Thursday, 12 May 2011


Aquesta es una activitat que es fa a Montessori per ensenyar la relacio entre el numeros i la quantitat. A minimanuals vaig trobar un enllac, del blog on et mostren com fer-te aquesta activitat. Es bastant barat, nomes necessiteu cartro per fer la base (jo l'he tret d'una caixa de bolquers), 10 rotllets de paper higienic, una impresora per imprimir els numeros i branquetes.

Recomanaria fer aquesta activitat quan els nens ja saben el nom dels numeros i reconeixen el seu simbol.

This is an activity from the Montessori method to teach the relation between the numbers and the quantity they refer to. Over at minimanuals I got the link from the blog where it shows you how to make this activity yourself. It's dead simple, you only need cardboard, toilet rolls, a printer and sticks.

I would recommend doing this activity once the children know the names of the numbers and can recognise their symbol.

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