Saturday, 12 March 2011


I couldn't miss this week's entry for Foto Finish... weather! the Irish can't stop talking about it (or complain about it)!!! I could have taken a photo every day this week and I could assure you that you would have seen ALL KINDS of weather... 

My inerpretation of weather: the tides
I took this photo last summer, just when I moved into the area. There is a Martello Tower at the edge of the island with a lake on one side and the shore at the other. The tide was out and it hadn't rained for a few days (yes, it does happen in Ireland sometimes, giving plenty more to talk about), the soil dried up looking like this. You can see oyster shells attached to rocks and all the seagulls, herons, egrets, curlews, oystercatchers, etc. wondering around feeding on what the sea has left behind.
It's really beautiful.

No podia deixar passar l'entrada de Foto Finsih aquesta setmana: el temps (meteorologic). Els irlnadesos no paren de parlar del temps (ode queixar-s'hi)! Podria haver fet fotos cada dia de la setmana i us asseguro que haurieu vist temps de tot...

La meva interpretacio del tema: la marea
Aquesta foto la vaig fer l'estiu passat tot just despres d'haver vingut a viure a aquesta area. Hi ha una torre Martello a un extrem de l'illa, esta tocant a la platja i a l'altre costat hi ha un llac que s'omple amb la marea. La marea estava a fora i feia dies que no havia plogut (tambe tenim dies sense pluja a Irlanda, costa de creure, oi?) i el terra havia quedat aixi. Es podien veure ostres i petxines incrustades a les roques i les gavines, Bernat Pescaires, i mes ocells que no se anomenar en catala (vaig interessar-me per l'ornitologia uncop aqui) van menjant tot el que el mar els ha deixat.
Es un lloc fantastic.

I wanted to show you this too... an oystershell embedded to a rock
Us vull ensenyar aixo tambe, la closca d'una ostra incrustada a la roca

click here to see other entries
cliqueu aqui per veure altres fotos


  1. Interesting shot, Irina! I'd like to see you repost this link. Yours links back to my blog, and others can't see it. It's too good to miss! Thanks for posting to Foto Finish. You are always a welcome participant.

  2. Really interesting pictures! I will have to check out Foto Finish. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. So dry & cracked after only a few days with no rain! Amazing.
    Looks a bit like the California desert.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. That's the perfect shot for weather!! It tells so much about the area and the changes it goes through.

  5. It can look like that in OK in about August, but our dirt is really red. Love the photo!

  6. thanks so much for all your comments!


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