Tenia aquestes bosses de coto que vaig comprar al supermercat ALDI. Aqui els botiguers cobren les bosses i aixi intenten que la gent sigui mes respectuosa amb el medi ambient. Tens l'opcio de comprar les de plastic o les de roba. Quan vaig veure les de roba, vaig pensar que podria fer-les una mica mes maques i personalitzades i de moment aquestes son les dues primeres que he transformat.
I had these cotton grocery bags that I bought in an ALDI store. Here they charge you for carrier bags to promote respect for the environment. You can choose to buy either plastic or fabric ones, so when I saw those cheap cotton ones I thought I could make them into something nicer and more personalised. Here's my two first ones.
I wanted to make a reversible bag. I used fabric I had to make another bag that measures exactly the same. I made a pocket and sew it onto the cream cotton bag. I took out the handles of the cotton bag and I sew them onto new ones that I cut out from the new fabric.
tallant i planxant les nances
cutting and ironing the handles
nances cosides/sewn handles
butxaca / pocket
one bag into the other, wrong sides facing
una bossa dins de l'altra, cares del reves tocant-se
Vaig doblegar la vora de les dues bosses cap endins sense oblidar-me de ficar les nances alla on volia. Vaig cosir tot el voltant i llestos. En un tres i no res, tinc una bossa per anar al mercat reutilitzable i personalitzada.
I folded the two top seams inwards and placed the handles where it suited me. I topstitched all along and that's it, my own personlised eco-grocery bag!
folding in the seams with handles in place
doblegant les vores cap endins amb les nances col.locades a lloc
topstitching / cosint el voltant
Amb la segona bossa, vaig decidir fer la bossa de l'Aldi mes petita, fent servir una bossa que ja tenia com a model. L'unic que canvio es la mida de la bossa amb la tela de ratlles, fent-la mes llarga per poder doblegar-la cap endins. Amb les nances i la butxaca faig el mateix que abans.
For the second bag I decided to make a smaller one. I also changed the measurements of the stripy bag, making it longer so I can fold it on the top. The pocket and the handles are made the same way a
t'han quedat súper boniques!!
ReplyDeleteUna bona tunejada!
I think your grocery bags are wonderful and so practical. I know you will enjoy using them each time you shop.