Sunday, 31 October 2010


The 4th Bloggers Quilt Festival is on! Click here to know more about it, hundreds of quilters are sharing a story behind one of their favourite quilts and you have the opportunity to pop from blog to blog to see these beautiful works.

S'esta celebrant el 4rt Festival de Quilts que organitza l'Amy al seu blog. Centenars de cosidores estan parlant del seu quilt preferit i compartint la historia que hi ha al darrere. Es una bona oportunitat per passejar-vos per tots els blogs i veure el treball de totes aquestes dones. Son quilts preciosos.

This is the one I'm going to share. It's my first big quilt and it's quite special for many reasons. I started by collecting old men's shirts. A good friend of ours passed away at the time and his girlfriend gave me one of his shirts to use on my quilt too, so there are only 2 solid blue squares in the quilt from Chris' shirt.

Aquest es el quilt que he escollit. Es el meu primer gran projecte i per a mi es especial per diverses raons. El vaig comenc,ar a fer fa 3 anys. Vaig comenc,ar a agafar camises d'home velles de tons blaus. En aquell moment un bon amic nostre va morir, i la seva companya em va donar una de les seves camises, era completament blava. Nomes hi ha dos quadrats de color blau solid en tot el quilt, son els del Chris.

I had to stop for a while because of lack of space, time and because many things happening in my life. There was a beautiful baby delivered in the meantime too! And finally, when I had the time, the space and the motivation (from discovering the blogworld almost a year ago) I could finally finish it.

Vaig haver de parar  durant un temps per falta d'espai i de temps i perque van passar moltes coses. Entre elles el neixement d'una nena preciosa! i finalment, quan ja vaig tenir temps, espai i motivacio (gracies al mon blocaire que vaig descobrir fa quasi una any) l'he acabat.

What I like about this quilt is that you can see my progress of patchwork making. There were so many things I didn't know when I started, cutting techniques, sewing, pressing... so throughout the quilt you can see little mistakes due to my inexperience but also big improvements as I got better.

El que me m'agrada d'aquest quilt es que es pot veure el progres d'aprenentatge fent patchwork. Hi havia tantes coses que no sabia quan vaig comenc,ar, com tallar la roba, com cosir les vores, com planxar-les... i es poden veure molts errors per la falta de practica, pero tambe es pot veure com he anat millorant a mida que anava fent.


  1. M'han agradat molt els motius pels quals has escollit aquest i no un altre ja que el carreguen de sentiments siguin tristos o bé alegres.

    De ben segur que es tracta d'un quilt (en dieu, no?) molt especial talment com un mirall reflex d'aquests últims 3 anys!

    M'agrada molt!

  2. Beautiful! What a lovely way to repurpose some shirts!

  3. Lovely! This is a great quilt-I just love the simplicity of the design and the wonderful interlocking pathways!

  4. Preciós Irina i a més amb una forta càrrega emocional que encara el farà més especial!!
    Que sàpigues que per culpa teva m'he animata intentar un quilt, i això que no en tinc ni idea, ja veurem qué en sortirà!!

  5. Looks great Irina! I love all the blues with the white - a classic combination.
    Thanks for commenting on my festival post.

  6. It's very pretty and a great use for shirts.


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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