Well hello! I couldn't post on monday as I was at work... but here I am now!
The weather is very Irish here at the moment, it was a lovely warm sunny day on sunday, as you can see in this picture. We have this beach just 5 minutes down the road from our home and we often go to throw "rocks" in to the water and pick up shells. Then, monday and tuesday were awful cold and wet, and today we had a bit of everything... yep, Irish weather.
Buenas! No vaig poder escriture el post el dilluns perque he estat a la feina... pero ja soc aqui!
El temps que esta fent aqui es molt irlandes, el diumenge va fer un dia molt maco, com podeu veure a la foto, vam caminar fins la platja que tenim a 5 minutes de casa per tirar pedres i agafar petxines. En canvi, dilluns i dimarts van ser uns dies molt grisos, freds i plovent moltissim. Avui, hem tingut una mica de tot. Aixi es el temps irlandes...
Things are moving quickly here. Almost 4 weeks left now, wow...
I felt some strong contractions yesterday, but nothing serious, just the "practice" Braxton Hick ones...
I think I'm in full nesting period; two days ago I felt the need to start organizing everything. I'm moving my sewing studio in a room downstairs so the nursery can be upstairs with the other 2 bedrooms. The little button is going to stay in our bedroom for the first few months anyway, so I am not in a hurry to have his nursery ready (the experience of a second-time mum says a lot, uh...?).
I'm excited because I like changing furniture around and this means I have 2 rooms to decorate, his and my new sewing room!
I am studying a lot for the exam on saturday (so wish me luck and think of me on saturday at 10am!!!) so I felt like today I could spend a good amount of time finishing up some projects. I finished the 2 handbags I had left aside last week and I also made a simple zipper pouch. I might be able to show you another finish soon... we'll see.
Tot esta anant molt de pressa aqui! Ja falten quasi 4 setmanes per coneixer el botonet!Aqui vaig tenir unes quantes contraccions de Braxton Hick que es feien notar bastant, pero res d'especial, nomes fent practiques... Estic en plena fase de neteja pre-part, o com es digui en catala..., fa dos dies que he començat a endreçar i netejar. vull traslladar el meu taller de cosir a una habitacio d'abaix per poder tenir l'habitacio del botonet a dalt, amb els altres dormitoris. Els primers mesos estara a la nostra habitacio, aixi que de moment encara no em correr pressa tenir la seva habitacio enllestida (l'experiencia d'una que ja es mama diu molt, no?). Em fa il.lusio perque m'encanta moure mobles i canviar-los de lloc i ara tindre 2 habitacions per decorar, la del botonet i el meu taller!
Glad you're keeping well!
ReplyDeleteI love your zippered pouch and the tote!
Me gusta mucho el bolso!!!.Me acordare de ti el sabado!!!! Un besote!.
ReplyDeleteQue xulo el bolso i la bosseta!
ReplyDeleteEm sembla que passa a totes això de la neteja i l'endreçada abans de néixer els petits...netejar o fer el niu se'n diu no? :)
Que vagi molt bé l'examen de dissabte!!!
Coincideixo amb l'Apanona, crec que per aquí en diem "fer el niu".
ReplyDeleteM'encanta aquesta tela d'ikea, en tinc un retall ben gros a punt per ser una funda de cadira... Sort amb l'examen!
M'agrada molt l'estampat del bolso i del moneder. I sobre efecte niu, jo estic igual i em passa com tu, m'encanta moure mobles i decorar la casa. Si els mobles tinguessin rodes els canviaria tan sovint :)
ReplyDelete"síndrome del niu" eh!!! Que vagi molt bé i no et passis massa fent coses11
ReplyDeleteThank you for the poem! :-) Happy weekend.
ReplyDeleteMolta sort Irina per l'examen!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI molts ànims per les quatre setmanetes que et queden!
Fas uns bolsos molt, molt xulos!!!! M'encanten!
Un petó
Espero que hagis tingut molta sort a hores d'ara!
ReplyDeletem'encanten les bosses i m'encanta la tela!
That fabric you used for the tote bag and pouch is SO amazing. I love it! Congratulations on two really great finishes and thank you for linking up!
ReplyDeletexo -E
P.S. How lovely you live so close to the beach. And wishing you all the best on your upcoming new little one!