Thursday, 26 April 2012

Sampler Lap Quilt finished! Sampler Quilt acabat!

Would you like to enter my giveaway?
click HERE
Vols entrar al meu sorteig?
clica AQUI

Per fi he acabat aquest sampler!
El vaig començar a fer l'any passat formant part del Quilt Along del Socpetit. Hem trigat una mica mes del previst en acabar-lo pero ja esta fet i crec que ha valgut molt la pena esperar! tots els quilts de la resta de participants son preciosos, ja podeu donar un cop d'ull al blog per anar veient com es van publicant els resultats a poc a poc.

I finally finished this sampler!
I started it a year ago as part of a quilt along with a group of Catalan bloggers. It took us a wee longer than expected to complete it as we're all working mothers (those that do not stay at home...). The rest of the participants have been finishing their quilts too and they'l be shown in this blog.

Es tractava de fer un bloc cada mes
We were making one block each month

Vaig començar amb un Layer Cake de Park Avenue.
I used a Layer Cake of Park Avenue.

M'agrada molt l'efecte que fa el marge de retalls
I really like the scrappy outer frame.

com que no tenia prou tela pel darrere vaig afegir mes retallets
I added some strips of scraps to make the backing bigger, as I didn't have enough fabric

L'encoixinat no es perfecte, pero m'he llençat a la piscina provant coses noves
The quilting is not great, but I jumped onto trying new things

Quilt info
1 Layer Cake of Park Avenue by 3 Sisters for Moda
sashing: Shangrila for Moda
binding: Kona rich red
backing: don't know!!!
measurements: 47"x47"

This quilt is a present for my sister Lorena
whose birthday is tomorrow
Happy birthday Lorena!!!

Aquest quilt es un regal 
per a la meva germana Lorena.
Dema es el seu aniversari.
Per molts anys Lorena!!!

Monday, 23 April 2012

St Jordi i un sorteig! St George and a giveaway! UPDATE!!!

Feliç diada de Sant Jordi a totes les que em llegiu des de Catalunya!
Espero que hagiu rebut una rosa ben maca i vermella i un bon llibre. Jo m'he de regalar la rosa jo mateixa i comprar-me el llibre, (no li demanis a un anti-britanic de Belfast que celebri St Jordi - per molt catala que li expliqui que es- perque St Jordi tambe es el patro d'Anglaterra... en fi, que hi farem). 
Em vaig comprar aquest llibre la setmana passada a la llar on porto la meva filla. Tenen una mena de Circulo de Lectores on pots trobar llibres a molt be de preu. Encara que ja no em considero una aprenent de patchwork penso que esta força be amb algunes tecniques que vull millorar, o que mai he provat. Vaig comprar dues copies, una per a mi i una per a sortejar entre vosaltres... A mes del llibre, tambe afegire alguna altra sorpresa que podeu veure a les fotos de mes avall...

Per a poder participar aqui teniu les regles que cal seguir:
1. Esciviu un comentari en aquest post.
2. Podeu obtenir una altra oportunitat si enllaceu aquest sorteig en el vostre blog. Cal que escriviu un altre comentari dient-me que ho heu fet.

Aquest sorteig es obert per a tots els lectors internacionals fins el 7 de Maig i enunciare el guanyador l'endema dia 8. Bona sort!!!

cliqueu a la imatge per veure mes informacio
click on the image to look at more information

2 FQ of Happy Daisy by Urban Chicks for Moda

a set of 3 buttons made by me
un set de 3 botons fets per mi

Happy St.George's Day!
St.George is the patron saint of Catalonia and the tradition is to buy a book and a red rose to your lover. Since I won't receive a book nor a red rose from my man, I normally get myself the book and the red rose...
I found this book last week at the kindergarten where I take my daughter. The "Book People" leave an assortment of books every month at very good prices and sometimes you find really good bargains. SO I decided to get 2 copies, one for me and another for one of you readers. I will also add some extra goodies which you can see in the pictures (2 FQ and a set of 3 buttons made by myself).

So if you want to win this book, here are the rules to follow:
1. Write a comment in this post.
2. For a second chance, blog about this giveaway and come back to write another comment telling me that you did.

