Thursday, 11 August 2011

handmade book - llibre fet a ma

He apres que cada grup de paper doblegat es diu "signatura". El meu llibre te 12 signatures.
I learnt that each group of 4 folded sheets of paper is called a "signature", 
so my book has 12 signatures.

Cinta de lli encerada
Waxed linen thread

I chose this ribbon after choosing the paper for the covers. Turquoise and brown, perfect!
Vaig escollir la cinta despres d'escollir el paper per les cobertes. Turquesa i marro, perfecte!

sorry it was night time and had no natural light!
era de nit i no tenia llum natural!

After the ribbon was stuck to the first page on either side, I made the covers.
Despres d'enganxar la cinta a la primera pagina de cada costat, vaig fer les cobertes.

A piece of triangular paper for the corners makes a nice finish.
Un troc, de paper triangular per les cantonades fa un bon acabat.

Anice touch: a page of very thin paper before start writing away...
Un bon detall afegit: una pagina de paper molt fi abans d'escriure...

And here's my book!
I aqui teniu el meu llibre!

thank you Una!


  1. I love it. I wish I could get to that market - need a Friday off of work :)

  2. Hi, I just spotted your name on ZuhauseinGermany and couldn’t just miss a fellow blogger sharing my name, so I decided to pop round and have a look. You’ve got a very nice blog and I will definitely have a good look around. Also I am your newest follower.Good luck with the market! Irina

  3. M'agrada molt! I on es compra aquesta cinta de què parles?

  4. Es molt bonic! M'agrada molt :)

  5. That's an amazingly beautiful book! I'd really like to try myself, maybe sometimes during those long dark winterdays.

  6. Thank you Sewandthecity!
    Elisenda, parles de la cinta de lli encerada o l'altra? la de lli es pot trobar a les botigues de manualitats, pero millor per internet. L'altra a les merceries.;-)

  7. Hi Irina, you asked if you could make some of the fabric boats for the Christmas fair and that is fine by me ( send me a link when you have made some, would love to see them). I don't know how experienced you are with craft fairs but I have posted a little beginners guide on my blog (it might give you a few helpful ideas for the preparation). Happy sewing!


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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