Thursday, 18 November 2010


Ja puc ensenyar la tarjeta que vaig fer per l'Intercanvi de Tarjetes organitzat per la Beth. La meva "victima", dels EEUU,  ja l'ha rebut i l'ha publicat al grup de flickr, i li ha agradat :o)

Vaig fer servir paper per imprimir la dita irlandesa. Despres vaig fer flors de quilling i, amb la maquina de cosir, vaig fer una cenefa senzilla al voltant. Els talls de les flors els he cosit tambe a maquina, escollint un dels molts punts que te la maquina (per fi els puc fer servir!).

I can show the rest of the card I made for the Big Swap Card that Beth organized. My victim, in the USA, has received it and already published it on the flickr stream and she liked it! :o)

Sooty is a great model, isn't she?

I used paper strips to print the Irish saying, I made the quilling flowers and stitched all around the card as a border. The stems and leaves are also machine stitched, choosing from the many different patterns my machine has (at last I could try them!)

La Beth va sortejar 10 sets de 3 postals fetes per ella i vaig ser una de les afortunades. Oi que son maques?

I was one of the ten lucky winners in the draw from all participating cards and I received this set of 3 handmade cards by Beth. 

Aren't they lovely?


  1. The cards are really nice!

  2. I DO love my postcard!! I was delighted when it arrived and I adore its meaning. Thank you so much for the time and care you put into my postcard!

  3. You're very welcome Susan! I'm happy you like it!


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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