Thursday, 4 November 2010

Layer Cake Quilt Along - Block 1

Dimarts ja van publicar les instruccions per fer el pimer bloc del "quilt along" i tenia tantes ganes de comenc,ar que al dia seguent ja m'hi vaig posar. He decidit que fare dos quilts, un fent servir roba de Aster Manor de Moda i l'altre amb la col.leccio Awesome, tambe de Moda.

We already got the instructions for making the first block of the quilt along. I was so excited that I jumped onto making it on the following day. I've decided to make two quilts, one using Aster Manor from Moda,  and another using Awesome, from Moda as well.

Aqui teniu el resultat. Em va costar una mica de quadrar be els triangles, ja que quan son tallats amb biaix tendeixen a obrir-se i aixo altera la mida final...sera questio de mes practica, com sempre...

Here's the two blocks. I found it a bit difficult with the triangles, when they're cut on the bias, they tend to expand and you have to be careful not to stretch them so the measures don't change...I suppose it's a matter of practice, like always...

cliqueu aqui per veure els blocs de les demes participants
click here to see the rest of the blocks from other participants


Aster Manor from Moda

Awesome from Moda

De mentres... he comenc,at un altre quilt!!! Mai no en tinc prou... si no tinc mes de 10 coses per fer no soc felic,...! L'estel d'en Gene m'ha inspirat i penso fer un quilt ple d'estels. Aquest es el primer:

In the meantime... I 've started another quilt!!! I never have enough...!LOL! if I don't have more than 10 things to do I'm not happy! Gene's star inspired me and I'm going to make a quilt full of stars. This is the first one:

Butterfly Garden from Moda


  1. Ei, molt xulo! Al final, gràcies a les teves obres d'art m'he animat i m'he apuntat a classes de patchwork!!!! Dimecres que bé començo, ja tho explicaré!


  2. excelente! Usted hizo un gran trabajo!

  3. Maravillosos los bloques del quilt along!!!
    Y será entretenido elaborar tantas estellas!!!
    Felices costuritas!!
    Un abrazo!!!

  4. thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment; now i have your link to browse!

  5. Nena ets una màquina... això de començar tantes coses alhora em sona!!
    A veure si trobo un momentet i acabo el quilt que he començat, no em quedarà tan bé, però com tu dius tot és qüestió de pràctica

  6. Beautiful block...I love the reds you used.


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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