No se que fare...
Well yes, I'll be a year older on Wednesday 17th! I remember when I turned 11 and 22, so now it's 33! yeah! I like when you get the same digits... I'm still deciding whether to celebrate it with a party or not. I like having people at home and throw a party, but not when I'm the centre of attention... Who said "if you want to be the centre of attention in a party, just don't go", Elisabeth Taylor???
Argh... I don't know what I'll do yet...
De totes maneres aqui si que ho celebrare amb un sorteig, per que no? Com sabeu he trobat una altra aficio, enquadernar llibres, i aquest divendres vam anar a veure la paradeta de llibres de l'Una. No vaig marxar amb les mans buides i aqui podeu veure el que podeu tenir a les vostres amb una mica de sort.
Anyway, I will celebrate here all right! You know I've discovered bookbinding recently, don't you? Well we went to the farmer's market on Friday to see Una at her stand. Of course I didn't leave with empty hands! So here you can see what you can have in your hands with a bit of luck.
5"x7" book with 76 pages
llibre de 12.5x17.5 cm amb 76 pagines
3"x4" book with 62 pages
llibre de 7.5x10cm, de 62 pagines
M'encanten els llibres i llibretetes, en tinc un fotime! Una per escriure coses que no vull oblidar, des d'una recepta fins el nom d'un llibre, una pel.licula, una adrec,a, alguna cosa que he llegit i m'ha agradat... En tinc un altre per escriure totes les frases divertides que comenc,a a dir la Hana. Una altra on estic escrivint com va creixent des que va neixer, vaig escriure un durant tot l'embaras...
en tinc molts per a tot!
I love little books and notebooks, I have so many! I have one where I write things I don't want to forget, like the name of a book, a recipe, a film, something nice that I've read, the address of some interesting place... I also have one to write down all the funny things Hana is starting to say. I have a journal that I'm writing about her since she was born, (it will be for her). I also wrote one during my pregnancy...
I have books for everything!
So here's the deal:
1. Write a comment telling me how you are going to use this book if you win, will you use it to write recipes, as a journal, to write funny stories...?
2. If you decide to blog about this giveaway, you can have an extra entry by writing another comment with the link of your post.
I'll announce 2 winners on Monday 22nd of August!
note: you don't have to be a follower at all to enter this giveaway, everybody is welcome! but I'd rather have people who really like my blog to become a follower, so if you like what you see you know what to do! Thanks!
Que heu de fer:
1. Escriure un comentari dient-me com fereu servir aquest llibre, com a diari, receptari, etc...
2. Si decidiu correr la veu sobre aquest sorteig al vostre blog, podeu tenir una altra oportunitat escrivint un altre comentari amb el link del post.
Sabreu qui son els 2 guanyadors el dilluns dia 22 d'Agost!
nota: No cal ser seguidor per entrar en aquest sorteig, tothom es benvingut! pero prefereixo tenir seguidors a qui realment els agradi el meu blog, aixi que si us agrada el que veieu ja ho sabeu!Gracies!
Ooh those books are so pretty Irina! I would use it to draw quilt ideas in, always have to have a notebook with me for when inspiration strikes!
ReplyDeleteHola Irina! Que maco es aquest llibre - m'encanta els llibres fet a ma! I also have little books for things I love - If I win, I'd use this gorgeous book for all the special quotes I collect.
ReplyDeleteUna abraçada de Catalunya i felicitats per dimecres! xx
Hi Irina! You know I love the books you and Una make. They're so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI need a place to sketch through my quilty difficulties. The corners that just need the math repeated one more time, back designs, etc. I rarely have inspiration just hit me on a tile floor, but always need a place to mentally work though issues with an ongoing project.
Hi Irina!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday for Wednesday! I had a double digit birthday this year too, 'though not the same as yours!
Una's books are gorgeous! I would love one to use as a journal - does Una have a website?
Moltes felicitats pel cumple!
ReplyDeleteLa faria servir per escriure contes i fer dibuixets per les meves filles, per quan siguin grans, la llegeixin.
