial I originally posted at Fairy Face Designs as part of the Sew Get Started list of tutorials.
I thought now it would be good to have it here as well, hope you like it!

Aquest tutorial el vaig publicar originalment a Fairy Face Designs com a part del lliestat de tutorials de Sew Get Started. He pensat que ara estaria be de tenir-lo aqui tambe. Espero que us agradi!



 washed and ironed wash cloths
(I used these from IKEA)
100% cotton fabric
coordinating thread

Tovalloles de ma, rentades i planxades
(vaig comprar les meves a IKEA)
tela de coto 100%
fil de vrais colors pe combinar

Cut the binding off the wash cloths and press

Talleu la vora de les tovalloles i planxeu-les

Cut a piece of the same size of the cotton fabric
Place it right side facing down and pin

 Talleu una peça de la tela de coto de la mateixa mida 
sue us ha quedat la tovallola. Poseu-la sobre la tovallola
amb la cara del dret cap avall i poseu-hi agulles al voltant

Stitch all around leaving a seam of 1/2" 
and making sure you leave a gap of about 4"

Cosiu tot el voltant deixant un marge de 1cm
i deixant un espai sense cosir d'uns 8 cm

Remember to back-stitch 
at the beginning and end of your stitching

Recordeu assegurar el punt al començar i acabar
la costura amb uns repunts

Cut the corners so it will lay nice and flat 
when you turn it inside out

Talleu les cantonades 
tenint cura de no tallar la costura

Turn the cloth inside out through the gap 
making sure the edges are pointing out (I used a pencil) 
and press

Poseu la peça del dret a traves de
l'espai que heu deixat sense cosir i ajudeu-vos 
amb un llapis per marcar les puntes cap enfora. Planxeu.

If you are using labels, 
now it is the time to insert one between the opening
Arrange the opening seam inwards following the stitching

Si feu servir etiquetes,
ara es el moment d'afegir-la a l'espai obert.

Topstitch all around with coordinating thread
 making sure you close the opening 
and your label is sewn in
You can use a normal straight stitch or try a zig-zag

Feu un reput a tot el voltant i de passada tancareu l'espai obert amb l'etiqueta. Podeu fer servir punt 
recte o zig-zag i fil de color que contrasti

They make great little gifts 
and you can make a good pile in no time.
When you get more experienced, 
you could add some appliqué or ric-rac all around...
I'll appreciate you giving me credit 
if you decide to publish or sell your burp clothes
when following this tutorial.
thank you!

Es un bon regal per a nadons i en un 
moment en podeu fer una pila.
Hi podeu afegir aplicats a la banda de la tovallola, 
o incloure una cinta ric rac a la vora.
Agrairé que m'acrediteu si decidiu publicar o vendre
aquest projecte seguint aquest tutorial.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


El meu blog ha rebut tres premis!
Gracies Cristina, de No Paris de Cosir, i gracies Nyapbuf, de Les Coses de Patchwork!

Ara em toca compartir set coses sobre mi:

1. M'agrada massa la xocolata.
2. M'agrada observar ocells.
3. Tinc mil cremes de llavis distribuides per totes les butxaques dels abrics, 
bosses, pantalons... i tot i aixi mai no les trobo quan les necessito.
3. No faig servir didal quan cuso a ma 
(pero ultimament per segons quines coses he vist que el necessito).
4. Tinc una bicicleta que em van donar fa un any
i encara no l'he fet anar! (i d'aqui a que ho faci encara passara un quant temps)
5. Menjo els cereals sense llet.
6. M'encanta el te.
7. Odio estar malalta.

i ara, he de contestar aquestes preguntes...
(coincideixo bastant amb la Cristina!)

1. Serie a la que estàs enganxada últimament... 

2. Una ciutat... 

3. Un caprici complert... 

4. Un lloc per enamorar-se...

5. Un objecte de desig...

6. Una illa...
on visc!

7. Un dissenyador... 

8. Un gust... 

9. Una fruita...

10. Una cadena de TV... 

11. Un complement...

12. El millor de la tele... 

13. Un plà de diumenge de tardor...

14. Postre preferit...

15. L'última cançó que no et pots treure del cap...

16. Una actriu...

17. Un actor...

18. Una revista...

19. Un somni...

20. Últim vici...

