He participat en l'intercanvi de postals fetes a mà i ahir vaig acabar la meva postal. És el segon intercanvi que es fa (el primer me'l vaig perdre perquè no sabia que es feia!) i aquest cop el tema era "la llar". Un dels requisits és que ha d'haver algun punt cosit i jo he fet una barreja: he cosit a màquina i he afegit paper... Us ensenyo un detall de la postal, pero la podreu veure sencera quan la persona que la rebi faci una foto i la penji al grup de flickr (on ja podeu veure algunes de les que ja s'han rebut).
M'he inspirat en una dita irlandesa que diu així:
Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin
No hi ha cap llar com la teva llar
Pero hi ha mes! Entre totes les participant s'ha fet un sorteig i jo he sigut una de les 10 guanyadores!!! Aviat rebré 3 postals fetes a ma per la Beth, la organitzadora d'aquest intercanvi. Gràcies Beth!
I joined the Big Stitched Postacard Swap and yesterday I finished making mine. It's the second swap that has been organised (I missed the first one) and the theme was "home". One of the rules was to add some stitching, so I made a mixture. I used some machine stitching, and added some paper crafting... You can see a little detail now, but I'm not going to show it until the person who it is for receives it. You'll probably see it in the flickr group, so in the meantime go and have a look at all the ones that have reached their destination!
I got inspired by an old Irish saying:
Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin
which translates :
There is no home like your own home
Today my postcard is traveling to another home. I hope they like it!
But hang on... there's more! There was a giveaway for all the participants and I'm one of the ten lucky winners! I'll receive 3 handmade postcards by Beth, who organized the Card Swap. Thank you Beth!
Estàs superposada en tot el que es fa a la xarxa!
Nena... però tu dorms? o tens algun poder màgic per manipular el temps?