This giveaway is open to all international readers until the 7th of May and I will announce the winner the following day.
Good luck to you all!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

35+3 and some finished projects

Well hello! I couldn't post on monday as I was at work... but here I am now!
The weather is very Irish here at the moment, it was a lovely warm sunny day on sunday, as you can see in this picture. We have this beach just 5 minutes down the road from our home and we often go to throw "rocks" in to the water and pick up shells. Then, monday and tuesday were awful cold and wet, and today we had a bit of everything... yep, Irish weather.

Buenas! No vaig poder escriture el post el dilluns perque he estat a la feina... pero ja soc aqui!
El temps que esta fent aqui es molt irlandes, el diumenge va fer un dia molt maco, com podeu veure a la foto, vam caminar fins la platja que tenim a 5 minutes de casa per tirar pedres i agafar petxines. En canvi, dilluns i dimarts van ser uns dies molt grisos, freds i plovent moltissim. Avui, hem tingut una mica de tot. Aixi es el temps irlandes...

Things are moving quickly here. Almost 4 weeks left now, wow...
I felt some strong contractions yesterday, but nothing serious, just the "practice" Braxton Hick ones...
I think I'm in full nesting period; two days ago I felt the need to start organizing everything. I'm moving my sewing studio in a room downstairs so the nursery can be upstairs with the other 2 bedrooms. The little button is going to stay in our bedroom for the first few months anyway, so I am not in a hurry to have his nursery ready (the experience of a second-time mum says a lot, uh...?).
I'm excited because I like changing furniture around and this means I have 2 rooms to decorate, his and my new sewing room!
I am studying a lot for the exam on saturday (so wish me luck and think of me on saturday at 10am!!!) so I felt like today I could spend a good amount of time finishing up some projects. I finished the 2 handbags I had left aside last week and I also made a simple zipper pouch. I might be able to show you another finish soon... we'll see.

Tot esta anant molt de pressa aqui! Ja falten quasi 4 setmanes per coneixer el botonet!Aqui vaig tenir unes quantes contraccions de Braxton Hick que es feien notar bastant, pero res d'especial, nomes fent practiques... Estic en plena fase de neteja pre-part, o com es digui en catala..., fa dos dies que he començat a endreçar i netejar. vull traslladar el meu taller de cosir a una habitacio d'abaix per poder tenir l'habitacio del botonet a dalt, amb els altres dormitoris. Els primers mesos estara a la nostra habitacio, aixi que de moment encara no em correr pressa tenir la seva habitacio enllestida (l'experiencia d'una que ja es mama diu molt, no?). Em fa il.lusio perque m'encanta moure mobles i canviar-los de lloc i ara tindre 2 habitacions per decorar, la del botonet i el meu taller!

He estat estudiant bastant per a l'examen de disabte (ja sabeu, desitjeu-me sort i penseu en mi dissabte al mati!) aixi que avui m'he pres el luxe de passar una bona estona al taller per acabar uns quants projectes. He acabat les dues bosses que vaig deixar aparcades la setmana passada i tambe he fet un petit moneder. Segurament podre ensenyar-vos un altre projecte acabat aviat, ja veurem.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Notebook cover (update) - funda de llibreta (actualitzat)

Aquesta tarda he fet aquesta funda per a una llibreta seguint el tutorial de la Cindy de Fluffy Sheep Quilting. Quina il.lusio quan he vist que la llibreta hi entra perfectament i super ajustada! tenia por de fer el repunt una mica massa endins i cagar-la ben cagada... pero no! Ha sortit perfecta seguint les intruccions al peu de la lletra.
Aquesta llibreta no me la quedare pas... anira cap a la meva companya d'intercanvi, (vaig apuntar-me fa unes setmanes a aquest intercanvi). Aquests son el colors que li agraden i he fet servir colors llisos de Kona i lli. Espero que li agradi! me'n fare una per a mi i moltes moltes mes!

