31 setmanes... falten 9.
He fet la foto de la meva panxa pero encara no l'he baixat a l'ordinador!!! es va fent gran...
No hi ha gaires novetats pero, nomes unes quantes contraccions de Braxton-Hick de tant en tant i molt de moviment. Aixo si, sempre para quiet quan algu posa la ma per notar com es mou! Si no fos perque tinc la panxa com un globus igual no es creurien que porto un nen a dintre...
Aquestes dues setmanes que hem passat no he estat gaire be, m'estic recuperant, ara si que ja del tot, d'una infeccio de pit bastant forta. Ara nomes segueixo amb la tos emprenyadora. Amb dues setmanes de baixa, una nena voltant al teu costat constantment i quan el cap i l'energia m'ho ha permes, he pogut fer unes quantes coses per preparar la festa d'aniversari de la Hana, que fara 3 anys el dia 26! 3 anys...
Vam tallar cintes de colors d'uns 2.5cm i vam anar fent cadenes seguint els colors de l'Arc de Sant Marti.
Tambe he pogut cosir unes quantes cosetes que ensenyare aquesta setmana.
De moment, puc dir que tot va be, em sento millor i aquesta setmana ja torno a treballar, tot i que tinc ganes de comenc,ar la baixa per maternitat!
we also made muffins
tambe vam poder fer magdalenes
31 weeks... 9 to go...
I did take a pic of my belly but I haven't downloaded them yet! Believe me, it's getting big...
There isn't much to say this week though, only feeling some Braxton-Hick contractions and a lot of movement. Mind you, he always stops moving and kicking as soon as someone wants to feel it and put their hand on my tummy. If it wasn't because I have a belly as big as a balloon people wouldn't believe I'm carrying a baby in here... I have not been well the last 2 weeks, but now I am finally recovering from a nasty chest infection. I still have this very annoying cough that seems not to go away at all.
So with 2 weeks off work, a little girl wondering around me all the time and when my head and energy let me, we could make some decorations for her birthday party. Hana is going to be 3 next monday 26th! 3 already!
We cut coloured card strips, about 1" thick and made a chain following the rainbow colours. She loved it and is really excited about it. I also managed to sew a few little things that I will show you during the week.
So I can say that so far, everything is going well, I'll be back to work this week, although I'm really looking forward to go on maternity leave!
Take good care of yourself and have fun :)
ReplyDeleteEspero que et recuperis del tot!
ReplyDeleteUna abraçada.
Quin humor Irina!!!
A veure si notes la propaganda!!
Deu ni do les coses que has anat fent!!! Tenint en compte la panxa, la infecció i el que comporta una petita de tres anyets !!!!! Ets molt valenta!!! Que vagi molt bé!
ReplyDeleteEs que es impossible estar malalta si tens nens petits!!! (i aixo que nomes en tinc una!no em vull imaginar quan em passi amb dos!)
ReplyDeleteVinga Irina, que ja s'apropa el gran dia. Per cert, en aquesta foto ja veig a la Hana molt nena!!! Que gran i guapa que està!!!