Per cert, jo també tinc llibretetes per tot, en tinc un munt :)
Primer de tot per molts anys!!!! Em sembla que facis el que facis seràs el centre d'atenció així que ja posats què tal passar-s'ho bé i celebrar-ho amb els que més t'estimes.
ReplyDeleteDoncs per què faria servir la llibreta? Doncs em sembla que per fer-hi un collage amb totes aquelles idees i estils que m'agraden pels quilts, i poc a poc anar-me definint una miqueta.
Jo també tinc una llibreta on escric l'evolució del David!
I would use the book to keep notes when I visit Ireland next year, and then add photos from my trip!
ReplyDeleteI blogged about your giveaway.
How pretty - you've inspired me to learn how to make books myself! I've been searching for the perfect idea book to keep with me - by my bed or perhaps slipped into my bag. This is a lovely little blog - I've added you to my reader!
ReplyDeleteHow exciting to see the books you're making. I'd love to own one. I like to carry books with me so I can write notes of things I want to remember. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful books you create; a friend’s son also makes books, I find them to be so intriguing and special. I would start a family history for my daughter.
ReplyDeleteMay your thirty-third birthday celebration be everything you desire and make some unbeatable memories.
I would most probably use it as a journal and maybe writing music notes.
ReplyDeleteJo també estic a l'espera del meu aniversari, que és el dia 26 ;)
Jo faria servir la llibreta com a base per fer un álbum d'scrap. La temàtica fàcil: del dia 5 d'Octubre, quan em van diagnosticar càncer, al 5 d'Agost, quan vaig celebrar que tot havia acabat bé. Està clar que és un període de la meva vida per recordar.
Moltes felicitats!
I would love to win this beautiful hand made book and give it as a present to my husband. He really appreciates beautiful notepads and writes all kind of lovely things inside – sometimes quotes from books, some times thought than come to his mind, some times just lovely words! Thanks for the great giveaway and Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteI have blogged about your giveaway at:
I love little notebooks and keep them for various purposes - right now I can think of four I have going. One each for recording the books I read, recording my blog swaps, writing a journal, and for quilt designs and info. I would love to put one of your books into use as a journal when my current book fills up. Happy 33rd birthday!
ReplyDeletePrimer de tot... i que no se'm passi per la emoció...
I ara Ohhh!! Jo ja ho tinc pensat!!! Sí, sí, m'encantaria la llibreta per a fer un petit dietari pels meus peques... tinc moltes cosetes guardades de tot el procés i alguna foto... i esperen que trobi el lloc ideal per a enganxar-ho... i és clar... la teva llibreta seria molt especial!!!
Una abraçada i feliços 33!!!
Ei, ei!! Que me n'oblidava.... aquí està la meva entrada al bloc!!
I love your bookbinding! I have just found your blog tonight and have become a follower. I would use this book to sketch for future quilts, mostly from nature--I would also keep my nature photographs here for inspiration. So, your book would become a total inspiration journal for me!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the opportunity to have something from a place I wish to travel to: Ireland! Perhaps someday!
i LOVE these types of books! Belated happy birthday to you! And congratulations on learning the art of bookbinding. I'd use mine for notes and ideas, quilt to-do's, and such. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteHappy happy birthday! That's a cute book - I'd give it to a family member who loves to use journals!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful books--I would use them as a journal. I'd love to win something handmade in Ireland; my family has Irish heritage.
ReplyDeleteUau... no n'he tingut mai cap a les mans, així que m'encantaria que me'n toqués un.
ReplyDeleteQuè en faria?... més o menys el mateix que tu: escriure el que no vull oblidar (però no d'un dia per l'altre, sinò el que vull recordar per sempre...)
Thanks for the chance to win. I love handmade books and think I would use it to write down memories of family events, big and small.
ReplyDeleteHappy 33rd birthday!
Ei! Per molts anys atrassats! Ja sé que ja no puc participar del sorteig però com que últimament estic molt desconectada i he vist que feies l'aniversari m'ha vingut de gust felicitar-te!
ReplyDeleteDoncs això: PER MOLTS ANYS!