This afternoon I made this notebook cover following Cindy's tutorial from Fluffy Sheep Quilting. What a great feeling when I saw it fits perfectly! I was worried that my top stitching would be to further in and spoil the whole thing! but no... I was following the tutorial word by word and bingo! it worked.
I am not going to keep this one for myself though, it will be sent to my swap partner from the Quilter's Day Swap that I joined a few weeks ago. These are the colours she likes so I used Kona solids and linen. I hope she likes it. I definitely will make one for myself and many many more...

i aquesta l'he fet per a mi, més petiteta per a que m'hi capiga

and this one I made for myself, a bit smaller so it fits in the
inner pocket of the bag I made last week

el botó el vaig guanyar en un sorteig de Buttonmad
I won this button in a giveaway from Buttonmad

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Progress and 34 weeks!

34 weeks  and 2 days pregnant and 6 weeks to go...
I have soooo many things I need to finish before the little leprechaun pops up!
I'm feeling very well, despite the numerous kicks that he's granting me too often and a horrible heartburn that I try to sooth with a thousand tablets of Rennies... I'm full of energy, (until 6pm, then I'm wrecked!) and I'm still going to work and studying for my exam.
I love spending time with Hana, she's just growing into this little charming, funny chatter-box! the things she says... sometimes I have to write them down, they're too good to be eventually filed under "forget"...
Best of all, I still manage to squeeze some time for sewing and today I'm doing lots! This is what I'm working on today before I'm going to go and collect my little precious darling.

34 setmanes i dos dies... falten 6 setmanes i he de fer taaaaaantes coses abans de que aquest follet surti disparat! Em sento molt be i amb molta energia, fins que arriba el vespre que aleshorres estic rebentada...
No tinc gaires molsties, nomes molta acidesa d'estomac que intento alleugerir amb mil pastilles de Rennies i  les multiples patades que m'esta donant el senyoret.
Encara estic treballant, ja falta poc per acabar i encara estic estudiant per aquest examen que s'acosta.
Me'ncanta passar el temps amb la Hana, esta super divertida i s'esta convertint en tota una senyoreta xerraire que no para. Les coses que diu... de vegades les escric perque son massa bones per que es quedin en l'oblit!
El millor de tot es que encara trobo temps per a poder cosir i avui he pogut avanc,ar molt! Aixo es el que estic fent avui abans d'anar a recollir la Hana a la llar.

just need to sort the backing for this sampler quilt
enllestint el darrere d'aquest sampler

and getting a couple of handbags ready...
i preparant un parell de bosses...

Ah! potser voleu provar sort al blog de l'Elena... a veure si endevineu quants botons hi ha en el pot de vidre que te i guanyeu un llibre i uns quants fat quarters! molta sort!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

My new tote - Una bossa nova

I bought the 241 tote pattern from Anna of noodlehead a long time ago and finally I made myself a new bag. I cut out all the pieces on thursday night and assembled it yesterday. I love it! I might make the version with the side pockets, although I really like the zipper version.
I bought the Amy Butler's fabric at Pippa Blue, I also used some fabric I already had (Sunkissed by Sweetwater for Moda) for the interior pockets and linen for the exterior side panels.

Fa molt de temps que vaig comprar el patro per fer la bossa 241 de l'Anna de Noddlehead i finalment m'he fet una bossa nova. Vaig tallar les peces dijous a la nit i ahir divendres ja la vaig cosir. M'encanta! Intentare fer la versio amb les butxaques laterals, pero la de cremalleres em segueix agradant molt.
La tela de l'Amy Butler la vaig comrpar a Pippa Blue, pero tambe vaig fer servir tela que tenia (Sunkissed de Sweetwater per Moda) per a les butxaques interiors i lli per als laterals.

My first time making this kind of zipper pockets... a bit tricky, but I'll get better.
La primera vegada que faig butxaques amb cremalleres... una mica laborios, pero millorare.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

WONKY SQUARES - my first solids

This is my first quilt using Kona solids. A friend of mine ordered 
a baby quilt for her nephew, something very colorful and I suggested
a rainbow-like theme. I'm really happy with the result, and so she is too!
I hope the baby boy will like it too...
I am linking in with the Quilter in the Gap's 2012 Pre-second quarter
Finish-A Long Linky Party.

