Vaig decidir provar de fer aquests Dumplings de la Keyka Lou.
Encara em falta practica amb les cremalleres i vaig pensar que aquests monederets
serien una bona oportunitat per practicar mes.
Son facils de fer un cop n'has fet un parell, i bastant rapids.
Well I decided to give these famous Dumplings from Keyka Lou a go.
I'm still practicing with zippers and I found these a pretty good try.
They're fun to make and once you have them nailed down they are quite quick too.
Aquests son els primers que he fet i en penso fer mes
These are the first ones I made and I will definitely make many more
M'agrada com la beta de les costures interiors li dona mes peu
I like the way the bound seams in the inside keeps the pouch upright
Abans d'ahir vaig descobrir el giveaway del 29 de Febrer
i vaig decidir regalar un d'aquests moneders Dumpling.
Primer de tot, vull agrair a totes aquelles noves persones que heu decidit seguir el blog. No m'agrada demanar seguir el blog com a requisit per a participar en un sorteig, per tant, moltes gracies per decidir seguir-me!
M'ha agradat molt poder coneixer nous blocaires (i encara me'n queden per llegir!).
Com vaig dir, nomes he comptat les entrades fins el 29 a les 11.59,
aixi que he hagut d'eliminar els comentaris que no entraven al marge de temps,
mes uns quants de repetits, ho sento!
Penso fer un altre sorteig aviat i tindreu una altra
oportunitat perguanyar un altra manualitat.
The day before yesterday I found out about the Leap Day Giveaway,
so I had one of these Dumplings ready to go to a winner.
First of all, I'd like to thank all those new readers who decided to follow my blog.
I don't like making it a requisite for entering a giveaway, so thank you!
I'm happy to have met other new bloggers (and I still have to visit more of them!).
As I said, I only counted the comments up to 11.59pm (Irish time)
so I'm sorry that I had to delete some of your entries, as well as some repeated ones.
I'm planning to host another giveaway soon
and you'll have another opportunity to win something nice again.
La guanyadora del Dumpling es....
and the Dumpling goes to.....
Love that pouch, such a cute name too.
Kathy H! Felicitats!
Enviare un email a la Kathy esperant que em contesti durant els dos propers dies,
Congratulations to Kathy H!
I will send an email to Kathy and hoping she gets back to me within the next 2 days,
otherwise I'll draw a new winner
Congrats to Kathy - how clever are those seams?
ReplyDeleteFelicidades a la ganadora.El neceser es precioso.
ReplyDeleteFelicitats a la Kathy!
ReplyDeleteIrina: Et seguiria igual :)
Moltes felicitats a la Kathy!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Kathy!
ReplyDeleteEi no he arribat a temps!! Que xulos!! A la próxima no fallo!!