Friday 14 May 2010


My mum showed me this technique a long time ago, after she made a silk painting workshop. I think it is so easy that is great for organizing a small workshop and show other people how easy it is to be creative. It is impossible to make a mistake! That's what I did at work a few weeks ago, I had 2 very interested pupils and their work turned out great.

La meva mare em va ensenyar aquesta tecnica per pintar sobre seda despres d'haver fet un taller de pintura sobre seda. Crec que es molt facil de fer i es impossible equivocar-se. Va molt be per fer un petit taller i ensenyar a la gent com de facil es ser cretiu. Aixo es el que vaig fer a la feina fa unes setmanes. vaig tenir 2 alumnes molt interessades que van fer grans obres d'art.


-silk paint of any colour you like. I chose the primary colours.
- 1 brush
- a silk handkerchief
- a plastic binbag
- coarse sea salt


- pintures per a seda. Jo he escollit els colors primaris.
- un pinzell.
- un mocador de seda.
-una bossa de brossa gran.
- sal marina gruixuda.

1. Cut the bin bag and spread it onto a table to protect it. Wet the handkerchief under the tap and spread it all over the plastic bin bag, making sure the for corners are pointing out flat and leaving some wrinkles evenly all over.

Talleu la bossa i obriu-la de manera que protegeixi la taula com si fossin unes tovalles. Muuleu el mocador sota l'aixeta i esteneu-lo sobre la bossa de plastic. Les puntes han d'estar estirades cap a fora i arrugueu el mocador uniformement.

3. Start staining the fabric with the brush using one colour at a time, cleaning the brush before using the next colour.

Comenceu a fer pinzellades d'un color i recordeu de netejar el pinzell abans d'utilitzar el seguent color.

4. Make sure you cover all the fabric with colour and spread the sea salt all over.
Cobriu tot el mocador de color i tireu la salt per sobre.

5. Leave it to dry and then shake the salt.
Deixeu-ho assecar i un cop sec espolseu la sal.

You can also use only one colour and it will look as pretty with its different shades.
Tambe podeu fer servir nomes un color i veure les diferents tonalitats.

I would like to see your work, so don't forget to post a link and share it!
M'agradaria veure el vostre projecte, aixi que no oblideu escriure un post amb el vostre link!

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