Falten 7 setmanes...
Canvi de plans. Al final el part no sera a casa. El pare de la criatura no ho te clar
i aixo de tenir un part a casa no li sembla be. Que hi farem, no podria parir amb algu
al costat que estigues mes nervios i espantat del compte. La vistita amb la llevadora va estar
molt be, com ja m'esperava. Ho va entendre perfectament, perque no es la primera vegada que passa,
i hem quedat que seguira venint durant el prepart i el postpart.
El dia que em posi de part, l'avisare i anirem a l'hospital (1 hora i quart de cami...).
Si tot va be, podre tornar a casa
al cap de 6 hores on ella m'estara esperant.
Una mica decepcionada ho estic, pero nomes falten 7 setmanes i no vull que
aixo em descol.loqui, perque ja m'estava preparant mentalment. Ara toca canviar el xip un altre cop.
Cap problema. Un cop mes, les dones demostrem que som mes flexibles, comprensives
i amb la ment mes oberta que alguns homes...
7 weeks to go...
Change of plans. I'm not having a home birth... the Baby's father said he'll freak
and he's not having a home birth (as if he was going to!). So well, I don't want someone
freaking out next to me while I'm giving birth.
The meeting with my midwife was good, as I expected, she was very understanding
because it is not the first time it happens (that a dad freaks out). So she'll still be in
charge of the antenatal and postnatal care, and the day I go into labour, we'll head off to hospital
(an hour and 15 minutes drive...).
If everything goes well, I'll be able to go back home, where she'll be waiting for me.
I was a bit disappointed, but there are only 7 weeks left and I don't want to let this
affect me, I was already preparing myself mentally for it.
Now I have to change my plan again. It's ok, I can do it.
Once again, us women show how much more understanding, flexible and open-minded
we are than some men...
I am sorry, that your plan doesn't work like you wanted and are not having home birth. Maybe the baby is faster and you have not the chance to go to hospital ;) but it is nice to go home straight after and enjoy the first days at home with the family!
ReplyDeleteWell that's disappointing but you are right, you do not need to be stressed out you will be dealing with your own stuff during birth. Any chance he'll change his mind?
ReplyDeleteNo... I don't think he will change his mind... I had a very good experience in the labour room the first time though, they respected my wish of a not medically intervened labour as much as they could, and they were absolutely brilliant, so I'm confident they will do the same.
ReplyDeleteI really want to be able to go home as soon as possible after the birth, especially for Hana. I know everything will go well, because I'll make sure it will.
Ja queda menys!!!! Ànims per la recta final! I que el canvi de plans no et faci deixar de disfrutar el moment!
ReplyDeleteOstres, em sap greu! Tenir un fill és cosa de dos (bé de tres) així que és clau que tots estigueu a gust amb la decisió que es prengui. No pateixis serà igualment fantàstic! Llàstima que el teu marit s'hagi desdit tan tard, però pensa que més tard hagués estat si si hagués trobat al moment del part.
ReplyDeletePer la meva pròpia experiència, parir a casa implica parir jo (com a dona) i el marit (com a acompanyant), sense ell no hagués estat el mateix. La tranquil·litat de saber que era part de mi i el que em mancava va ser clau.
Ell és una part important i se li ha de respectar.
Segur que a l'hospital, tot i quedar una mica lluny, serà de nou fantàstic.