21. El que em molesta...

22. Blanc o negre...

23. Tinc fòbia a...

24. El teu color preferit...

25. El teu animal...

26. Dia de la setmana...
(per dir-ne algun, tots son iguals per a mi)

27. Perfum que utilitzo...

28. Tens les ungles pintades? 

29. Última vegada que has utilitzat sombres...

30. La meva passió...

31. La meva peça preferida a la tardor...

32. Cinc hàbits extranys...
1. Quan umto alguna cosa a la torrada ha d'estar completament coberta
2. No posar-me llet als cereals.
3. Com la Cristina, tambe mossego el fil abans d'enfilar-lo...
4. Ja no me'n surten mes!


Trencare la norma... Tots els blogs que segueixo es mereixen un premi,
aixi que ja sabeu les que us podeu prendre per al.ludides!


Monday, 5 March 2012

Go to Fluffy Sheep Quilting!

A fellow Irish based blogger is celebrating her first bloggiversary. Go and join the party for a chance to win beautiful fabric like this! click on the image.

una companya blocaire esta celebrant el seu primer aniversari. Aneu a visitar-la i podreu guanyar un lot de 5 fat quarters de tela tan maca com aquesta! cliqueu a la imatge.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Hana's Apron and more Dumplings - El davantal de la Hana i mes Dumplings

 A la meva filla no li agrada posar-se pitets quan menja pero li encanta posar-se davantals, 
aixi que agafant el que tenia com a patro li he fet un amb dos draps de cuina.
Aquest cop li feia vergonya que ensenyar-lo posat...

My daughter doesn't like wearing bibs when she's eating but she will wear an apron instead, 
so I made a new one out of two tea towels using the an apron she already has as a pattern.
She was a bit too shy to show off this time...


Recordeu els Dumplings?
No podia resistir fer-ne uns quants mes...
ja estic dominant les cremalleres!

Remember those Dumplings?
I couldn't resist making some more...
I'm getting better with zippers!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

I made Dumplings! He fet Dumplings! (AND WE HAVE A WINNER! I TENIM UNA GUANYADORA!)

Vaig decidir provar de fer aquests Dumplings de la Keyka Lou.
Encara em falta practica amb les cremalleres i vaig pensar que aquests monederets
serien una bona oportunitat per practicar mes.
Son facils de fer un cop n'has fet un parell, i bastant rapids.

Well I decided to give these famous Dumplings from Keyka Lou a go. 
I'm still practicing with zippers and I found these a pretty good try. 
They're fun to make and once you have them nailed down they are quite quick too.

Aquests son els primers que he fet i en penso fer mes
These are the first ones I made and I will definitely make many more

M'agrada com la beta de les costures interiors li dona mes peu
I like the way the bound seams in the inside keeps the pouch upright



Abans d'ahir vaig descobrir el giveaway del 29 de Febrer 
i vaig decidir regalar un d'aquests moneders Dumpling.

Primer de tot, vull agrair a totes aquelles noves persones que heu decidit seguir el blog. No m'agrada demanar seguir el blog com a requisit per a participar en un sorteig, per tant, moltes gracies per decidir seguir-me!
M'ha agradat molt poder coneixer nous blocaires (i encara me'n queden per llegir!).
Com vaig dir, nomes he comptat les entrades fins el 29 a les 11.59, 
aixi que he hagut d'eliminar els comentaris que no entraven al marge de temps,
mes uns quants de repetits, ho sento!
Penso fer un altre sorteig aviat i tindreu una altra 
oportunitat perguanyar un altra manualitat.

The day before yesterday I found out about the Leap Day Giveaway, 
so I had one of these Dumplings ready to go to a winner.

First of all, I'd like to thank all those new readers who decided to follow my blog. 
I don't like making it a requisite for entering a giveaway, so thank you!
I'm happy to have met other new bloggers (and I still have to visit more of them!).
As I said, I only counted the comments up to 11.59pm (Irish time) 
so I'm sorry that I had to delete some of your entries, as well as some repeated ones. 
I'm planning to host another giveaway soon 
and you'll have another opportunity to win something nice again.

La guanyadora del Dumpling es....
and the Dumpling goes to.....

Kathy H said... 60

Love that pouch, such a cute name too.
si no, haure de triar un altre guanyador.

Congratulations to Kathy H!  

I will send an email to Kathy and hoping she gets back to me within the next 2 days,
otherwise I'll draw a new winner


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