Thursday, 12 April 2012

Notebook cover (update) - funda de llibreta (actualitzat)

Aquesta tarda he fet aquesta funda per a una llibreta seguint el tutorial de la Cindy de Fluffy Sheep Quilting. Quina il.lusio quan he vist que la llibreta hi entra perfectament i super ajustada! tenia por de fer el repunt una mica massa endins i cagar-la ben cagada... pero no! Ha sortit perfecta seguint les intruccions al peu de la lletra.
Aquesta llibreta no me la quedare pas... anira cap a la meva companya d'intercanvi, (vaig apuntar-me fa unes setmanes a aquest intercanvi). Aquests son el colors que li agraden i he fet servir colors llisos de Kona i lli. Espero que li agradi! me'n fare una per a mi i moltes moltes mes!

This afternoon I made this notebook cover following Cindy's tutorial from Fluffy Sheep Quilting. What a great feeling when I saw it fits perfectly! I was worried that my top stitching would be to further in and spoil the whole thing! but no... I was following the tutorial word by word and bingo! it worked.
I am not going to keep this one for myself though, it will be sent to my swap partner from the Quilter's Day Swap that I joined a few weeks ago. These are the colours she likes so I used Kona solids and linen. I hope she likes it. I definitely will make one for myself and many many more...

i aquesta l'he fet per a mi, més petiteta per a que m'hi capiga

and this one I made for myself, a bit smaller so it fits in the
inner pocket of the bag I made last week

el botó el vaig guanyar en un sorteig de Buttonmad
I won this button in a giveaway from Buttonmad


  1. I love Cindy and this tutorial and it makes a great notebook cover. Yours is very sophisticated. I`m sure your partner will love it.

  2. Fantastic notebook cover.Your partner will be glad with it.

  3. T'ha quedat molt xula! Últimament n'he fet de molt similars per amigues que m'han dit que estan embarassades perquè la utilitzin com a llibreta de notes. Em va semblar que era un regalet senzill i original.

  4. Molt maca la funda. Jo me n'hauria de fer una, però hauria de ser adaptable a les diferents mides dels llibres que vaig llegint... complicat? un nou repte!! jjejeje

  5. Oh wonderful Notebook Cover. My little girl thinks we should make one for her maybe I will give it a try. Thank you for linking up.

  6. What a beautiful notebook cover and I love the little button!

  7. T'han quedat molt maques Irina!! Està entre els meus projectes fer-ne una!
    Una abraçada!!!

  8. Els dos dissenys son molt bonics i el botonet rosa queda perfecte!

  9. Those are really beautiful! Your construction is perfect and I love the colors and fabric combinations on both. Congratulations on a couple of wonderful finishes and thank you for linking up!

    xo -E


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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