Aquest es el meu primer quilt fent servir colors llisos, Kona.
Una amiga em va encarregar fer un quilt per al seu nebot, alguna cosa amb 
molt de color i vaig suggerir l'arc de Sant Marti com a tema...
M'encanta el resultat i a ella tambe! ara espero que al petit tambe li agradi.

I didn't know how to quilt it, and I wanted the squares to stand out, 
so I decided to outline the squares by quilting around them at 1/8" from the seam.
The rhomboids are highlighted too and the outer frame gave way to play a bit more,
echoing the zig-zag lines worked out pretty well, I think.

No sabia com fer l'encoixinat i volia que els quadres ressaltessin, 
aixi que vaig optar per seguir els quadres a 1/8 de polzada de la vora.
Els romboides tambe resalten i el marge exterior es prou ample per 
jugar una mica mes, fent servir el zig-zag varies vegades.

I used an IKEA print for the backing, very colorful and fun.

Per al darrera he fet servir una tela de l'IKEA, 
molt divertida i plena de coloraines.

And like with  all my ordered baby quilts, it comes with its own bag...
I com amb tots els meus encarrecs de quilts per a nens, ve amb la seva bossa...


Quilt information:
1 Charm Pack of Kona Bright Palette (I didn't use all the squares)
Kona white for sashing
Ikea print for backing
dimensions: 43"x37" 

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


... però aquest cop els he fet jo!
Recordeu el meu post sobre la meva petita col.ecció de botons...?
Feia tant de temps que tenia el material preparat i mai no trobava el moment per posar-me a fer botons. Per fi, ahir a la nit, ho vaig probar... quin perill! una altra adicció a la llista...!
De moment només he fet servir un color i un diseny d'estampat. Tinc molts més colors i més idees al cap. La intenció és afegir una secció de botons i medallons a la paradeta del mercat d'artesania del proper Nadal, així que encara tinc temps de fer-ne molts més.

... but this time I made them myself!
Do you remember my post about my little button collection
I had the material and tools ready for a long time but I could never find the right moment to have a go at making buttons. Finally, I tried it last night and oh dear... I have another addiction...!
So far I've only tried one colour and one pattern. I have plenty more colours and ideas in my head. I'd like to sell my handmade buttons and medallions in the craft fair next Christmas, so I have plenty of time to make more.

un medallo 
a medalion 

Ja anire mostrant-ne més.
I'll show you some more soon.

Monday, 2 April 2012

33 setmanes - 33 weeks


Falten 7 setmanes...

Canvi de plans. Al final el part no sera a casa. El pare de la criatura no ho te clar 
i aixo de tenir un part a casa no li sembla be. Que hi farem, no podria parir amb algu 
al costat que estigues mes nervios i espantat del compte. La vistita amb la llevadora va estar
molt be, com ja m'esperava. Ho va entendre perfectament, perque no es la primera vegada que passa,
i hem quedat que seguira venint durant el prepart i el postpart. 
El dia que em posi de part, l'avisare i anirem a l'hospital (1 hora i quart de cami...). 
Si tot va be, podre tornar a casa
al cap de 6 hores on ella m'estara esperant.
Una mica decepcionada ho estic, pero nomes falten 7 setmanes i no vull que
aixo em descol.loqui, perque ja m'estava preparant mentalment. Ara toca canviar el xip un altre cop.
Cap problema. Un cop mes, les dones demostrem que som mes flexibles, comprensives 
i amb la ment mes oberta que alguns homes...


7 weeks to go...

Change of plans. I'm not having a home birth... the Baby's father said he'll freak
and he's not having a home birth (as if he was going to!). So well, I don't want someone 
freaking out next to me while I'm giving birth. 
The meeting with my midwife was good, as I expected, she was very understanding 
because it is not the first time it happens (that a dad freaks out). So she'll still be in 
charge of the antenatal and postnatal care, and the day I go into labour, we'll head off to hospital
(an hour and 15 minutes drive...).
If everything goes well, I'll be able to go back home, where she'll be waiting for me.
I was a bit disappointed, but there are only 7 weeks left and I don't want to let this
affect me, I was already preparing myself mentally for it. 
Now I have to change my plan again. It's ok, I can do it.
Once again, us women show how much more understanding, flexible and open-minded 
we are than some men...


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